Dr. Dietrich W. Kuhlmann

Syllabus Sta119

Probability and Statistics

Spring 2007

The book for this course is a set of books prepared by me. The topics covered in the course are the same topics covered in the traditional text used for this type of course. The books include all of the homework assignments for the course. There is an additional book that covers the computer statistical package Minitab. This book also contains homework assignments.

Topics Part 1: Probability

Data – mean, standard deviation, dotplot, histogram, boxplot

Sets – sample space, unions, intersections, complements

Probability – rules, equally likely outcomes, relative frequency, conditional probability, independence, reliability of parallel components

Random Variables – probability mass function, Cumulative Distribution Function, expected value

Discrete Random Variables – Binomial, Poisson

Continuous Random Variables – exponential, standard normal, other normal distributions

Topics Part 2: Statistics

The distribution of the sample mean and the sample standard deviation

Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests – population mean, population proportion, population standard deviation, difference between two means, difference between two proportions, comparing two variances

(Advanced Topics) Chi-square test for independence and goodness of fit and Analysis of Variance

Attendance: Your presence is expected at each lecture. There are blank spaces in the notes that will be filled in during class. Homework will be collected and quizzes will be given during lectures to help you in your decision to attend class. If you are not in class when quizzes or tests are returned, points will be deducted from the unreturned items. I will try to post several HW assignments on UB Learns.

Grading: Your grade will be determined by points earned on the items below.

Homework: Up to 5 @ 5 points each 25

Minitab Assignments: 5 @ 5 points each 25

Minitab Project: 25

Quizzes: Up to 5 @ 10 points each (drop 1) 40

2 In Class Exams: 100 point each200

Final Exam: (Below 50% on final = F in course)200

Office Hours: I will be available about 15 minutes before and after each class. Sometimes this requires getting help in the hall near the room (or in the room if possible). Usually TA’s also have office hours.

There are a total of 12 recitation sections for Sta119. You should regularly attend your section, as this is where you will see most of the homework problems worked. If you feel that you need extra help, feel free to attend additional recitation sections. I will work some homework problems in the lecture, but will not have time to work them all. In general, quizzes will be announced one class in advance.

When you send me an e-mail, you must include your class number and name so that I know who you are. I will try to respond to all non-stupid e-mails.