University Staff Advisory Committee (USAC) Meeting Minutes


9:00 a.m. –1025: a.m.


Jamie Miller, Residence Life, ChairMichael McCree, Admissions; Vice Chair

Sara Myers, Athletics, SecretaryKimberly Keller, Controller’s Office, Treasurer

Christopher Jagoe;Public SafetyMike Hardik, Maintenance

Amy Edward,Office of Sponsored ProgramsJoseph Housenick, Human Resources

Jackie Lukas, AlumniBenn Webb, Admissions

Lauren Pluskey, AdvancementKarena Brace, Graduate Education

Dr. Patrick Leahy, University President

New Business

Item A: Feedback from Staff Retreat

  1. All topics were discussed that were brought to the attention of USAC in the breakout session during this year’s convocation. Main topics included Professional Development, Employee Recognition, Retention/Support first generation students, Campus Enhancements and the Development of a Volunteering Mentoring Program.
  1. Retention- Ideas were discussed on how to get a grasp on the reason why students are leaving Wilkes University. The Early Alert system was explained and ideas were brought forth to better utilize the Early Alert System. First generation students and some of their struggles during the first year were discussed. Volunteering Mentoring Program- This program would serve as a volunteer opportunity for our faculty/staff to serve as a mentor for first generation students. This program would help first generation students with the questions and concerns they might have during their first year at Wilkes.
  1. Campus Enhancements- The staff had an overall positive outlook on all of the chances/updates to the campus community. In the near future there will be a Signage Effort to go hand and hand with our Gateway Project. This will allow for every building to have a consistent and appealing sign to designate all areas on campus.
  1. Professions Development/Employee Recognition- Subcommittees were formed to delve deeper into ways in which Wilkes can better recognize the hard work and dedication of all staff. The subcommittees will begin work immediately.

Item B: Human Resources, Joe Housenick

  1. In an effort to better utilize resources in a more efficient way the human resources office has implemented a new time clock system for members of the public safety and facilities departments. This is for all hourly employees, work study, and all those eligible for overtime. The new time clocks were installed for the past three pay cycles; this system feeds directly into banner eliminating time sheets. This information is all accessed through the Wilkes Portal. Supervisors are able to approve and oversee all hours. There has been great feedback from both departments and this will be used in other departments in the upcoming year.

Item C: Staff Retreat Assessment, Jamie Miller

  1. A survey will be created and distributed to assess the outcome of the staff retreat.


The meeting adjourned at 10:25a.m.