Bolar Contemporary Law and Justice

HopewellHigh School

"Educating students to fulfill the promises of the future"

2011-2012Contemporary Law and Justice Syllabus

Robb BolarRoom425

Phonenumber:(980)343-5988 – I prefer emailE-mail:

TextbookStreet Law GlencoeWebsite:

I.Course Description

In this course, students will actively engage in practically understanding the law and the legal system that students use in their everyday lives. Students will examine different court cases and how the law system works in our society. Students will also be aware of current issues and how these issues affect our lives. This course will also encourage effective and informed civic participation in our democracy. As this course progresses students will learn a greater sense of justice, tolerance, and fairness.

II.Course Standards:

Unit 1Introduction to Law and the Legal System- Chapters 1-6

Unit 2Criminal Law and Juvenile Justice- Chapters 7-17

Unit3Torts- Chapters 18-22

Unit4Consumer and Housing Law- Chapters 23-29

Unit5Family Law- Chapters 30-35

Unit6Individual Rights and Liberties- Chapters 36-44

Final Review


loose-leaf paper

1 subject notebook

blue or black ink pens

IV. Rules

  1. I will give you the utmost respect and I expect the same from you.
  2. Eating and drinking will not be allowed in my classroom.
  3. Students will arrive on time


  • remain on task during group/class work
  • homework done for any other class in my classroom will be confiscated
  • attend class with necessary materials
  • maintain necessary materials
  • actively participate in class activities
  • work respectfully, cooperatively and productively
  • work independently to practice and improve skills
  • seek assistance when needed
  • complete all homework assignments
  • complete all projects and papers

*Note: all Hopewell school rules will be strictly enforced – NO CELL PHONES OR IPODS


  1. Verbal Warning
  2. After School Detention + Parent Contact
  3. Office Referral


  1. Bathroom –Students will need a yellow pass from the teacher.
  2. You may not leave the classroom without a signed pass
  3. Late Work – will be accepted, however there will be a grade penalty. The grade will be lowered each day the homework assignment is not turned in. Class work is due on the day it is assigned in class. If it is not turned in, it is a zero.
  4. The bell does not dismiss you, I do. Do not pack up until the bell rings
  5. Group Work – You will be put into groups often, please do so quickly without complaints.
  6. Always sit in assigned seat. This is non-negotiable.
  7. Follow all directions for fire drills and lockdowns.

VIII.Make-up Work

When you are absent, you have one week to turn in missed work and make-up missed tests and

quizzes. It is your responsibility to retrieve make-up work from me before or after school, not during

class time.

IX.Extra Help

If you are struggling with the course material and would like extra help, see me to arrange a time

to meet before or after school.


Grades will be totaled on a point system. You will be able to look at your grades whenever they are posted. Students will be graded on:

Bolar Contemporary Law and Justice

  • Tests
  • Projects
  • Reports
  • Participation
  • Homework
  • Debates
  • Mock Trials

Bolar Contemporary Law and Justice

Bolar Contemporary Law and Justice

Dear Parents,

Hi, my name is Robb Bolar. I am excited to be teaching Contemporary Law and Justice this year with your student. I just finished my third year here at Hopewell and am excited to start this journey with your students. I will actively involve your student in everything that we do in the classroom. I believe that the student should be the focal point of any lesson and I will strive to do that every day. I believe that all students can and will succeed; we just need to find their avenue. As a parent one important thing that could very much help your student succeed is simply making sure their homework is done. Homework will be collected and graded and your student cannot succeed in my classroom without doing his/her homework. I will do my best to keep your students grade as accurate as possible on the website. If you have any questions concerning your student’s grade or anything else please email me and we will solve the discrepancy.

Mr. Robb Bolar

HopewellHigh School


Parent Signature


Parent E-mail Address