Minutes of: OGM

Held on: 22nd August 2013

At: Coaver Club at 20:45

Present: / Name: / Apologies: / Name:
Chair / Arthur Mosley (AM)
Secretary / Ben Fairweather
Fixtures Sec / Rachel Swindell (RSw)
Officials sec / RS
Junior Development
Beach Director / Ali West
Quartermaster / Dave Reece (DR)
Press & Publicity
Birdmen / No representative
Denbury Eagles / No representative
Excoll / AM
KingsSchool / Ros Sutherland
Kirton VC / Steve Milne
Plymouth Marjon / Rob Young / Alan Lemin
Taunton VC / Swentjen Glindemann
Torexe VC / Nikki Batho
Wanderers VC / Bex Snell
Item # / Item details / Action by
whom / By when
01 / Welcome:
The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed the attendees.
02 / Apologies:
Apologies received from Ali West, Alan Lemin, Ben Fairweather
03 / Minutes of previous meeting:
The minutes of the previous OGM, held on 20th June had been circulated and taken as read.
The minutes were signed as an accurate record of the meeting.
04 / Matters arising:
  1. Sail Banners: So far the purchase of two banners agreed, for about £180 each has not gone ahead.Dave has seen a good desugn used by ‘Wessexthat could form the basis of one for us. He will circulate the design when possible.
05 / Officers’ Reports:
  1. Chair
Re. Clubs invited to run events in Sept to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the league. Storm have organised a National League standard competition for the weekend of Sept 7th/8th. The meeting discusses a request for funding through AM. This was turned down because a formal budget had not been presented.
  1. Secretary
Not present
  1. Treasurer
Not present.
  1. Fixtures Secretary
League entry at the moment is 15 teams. It has not been possible to contact Birdmen due to changes in staff. After a discussion around league structure it was agreed that there would be 8 in Div1 and 7 in Div 2 if Birdmen do not make contact, otherwise 8 in each. Vote 4 Y, 2N,3 A.
There will not be a KO tourn due to lack of entries. Fixtures meeting 1st Sept. 5pm at Coaver.
  1. Officials Secretary
A request was made for clubs to ask is there are any novice Refs who would like the opportunity of mentoring and training at the women’s tournament.
  1. Junior Development Officer
Not present.There was concerned expressed about the administration of the recent teacher’s course and an unauthorised invoice for £146 for work done by Denise Austin. It was agreed to discuss the future planning of Junior events with Paul and to pay Denise.
  1. Beach.DR reported that 58 people had attended the Tuesday Beach sessions and 25 had joined the beach club. £340 collected. £140 spent on balls, £80 affiliation.
In the end 25 teams entered the beach pairs tourn£180 profit
The meeting thanked DR for all his work.
  1. Anniversary Celebrations. It seems that the planned sitting volleyball for the city centre will not take place. The meeting is waiting to hear from clubs concerning dates for “have a go” open sessions. Arthur has designed a poster to advertise the events but needs information of any events asap.
  2. It was agree to spend £5 / head on a buffet to follow the ladies dev tournament. This will be for present and former EDVA officials and present club reps.
Date of next meeting:
Monday 7th October at 7.00pm at The Coaver Club

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