Patient Participation Group Meeting minutes

15/09/2016: 17:00-18:00pm

Venue: Summerfield Primary Care Centre, 134 Heath Street, Winson Green, Birmingham, B18 7AL.

In Attendance

Kirsty Hughes (facilitators)

Wendy Wilson (facilitators)

Patient (chair)




No apologies received.

  1. Welcome, introductions, and apologies.

KH welcomed everyone to the group and introduced herself and WW to the group as the new facilitators since MC departure.

  1. Purpose of the PPG.

The purpose of the PPG was discussed with the group.

They are made up of patients with an interest in how their GP practice is run and who want to make sure their views are taken into account by GPs and practice managers.

  1. Minutes from the previous meeting and actions.

Minor illness clinic- We are still looking at implementing a minor illness clinic. We will be reviewing the appointment system to ensure that we have the best balance for the service.

DNA- we have implemented a new text messaging service which has helped reduce the DNA’s. Also a good communication tool between patients and surgery.

Surgery telephone change- we are in the process of changing our contact number to an 0121 number, we are looking at having this completed by the end of December 2016.

New starters, we have had Dr Kambo and Dr Miah return to the team which provides us with additional female gp hours.

Clinical space- clinical space issue ongoing, letter from PPG helped however we have still not received any additional space.

Patient arrival board- we have an arrival board on back order, we have had a self-check in installed and it is fully functional.

Patient access- Patient access is not utilised as much as we would like. Big drive to push online services.


The charity event in May was a huge success; we raised over £1300 for the Birmingham children’s hospital and a Nepal charity.

  1. Patient engagement workshop

-What do we want from the PPG;

PPG would like to continue having face to face meetings as they feel that they benefit more from them.

Advised that we can look at having virtual meetings/ email contact also if requested at a later date if the need is there.

-What’s going well, not going well, improvement required;

PPG reported that they have trouble getting through on the phone and that it is an ongoing problem.

Discussed the new phone line system that is going to replace the old system which should increase access and issues regarding phone lines going down.

We have online services to make appointments. We have the new text messaging service so patients are contacted to remind them of their appointment and they have the ability to cancel the appointment via text also.

Patients said that they would recommend the service to the friend, they like the staff and the service, the clinicians have knowledge on their conditions and it is an accessible service once contact is made.

-Patient priority questionnaires;

Patient questionnaires completed by patients and guests, feedback was that the survey wasn’t user friendly therefore the plan is to remodel the survey and role it out to the registered patients prior to the next meeting.

  1. Feel the difference program

The feel the difference program is patient education sessions held at the centre accessible to all, these sessions will cover a number of difference topics that will help patients self-treat a variety of conditions that they do not require to see a clinician for as well as other health and social advice. Registered patients will receive a text about these sessions and there will be posters in the reception area.

  1. Any other business

Patient rose that there is no longer a pharmacy in Birmingham open 24 hours.