DATE: 1.11.12 MAX.MARKS:50


PART-A (15marks)

Answer all the questions

1.Match the words in column A with their meanings in

column B: (4x1/2= 2)

(a) permeability (i) not belonging to the earth

(b) core(ii) abnormal accumulation

of people,traffic

(c) extraterrestrial(iii) passing through

(d) congestion (iv) an additional thing

(v) the innermost

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense form of the verbs given in brackets: (4x1/2= 2)

Weather is created by the heat of the sun. When the sun ------[shine] on the earth, the air close to the surface gets ------[heat up]. The higher it ----[go], the cooler it-----[become].

3.Expand the compound nouns: (4x1/2= 2)

(a) software engineer (b) butterfly valve (c) air supply

(d) computer education

4.Define the following in a single sentence: (2x1=2)

(a) solar cooker (b) artificial intelligence

5. Frame ‘wh’ question for the following with the help of the clues given in brackets: (2x1/2=1)

(a) I am going to London.(where)

(b) I like the blue dress, not the red one.(which)

6.Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verbs: (2x1/2=1)

(a) In the class, students--- obey the teachers.

(b)She --- be mad.

7.Change the voice of the following: (2x1=2)

(a) Alternative sources of energy have to be used by us to tide over the energy crisis. ( toactive voice)

(b) The authorities must bring down the prices of essential commodities. ( topassive voice)

8.Add suitable prefixes to the following words to match the meanings given against them: (2x1/2=1)

a.------zero : less than zero

b.------storied : A building with too many floors.

9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of words: 2x1/2=1

Verb Noun Adjective

(a) Consider ------considerable

(b) Imagine imagination ------

10. Rewrite the sentences making the subjects agree with

the verb: (2x1/2=1)

(a) Fire and water does not agree.

(b) The cost of computers are dropping day by day.


11. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end of it: (1*15=15)

The study of control processes in the electronic, mechanical, and biological systems is known as cybernetics. The word was coined in 1948 by the American mathematician Norbert Wiener from the Greek word meaning pilot or steersman. Cybernetics is concerned with the analysis of the flow of information in both living organisms and machines, but it is particularly concerned with systems that are capable of regulating their own operations without human control.

Automatic regulation is accomplished by using information about the state of the end products that is fed back to the regulating device, causing it to modify or correct production procedures if necessary. The concept of feedback is at the very heart of cybernetics’ and is what makes a system automatic and self –regulating. A simple example of a self-regulating machine is a thermostat, which reacts to continual feedback about the outside temperature and responds accordingly to achieve the temperature that has been programmed into it.

The application of cybernetics’ are wide reaching, appearing in science, engineering, technology, sociology, economics, education and medicine. Computers can keep a patient alive during a surgical operation a making instantaneous modifications based on a constant flow of information. In education, teaching machines use cybernetics principles to instruct students on an individual basis. In the home, automation is present in such everyday products as refrigerators, coffeemakers’, and dishwashers’. In industry, automation is increasing its applications, although it is currently appliedprimarily to the large-scale production of single units. In industries in which a break in the flow of production can ruin the product, automatic controls are invaluable. Chemical and petroleum plants are now almost completely automatic, as are industries involved in the production of chemicals and atomic energy. Automation has become the answer when human safety is the number one priority.

(a) Choose the correct answer:

(i) ‘Cybernetics’ is the study of control processes in all of the systems except

(1) ecological (2) biological (3) mechanical (4) electronic

(ii) The word ‘cybernetics’ was coined from the Greek word meaning

(1)Information (2)automatic (3) pilot (4) regulator

(iii) Automatic regulation is accomplished by

(1)modifying and correcting production procedures

(2)feeding information to the regulatory device

(3) analyzing the flow of information to the organism

(4) modifying cybernetics principles

(iv) Cybernetics is primarily concerned with systems that

(1) are controlled by humans

(2)analyse flaws of information

(3)are self-regulating

(4)have wide reaching applications.

(v)What makes a system automatic and self-regulating?

(1) Information

(2) Production procedure

(3) human control

(4) feedback

(b) Mention whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Cybernetics’ is the study of all systems.

2. Free flow of information is the key to self-regulation.

3. Teaching machines can replace teachers.

4. Automation is useful to Housewives.

5. Human safety in industries cannot be ensured without automation.

6. Automation in industries is primarily used in producing small amounts of many different products.

(c) Choose the appropriate definition for the given words of phrases a they are used in the texts:

(i) continual

(1)with pause (2) without pause (3) new again (4) renewal

(ii) instantaneous

(1)simultaneous (2) delayed (3) immediate (4) mediate

(iii) ruin

(1)disable (2) destroy (3) disadvantage (4) decipher


(1) arriving (2) striking out (3) stretching out (4) making

12. (a) Imagine you are the Collector of a district. The secretary of a college student Union has invited you as chief guest for the annual day function. Write a letter of acceptance to the secretary. (10 marks) (10marks)


(b) Write a letter inviting the Managing Director of a leading computer company to deliver the key-note address and inaugurate a Computer seminar organized by your department. Give details of the seminar theme, convenient dates and persuade him to accept your invitation.

13. Convert the following flow chart into a running passage of 200 words: (10marks)

Stages of making cement


(b) Read the following passage carefully and draw a flowchart.

Silver occurs in ores of several metals. The froth process of extracting silver accounts for about 75 percent of all silver recovered. Here the ore is ground to a powder, placed in large vats containing water suspensions of frothing agents and thoroughly agitated by jets of air. Depending on the agent used, either the silver-bearing ore or the gangue adhering to the bubbles of the froth is skimmed off and washed. The final refining is done using electrolysis.


Chettinad College of Engineering & Technology

First Year – Second Semester – April 2013

Internal Examination – III

Technical English I

Time: 90 mins. Maximum Marks : 50

Part A – (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

  1. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B: (4 x ½ = 2)
  2. A B

a. abnormali. preservation

b. conservation ii. unusual

c. renownediii. rectify

d. amend iv. famous

  1. Fill in the gap with suitable article. (4x 1/2 = 2)
  2. ____ man with a turban sat beside me.
  3. I know that you are __ honest man.
  4. ___ Principal is on rounds.
  5. ___ friend of mine invited me for dinner.
  6. Make sentences using the following words as nouns and verbs. (2X1=2)
  7. Recordb. head
  8. Using the words given below fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs: (4 x ½ = 2)
  1. The company has grown __ during the past few years.
  2. The metal is __ found in the eastern part of the country.
  3. Wash the beaker __ before starting the experiment.
  4. Their request to start the project was __ denied by the authority.

(thoroughly, mostly, considerably, flatly, obviously)

  1. Construct sentences using the given word both as noun and verb: (2 x 1 = 2)
  1. Book
  2. Demand
  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the words given: (8 x ¼ = 2)

Noun / Adjective / Person concerned
a / Tradition
b / Economics
c / Industrial
d / Chemist
  1. Add suitable prefixes sub, super, hyper, self and ultra to the following words to match the meaning given against them: (4 x ½ = 2)
  1. ___ tension: abnormally high blood pressure
  2. ___ violet: having wavelength beyond the violet end of the spectrum
  3. ___ zero: less than zero
  4. ___ conductivity: the property of having zero electrical resistance
  1. Give the numerical expressions for the following: (4x½=2)
  1. A conference lasting for three days
  2. A motor bike weighing 150 kilograms
  3. A DC supply of 240 volts
  4. A walk of five miles
  1. Assume that you are the chairman of campus abroad educational programmes of your institution. Write an email to Prof.KosaksiPasapugal, Chief Scientist, NASA to arrange for a video conferencing programme about the various opportunities. (2 x 1 = 2)
  1. Develop the following hints into a readable passage and give a suitable title: (2x1=2)

Tenali Raman – offends King – King gets angry sentences Raman to death – but allows Raman to choose type of death – wise Raman – promptly says – want natural death – of old age – King amazed – pardons Raman.

Part B – (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end of it: (1x14=14)

Humans have struggled against weeds since the beginnings of agriculture. Marring our gardens is one of the milder effects of weeds- any plants that thrive where they are unwanted. The clog waterways, destroy wildlife habitats, and impede farming. Their spread eliminates grazing areas and accounts for one third of crop loss; they compete for sunlight, nutrients, and water with useful plants.

The global need for weed control has been answered mainly by the chemical industry. Its herbicides are effective and sometimes necessary, but some pose serious problems, particularly, if misused. Toxic compounds threaten animal and public health when they accumulate in food plants, ground water and drinking water. They also harm workers who apply them.

In recent years, the chemical industry has introduced several herbicides that are more ecologically sound. Yet new chemicals alone cannot solve the world’s weed problems. Hence scientists are exploring the innate weed killing powers organisms, primarily insects and microorganisms.

The biological agents now in use are environmentally benign and are harmless to humans. They can be chosen for their ability to attack selected targets and leave crops and other plants untouched. In contrast, some of the most effective chemicals kill virtually all the plants they come in contact with sparing only those that are naturally resistant or have been genetically modified for resistance. Furthermore, a number of biological agents can be administered only once, after which no added applications are needed. Chemicals typically must be used several times per growing season.

(a)Complete the following statements:

(i)The topic dealt with in the passage is,

  1. The importance of chemical industry
  2. The dangers of toxic chemicals
  3. Advantages of biological agentsoverchemicals
  4. A proposal to ban the use of all herbicides

(ii) The term the author defines in the first paragraph is.

  1. Grazing areas 2. Weeds 3. Wildlife habitats 4. Nutrients

(iii) According to the passage, biological agents consists of------

1. Insects and microorganisms 2. Useful plants

3. Weed 4. Herbicides

(iv) A simple damaging effect of weeds is seen in

  1. Farms 2. Gardens 3. Environment 4. Chemical factories

(b) Mention whether the following statements or True or False:

(i)Chemical agents are occasionally required.- true

(ii)Farmers have been fighting with undesirable plants.- true

(iii)The chemical industry should not produce herbicides.- false

(iv)Biological agents are more advantageous than chemicals.- true

(v)Ground water has been badly affected by chemicals.-true

(vi)Toxic compounds are a great threat to the public health.- true.

(c)Choose the appropriate definition for the given words or phrases as they are used in the text:


  1. Drain 2. Float on 3. Obstruct 4. Grow along

(ii) Innate

  1. Natural 3. New 4. Active


  1. Realistically 2. Quickly 3. Nearly half 4. Almost all

(iv)Accounts for

  1. Encounters 2. Endangers 3. Expresses 4. Explains
  1. Write two coherent paragraphs in about 200 words on “higher standards of life at the cost of human values”. (1x16 =16)
  1. Assume that you are the student co-ordinator of your department. Recently you have visited Ashok Leyland, Bengaluru. Write a trip report to your head of the department and include all the necessary details such as the purpose of the visit, discussion , conclusion and recommendation. (1 x 16 = 16)
  1. Write a letter to the HRD Manager of CMT INFOSYS, Chennai applying for the post of systems analyst. Enclose your CV along with your letter. (1x16 =16)
  1. a. Write a list of eight Recommendations for safety driving. (1x8= 8)


b. Imagine that you have to go to Delhi to attend an interview. Write a Check List containing eight items which will help you to prepare for Interview.



DATE :19.03.13 Max.Marks:50

Sub.Code:HS2161 Time :11/2hrs

Answer all the questions:

Part-A [10x2=20Marks]

1.Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B:


(a) disposal (i) resulting in death

(b) inedible (ii) not moving or changing

(c)fatal (iii) getting rid of

(d) stagnant (iv) unfit to eat

2. Fill in the blanks in the following passage with suitable prepositions:

Oil, the major source ------energy------the world today has had a dramatic effect ----- the world’s economy. Until quite recently, the demand ----- oil seemed unlimited.

3.Give the numerical expressions for the following:

(a) a DC supply of 240 volts

(b) a walk of 5 kilometers

(c)a match lasting five days

(d) an engine with 120cc power

4. Insert articles ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ in the appropriate blanks:

1. This is --- easy question.

2. Mt. Everest is------highest mountain in ---- world

3.Please speak ------little louder.

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verbs given in brackets:

Optical mice supporters-----(claim) that optical rendering ------(work) better than mechanical mice,----- (require) no maintenance and------(last) longer due to fewer moving parts.

6. Combine the following pair of sentences to bring out the cause and effect relationship:

(a) The machine was not maintained properly. The accident occurred.

(b) A nail has pierced the tyre. The tyre has punctured.

7. Add suitable prefixes to the following words to match the meaninggiven against them:

(a) _____tension - abnormally highblood pressure.

(b) _____zero - less than zero

8.Construct sentences using the given word both as noun and verb:

(a) project (b) park

9. Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill in the blanks with the corresponding adverb:

1. He is a goodpainter. He paints-----

2.This exercise is easy. You can do it ------

10.Write two instructions to prevent wastage of water in educational institutions.

PART-B [30 Marks]

11. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end of it:

Sun light is usually known as white light, which is a combination of all the colours. When sunlight shines on an object, some of the light is absorbed, whereas the remaining light is reflected by the object. This reflected light gives the colour for that object.

Most flowers in nature are varyingly and brightly coloured. The colour of a flower depends on the absorption and reflection of certaincolours by the petals of that flower. Most o f the plants parts including flower petals contain various pigments such as chlorophyll, carotene, anthocyanin, etc.

These pigments, depending on their concentration, absorb certain wavelengths of a white light, and reflect the other wavelengths, which in turn gives the colour to a plant part. The red rose petals contain anthocyanins, which reflect mostly the red colour with a little blue or violet colour, thus giving the red colour to the rose petals.

The white flowers may have the pigments or air spaces in the petals, which reflect the entire white light shining on them and thus giving the white colour. The black colour is just an opposite phenomenon to white colour. In this ease, the object has to absorb the entire white light shining on it and thus giving the black colour to that object.

The brightly coloured flower is an essential part for most plants, since they have to attract the pollinators. It is rare to have a black coloured flower in nature. Pollination is an important process in a plant’s lifecycle, since its reproduction depends on this process.

Insects such as bees, butterflies, moths, beetles and flies are well known pollinators. The brightly coloured flowers attract the insect pollinators, which ensure their eventual fruit and seed setting. Moths are active during the night time, and hence most of the night blooming flowers which are pollinated by moths produce white or pale coloured flowers. Thus the flower colours, although they are not the only factor in pollination process, have long co-evolutionary relationship with their insect pollinators, and hence most flowers are varyingly coloured, but not black.

(a)Choose the correct answer: (4x1=4)

(i) What is called white light?

1.moon light 2. Day light 3.Sunlight 4. Bright light

(ii) What gives colour to any object?

1.reflected sunlight 2. Refracted sunlight 3.deflected sunlight 4. Absorbed sunlight

(iii) Which of the following is not a pigment?

1.Chlorophyll 2. Chlorine 3.carotene 4.anthocyanin

(iv) Which of the following is not a pollinator?

1.bees 2.butterflies 3. Beetles 4.buffaloes

(b) Mention whether the following statements are True or False: (6x1=6)

(i)The flowers that reflect the entire white light become white flowers.

(ii) Anthocyanins add red colour to the red rose.

(iii)Moths hardly work during the night.

(iv)Flower colour is the only factor in pollination process.

(v)The colour of a flower has vital role in pollination.

(iv) Flowers are not usually black because insects are black.

12. (a)Write a letter placing an order for certain items of sports goods with Bharat Sports Good Company, 12, Anna Salai, Chennai-2. (1x10=10)


(b) Imagine that you are a general Manager of a company where you need to install air conditioners, and water purifiers. Write a letter inviting quotation for the products.

13. (a) Write a set of eight recommendations for controlling noise pollution. (1x10=10)


(b)Write a set of eight recommendations to save petrol.

Chettinad College of Engineering & Technology, Karur

Internal Test – III

Technical English – II

Date: 16-05-2012 Maximum Marks: 100

Part - A (10x2=20 marks)

1.Write purpose statements for any TWO of the following:
(a) Cell phone (b) Computer (c) i-pod.

2.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate tense forms of the verbs given in brackets:
(a) I met him as he ______(cross) the road.
(b) The gardener ______(work) in the garden