BOOKED BY (Name of organisation or individual)……………………………………………………………………..

DATE OF HIRING …………………………………………………….

Contact Name…………………………………………………..………… Telephone……………………………….


…………………………………………………………………………….. Post Code……………………………….


Please read the Safety Information regarding capacities of rooms before making your booking.

 Main Hall (including kitchen) per hour £13.50

additional 30 min £7.00

 Basement Hall (excludes kitchen) per hour £8.00

additional 30 min £4.25

 Main Hall & Basement (including kitchen) per hour £18.00

additional 30 min £9.25


From ………………… To ……………………

NB. The Centre will be unlocked 30 minutes before the booked start time. A representative of your event MUST be present from that time so that the building is not left unattended. This 30 minutes preparation time is free of charge; if additional set-up time is required it should be included in ‘Times Booked’. YOU MUST BOOK SUFFICIENT TIME FOR YOUR EVENT TO INCLUDE CLEARING UP. Premium rates will be charged for exceeding the booked time if the hall is not cleared and ready to be locked by the end-time stated: see Conditions of Hiring.

Total Hours: ………………….. Booking Cost : £ ………………..

Coffee machine £6.00  Coffee  bags @£1.65 = £ ………… PA system £5.00 

Total Payable £ ………………

Please return the completed form with your cheque, made payable to The P.C.C. of St. Oswald’s, to:

Miss Sylvia West, 10 Trimpley Court, Ellesmere, SY12 0NY (Tel. 01691 624385)

Please complete and retain the HIRER’S COPY of this form for your own reference to avoid any later confusion as to dates and times booked.

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of hire, including the safety regulations:

Name (please print)…………………………………………………………………Signed…………………………………..

On behalf of (Organisation)……………………………………………………… Date……………………………………



Observance of the following restrictions and procedures is necessary in order to comply with statutory safety regulations. By signing the booking form you are confirming that you will comply with these requirements.

§  The maximum permitted total capacity of the Parish Centre when both halls are in use simultaneously is 120 persons.

§  The maximum permitted capacity of the Main Hall is 100 persons provided that the kitchen is being used only for the making of tea or coffee and cold drinks. Sandwiches and cold snacks can be prepared and served but the gas cooker and electric grills MUST NOT be used.

§  If hot food is to be prepared and served using the gas cooker and electric grills, the maximum permitted capacity of the Main Hall is 60 persons. At such times the kitchen should not be considered a fire escape route and the green ‘running man’ sign above the door must be covered. When hot food is being prepared the kitchen must never be left unattended.

§  The maximum capacity of the Basement Hall is 60 persons.

§  The main emergency evacuation route, unless blocked, is through the main foyer entrance and people should assemble in the Broad Walk.

§  The entrance hallway MUST NOT be obstructed with prams or electric buggies as this will endanger life in the case of an emergency evacuation.

§  The passageway leading into the Church should not be used during an evacuation as the exits from the Church may be locked. There is a notice on the passageway door to this effect.

§  Upon the discovery of an emergency, the person taking charge of the evacuation* should instruct another person to contact the emergency services immediately.

§  The person in charge of the evacuation* is responsible for ensuring that all three toilets are clear and the two Halls and the kitchen have been evacuated.

§  In the event of an emergency evacuation, no re-admittance is to be allowed until the Fire Safety, or other Safety, Officer present gives consent.

*The person taking charge of the evacuation will be presumed to be the organiser of the event/leader of the activity, or someone the organiser will have deputed in advance to act in this capacity should the need arise.