E-safety whole school overview
E-safety is to be integrated into the curriculum, with themes being covered as opportunity arises to cover them. Please highlight the themes as you cover them

Reception/Nursery / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6
Resources / E-safety
Read the adventures of Smartie the Penguin / e-safety:
Hector’s World
DigiDuck’s Big Decision
Smartie the Penguin / e-safety:
Lee & Kim
Can consolidate themes from Hector’s World / e-safety:
Kid Smart / e-safety:
Capt Kara & Winston’s SMART Adventures / e-safety:
Cyber Cafe / e-safety:
Cyber Pass
Trust Me
Location / Location:
Smartie the Penguin
http://www.childnet.com/resources/smartie-the-penguin / Location:
Hectors world: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/5_7/hectorsworld/ / Location:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nMUbHuffO8 / Location:
Kid smart:
http://www.kidsmart.org.uk/games/ / Location: http://www.childnet.com/resources/the-adventures-of-kara-winston-and-the-smart-crew / Location:
ThinkuKnow: “CyberCafe”
www.thinkuknow.co.uk / Location:
Us online
Additional materials :
Kid smart:
Themes to be covered
Smatie the Penguin themes
-What to do when something strange pops up on the computer screen
-I will only use the Internet and email with permission from an adult
-I will only click on icons and links when I know they are safe
-I will only send friendly and polite messages
-If I see something that worries me on a computer, I will always tell an adult / Hectors world themes:
-Can you trust people you meet on the internet?
-It is good to stop, and think for yourself, before acting.
-Details like your name, address, school and your photo are unique and special to you.
-Ask a trusted adult before giving them out online.
-Good citizenship is important online and offline.
- Listen to your ‘worried’ uneasy feelings and speak to an adult / Lee& Kim themes:
-People you don’t know are strangers
-Be nice to people online like you would be in person- don’t be rude
-Sharing personal information
-If you feel uncomfortable/ get that ‘oh oh’ feeling tell an adult / Dongle themes:
Smart rules
File sharing
Safe searching / Captain Kara themes:
-What should you accept?
-What is reliable?
-What should you keep safe?
-Who should you tell?
-Be careful when meeting up
-Be careful of what you say on the internet / Cyber café themes:
Chat rooms
Web browsing
Personal space online / Us online themes:
•Making and posting content
•Online gaming
•Identity fraud
•Security and passwords
•Viruses and malware
•Secure transacting
•Using the web for research

SMART acronym to be learnt by pupils from Year 3 to year 6

Additional sites for parents:

Child net International : http://www.childnet.com/parents-and-carers

UK Safer Internet Centre: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-centre/parents-and-carers

NSPCC: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/

ThinkU Know: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/

Internet Matters:: https://www.internetmatters.org/hub/esafety-news/new-e-safety-app-for-parents-and-children/