Amend printed copy of HB 5/HCS 2

On page 1, line 3, after "government" delete ", the Finance and", and insert in lieu thereof ":" ;

On page 1, delete lines 4 through 11 in their entirety, and insert in lieu thereof:

"(a)The Finance and Administration Cabinet is encouraged to:

1.Utilize Leadership in Energy Environmental Design (LEED) to promote design, construction, and operation of high-performance energy-efficient buildings promoting a whole-building approach in five (5) key areas of human and environmental health, sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, material selection, and environmental quality; and
2.Incorporate ENERGY STAR products in state agency procurements, if possible; and

(b)The agency responsible for administering state-owned property shall review the utility usage of the property and shall cooperate with the Finance and Administration Cabinet to determine which properties are good Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) candidates, and the responsible agency is encouraged to implement ESPC contracts where appropriate.";

On page 2, line 4, after "of" delete "ENERGY STAR" and insert in lieu thereof, "LEED, ENERGY STAR products, and ESPC contracts";

On page 2, line 17, after "Produces" insert "for sale";

On page 2, line 18, after "Produces" insert "for sale";

On page 2, line 19, after "Generates" insert "for sale";

On page 2, line 23, after "equipment," insert "for incorporation into a plant facility in this state";

On page 2, line 25, before "manufacturing" insert "entire";

On page 2, line 25, after "process" insert "at that plant facility";

On page 3, line 7, after "electricity" insert "for sale";

On page 3, line 12, delete "rental,";

On page 3, line 16, after "if the", insert "tangible personal property is incorporated into the facility and";

On page 3, line 20, delete "or";

On page 3, between lines 20 and 21, insert the following:

"(b)Sales or purchases of operating supplies; or";

On page 3, line 21, delete "(b)", and insert in lieu thereof "(c)";

On page 3, line 25, delete "certificate under which", and insert in lieu thereof "under Section 3 of this Act.";

On page 3, delete lines 26 and 27 in their entirety;

On page 4, delete lines 1 and 2 in their entirety;

On page 5, line 17, delete "approval", and insert in lieu thereof "preapproval";

On page 5, line 18, after "equipment", insert "that includes a description of the machinery or equipment, documentation of the amount of energy or energy-producing fuels consumed in the twelve (12) month period prior to the application for preapproval, and any other information the department may request";

On page 5, line 19, delete "supporting documentation", and insert in lieu thereof "information documenting achievement of the energy-efficiency standards required by Section 2 of this Act";

On page 5, line 19, delete "sixty" and insert in lieu thereof "eighteen";

On page 5, line 20, delete "(60) days" and insert in lieu thereof "(18) months";

On page 5, line 20, delete "tax was paid", and insert in lieu thereof "machinery or equipment was placed in service";

On page 6, line 3, delete "applicant", and insert in lieu thereof "entity applying for the exemption";

On page 6, line 5, delete "company" and insert in lieu thereof "entity";

On page 6, line 7, delete "persons" and insert in lieu thereof "entities";

On page 6, line 8, delete "person" and insert in lieu thereof "entity";

On page 6, line 11, delete "approval" and insert in lieu thereof "preapproval";

On page 6, line 14, delete "persons" and insert in lieu thereof "entities";

On page 6, line 14, after "filed", insert "an application";

On page 6, line 16, delete "person" and insert in lieu thereof "entity"; and

On page 6, line 16 after "claimed" insert "and the amount of refund approved by the department".

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