With Christmas and the start of a new year fast approaching it is time to set out the latest news from our Health Centre and to highlight projects within the Clinical Commissioning Group (the CCG).

Health and Wellbeing Event - 7th October 2015

This event was the first within the area to be organised by a Patient Participation Group joining forces with a practice and the CCG. It was well supported with the Parish Hall at times being full to capacity. Everyone involved in the organisation of the event is grateful to all who attended and gave their support.

The absence of younger members from our local community and, in particular, those with children of school age was disappointing. Our own Dr Sue Crawford, who is also Joint Clinical Lead on the Moor to Sea Locality Commissioning Group, made a presentation on the current NHS GP service environment. She outlined the financial and other challenges being faced and discussed the opportunities for patients to take a greater part in, or more responsibility for, their own care.

Experts were available at tables to discuss health and other issues such as pharmacy, managing your own health, the Clinical Commissioning Group , Plymouth Community Healthcare (responsible for the South Hams Community Hospital at Kingsbridge) and the services provided at the Chillington Health Centre. These discussions were followed by a question time session with a panel of experts including Mr Simon Tapley, the Director of Commissioning at the CCG, and Dr Sue Crawford. A note of the questions and answers has been prepared by CCG staff and will be circulated with this Newsletter.

Local primary school children were invited to take part in a Healthy Living poster competition. Some 65 entries were received. They were all impressive and demonstrated that a lot of hard work had been devoted to the project by both the children and their teachers. A panel, which included a local artist, Marriane Smith, shortlisted the entries. The 15 judged to be the best were displayed at the event and voted on by those who attended. The results were:

Under 8’s 8 and over

First Henry Grove Gracie Proctor

Second Florence McShea Megan Jackson

The prizes were presented by Dr Mark Mordue at the Stokenham Primary School morning assembly on 13th November 2015. Dr Mark asked a number of healthy living questions to which there was a lively and impressive response. We left the school feeling that the competition had been a worthwhile exercise from which the children had benefitted. Our thanks are due to them and to their teachers.

PPG Membership

The PPG was established on a virtual basis using the internet. At the inception of the CCG it was expanded to introduce a small lead team. The intention has always been to increase the size of the lead team and to have more face to face involvement. At the Health and Wellbeing Event nineteen registered patients indicated an interest in taking a more active part. We are grateful to them and hope to move this expansion forward early in the New Year.

Repeat Prescriptions - 3 Full Working Days Notice

This change from two to three days allows for authorisation by a doctor and, in some cases, the need to obtain the medication from suppliers. Not all drugs are kept in stock. The practice has asked that all patients should do their best to give this notice. In emergency or other situations when patients find themselves without necessary medication the dispensary will do its best to supply prescribed items more quickly.

The practice points out that when patients request their medication and then call to collect within the 3 full days notice period it delays and disrupts the service for other patients.


Progressing self care by patients is now regarded as crucial and a significant step towards achieving a sustainable health system within the NHS. The CCG says:

“As part of an NHS self-care policy for South Devon and Torbay, patients are being urged to buy low-cost medicines and supplies from high street outlets rather than get them on prescription. The aim of this is to reduce the £500,000 spent on medicines and supplies for minor ailments last year. This money, spent on medicines readily available through other means at a lower cost to patients, could have been better spent on treating more serious conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

As part of the self-care policy, all GPs and pharmacies in South Devon and Torbay have been advised why the CCG is promoting self-care and how patients can support this new initiative.

A new report by NHS England shows that one in four GP appointments are potentially avoidable, and that about one in 18 people could be treated by self-care or seen by their community pharmacist.

Pharmacies can help with a range of common conditions and minor injuries, including aches and pains, cystitis, colds and skin rashes. Any consultation you have with a pharmacist is confidential, and an appointment is not necessary…”

To this end two projects stand out. They are ‘Pharmacy First’ and ‘Medicines for Self-care’ details of which can be found in leaflets at the Health Centre and on the practice and CCG websites.

The members of the lead team would like to wish all patients and their families a very Happy Christmas and a healthy 2016

John Venmore

Chair, CHC PPG 23rd November 2015

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