Please be advised of the following information:-

Upon receipt of the completed referral the Parenting Programme Team will send a confirmation of interest letter to the family.

A reply must be received by us within 2 weeks of the date of that letter.

If no reply is received we will close the file down and a new referral will need to be made for the family to attend a programme.

Please also be advised that if the family are accepted onto the programme but fail to attend the first week (without advance notice) their place will be allocated to someone else.

All of our programmes are for parents/carers and support persons to attend without their children.

Referrers – please read this sheet carefully before completing the request form

How do I sell this group to my clients?

Sometimes the idea of attending a parenting group can be overwhelming for a parent with a challenging young person; they may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with the idea of “needing” to learn about parenting, or may see the problem as being situated in the young person. Have you tried to ask the following?

  • You have a challenging young person and would you like to join other parents in learning how to manage him/her?
  • I wonder if you would like to join other parents to understand your young persons strengths and difficulties.
  • Parents often tell us they find it useful to meet other parents of young people with similar difficulties and have a feeling of relief that it’s ‘not just me’.

What is needed from the person referring?

It would be helpful if you could cover the following with the family you are referring:

  • This is a course of 10 - 12 weekly sessions, each lasting 2 hours.
  • Approximately 8-10 families are invited to attend each session
  • This is a relaxed, friendly programme
  • A new topic is discussed each week
  • Incredible Years: the first 5-6 weeks focuses on promoting positive behaviours; we then spend 6 weeks looking at reducing behaviours the parent would like to see less of.
  • PPCP introduces a positive parenting topic and a positive discipline topic each week.
  • Discuss difficulties such as transport and childcare – our office may be able to help with that.
  • Explain that the programme aims to build up a positive relationship between parent/carer and young person.
  • Explain that the programme aims to increase the parent/carer’s confidence and reduce their stress levels
  • There will be 2 facilitators from a multi-agency background
  • The IY programme is usually held in a Children’s Centre local (where possible) to the family. PPCP venues will vary across the county.

If you are referring a family to this programme, please ensure you include the following on the referral form (where requested) :

  • Family consent to you completing the request form
  • Confirmation of whether there is a CAF in place
  • Any safeguarding concerns



Please be aware that the Young Person does not attend the group with the Parent/Carers

Name and address of Parents/Carers attending the Parenting Programme: / Home phone no:
Other contact no:
Relationship to Young Person: / Any physical health needs (Inc. allergies) of Parents/Carers:
Name /Address of Young person:
Date of Birth: / Name and address of Young person’s GP:
Young Persons NHS Number:
Gender of young person:
Male/Female / Religion/spiritual needs of young person:
Current school of young person: / Ethnicity of young person:
Preferred language of young person: / Other communication needs for young person:
Disabilities of young person: / Previous contact with Children and Young Peoples Service?Yes / No
If Yes, name of CYPS care Co-ordinator:
Who else is living in the house? / DOB / Relationship to child/young person: / School attended (where applicable)
Settled Accommodation:
Yes / No (please circle where applicable) / Type of accommodation (please circle where applicable)
  • Living at home with parents
  • Living with extended family/friends or carers
  • Homeless
  • Other


Please describe the young person’s current concerning behaviours and the history of these behaviours. If you have a recent report of the young person’sconcerns please copy and attach. Please ensure parent/carer has given permission for this information to be included.

Does the young personhave any other disabilities or disorders such as developmental delay, Asperger’s, autistic spectrum disorders or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

Please provide as much information as possible to support your referral.

A concern from the young person’s School/Preschool; Is theyoung person’s having difficulties with behaviour or learning? What extra support are they receiving for this?

Are there are any barriers which may hinder the parent/carer to attend the programme please tick as appropriate and provide any additional information which may be relevant.

Mobility IssuesEpilepsy

Problems with LiteracyOther

Are you aware of any historic or on-going police investigations that may restrict and/or exclude the Parent/Carer from attending the group? We require this information to ensure the safety of our facilitators, staff at venues and other parents attending the course:

Is a crèche required? YesNo

(Please note this is only available for certain Incredible Years Programmes)

Name of Young Person Attending crèche:

Date of Birth of Young Person attending crèche:

Families Preferred Location:-

Cheltenham GloucesterStroud

Cirencester CotswoldsForest of Dean

The Parent Programme Team may be able assist with transport reimbursement as per 2gether NHS Foundation Trust policy, depending if families are in receipt of certain benefits. Please advise the Parent/Carer to contact the Parent Programme Team on the number below. Thank you

Referral Made By: (Please Print)


Address:(Include Postcode)


Work Contact Number: Email address:

Date of Referral:

Do you have Parental consent for this referral? Yes/No

Thank you taking time to complete this referral form.

We will require the family to complete a confirmation of interest form to express their interest in attending the next available programme. Please note if we do not receive their signed form by the date stated on their letter their referral will be closed and a new referral will need to be made. All correspondence is sent to both parents and referrers.

Please return forms to

Parent Programme Team

Children and Young Peoples Service

Acorn House

Horton Rd

Gloucester GL1 3PX

Tel:01452 894320
