Chat Time 3 Voluntary Work

The summer holidays are coming! I’d like to do some voluntary work this summer. I desire to help other people and contribute to society’s well being. I want to gain work experience and learn about the real world.
However, when I searched for information, I found many different types of voluntary work, such as visiting the elderly homes, helping the orphans and assisting in activities and events. I don’t know what to choose.
My mum thinks it is a good idea to do voluntary work. She advises me to check Hong Kong volunteer websites for a complete range of voluntary work. She tells me to think about how much time I can spend on voluntary work.


1.  What are the reasons for doing voluntary work?

a. People who do voluntary work want to help other people and contribute to society’s well-being.

b. People volunteer for various reasons. The majority are motivated by their desire to help others and contribute to society’s well-being. Volunteer work also gives people a sense of purpose. It brings a sense of self-worth and increases one’s self esteem.

2.  What are the different types of voluntary work?

a. There are many different types of voluntary work people can do, such as visiting the elderly homes, helping the orphans and assisting in activities and events.

b. People can get involved in different types of voluntary work, ranging from visiting the elderly homes, helping the orphans to assisting in activities and events.

3.  How can you choose suitable voluntary work?

a. I can search the volunteer websites and choose the right volunteer work according to my interests and skills.

b. First of all, I’ll take into account my interests and skills. Then I’ll get to know the organizations I would like to volunteer for by visiting their websites. I can also get in touch with them and get more information.

Individual Response

1.  Why do you think it is worthwhile to do voluntary work?

a. Voluntary work is a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. Helping others brings a sense of satisfaction and a broader experience of life.

b. Volunteering creates a sense of personal fulfillment and accomplishment. People can gain a sense of satisfaction from their involvement, a broader experience of life, and an opportunity to meet new people and make friends.

2.  What sort of voluntary work would you recommend to teenagers?

a. I would recommend teenagers to volunteer at a youth centre helping young children with their homework and monitoring recreational activities.

b. Hospitals offer a variety of volunteer options for any teenager interested in learning more about the medical field and health care. They may help transport patients, make deliveries of meals to patients' rooms or help guide families to waiting rooms.

3.  How can students get information about voluntary work?

From time to time charities will promote their need for volunteers through the media and it is also worth checking the websites of the charitable organisations.

4.  Would you rather donate money than do voluntary work?

I definitely want to donate money but as a student I have no income right now. So doing voluntary work is the best way I can serve the community.

5.  What personal qualities do you think voluntary workers should have?

Voluntary workers are expected to have a positive attitude and care about others. Integrity, self-confidence and good communication are also important personal qualities.