OPAL French Vantage


Students should be able to demonstrate a linguistic competence as described in level 2 of the ALTE framework[1] . Furthermore, they must be able to commit to at least 2 hours per week for coursework, in addition to classes.

Course Material:

Alter Ego+ Level 3, Livre de l’élève plus CD by Catherine Dollez & Sylvie Pons (Hachette), and additional handouts from the tutors.

Course description:

Please note that OPAL tutors will provide a detailed ‘week-by-week’ course syllabus and a self-study guide at the beginning of each term.

Structural content:

Passé composé vs imparfait; time markers: depuis, en, jusqu’à

Pronouns replacing direct and indirect objects; stressed pronouns;

Relative pronouns (qui, que, où); Comparative and superlative adjectives and pronouns.

The conditional; “si + imparfait”; revision of masculine/feminine/plural form of adjectives

Time and space markers; constructing in a narrative in the present and past tense.

the subjunctive; the pronoun en/y

Passive constructions;

Demonstrative pronouns; interrogative pronouns; ce qui/ce que; use of double pronouns

Interrogative pronouns; indefinite pronouns and adjectives

Expressing causes, consequences and aims

Communicative content and topics:

- Writing a CV, presenting a CV, presenting oneself or someone else.

- Comparing learning processes and psychological profiles; Asking for information and react to given information; Propose/accept/refuse

- Giving opinions; expressing preferences; describing functions of public spaces; comparing people and objects; bringing out qualities in a person or object

- formulating hypotheses; imagining events; making suppositions; Proposing; making suggestions or give advice; describing personality and behavior

-Writing a formal letter; understanding and telling an anecdote; locating in time and space; describing physical aspects, and habits of someone; express taste and differences

Expressing a wish; expressing obligations; expressing a need or a lack; expressing hope

Presenting an event foregrounding the object, talking about the news
Linking ideas and arguments.

French Vantage Assessment Framework:

Continuous assessment (participation & coursework) 20%

A two-hour examination at the beginning of Trinity Term:40%

A project to be presented by the end of week 6 in Trinity Term:40%

Final mark & recommendation:

50 – 59 Pass

60 – 69 Good pass

70 – 79 Pass with merit

80 - 89 Distinction

90+ - Distinction*

Learning outcomes:


- Can follow or give a talk on a familiar topic or keep up a conversation on a fairly wide range of topics, such as personal and professional experiences, events currently in the news.

- Can give a clear presentation on a familiar topic, and answer predictable or factual questions.

- Can read texts for relevant information, and understand detailed instructions or advice.

- Can understand detailed information, for example a wide range of culinary terms and abbreviations in accommodation advertisements.

- Can make simple notes that will be of reasonable use for essay or revision purposes.

- Can make notes while someone is talking or write a letter including non-standard requests.

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[1]Prerequisites : ALTE LEVEL 2

- Can express opinions on professional, cultural or abstract matters in a limited way, offer advice and understand instructions.

- Can give short presentations on a limited range of topics.

- Can understand routine information and articles, including factual articles in newspapers, routine letters from hotel and letters expressing personal opinions.

- Can write letters or make notes on familiar or predictable matters.