
Welcome to school year 2016-17. We especially welcome our new families and staff at Grace Lutheran School this year. Our vision statement says we are to be about “Connecting People to Jesus.” That’s because it’s only through faith in Jesus that we can find true peace and joy for life today and the assurance of life in heaven after we die.

You can be sure that the students and families of Grace Lutheran School will be pointed time and time again during this school year to their Friend and Savior, Jesus. As we make connections with new families and reconnect with our returning families may we share Jesus and His love with one another.

May God bless this year together as we grow in grace.

Table of ContentsPage

Welcome 1

Foundations 2

Christian Growth 4

Academics 5

Extracurricular Activities 7

Student Services 8

Parent Involvement 10

Policies and Procedures (listed alphabetically) 14


Our Passion

Grace Lutheran Church & School is committed to the growth of the Lord’s kingdom by developing confident, caring disciples in Jesus Christ and engaging all God’s people at Grace in Grace Connections:

•People to Christ...through focus on the Word in dynamic, joyful worship of our Lord and in thorough Christian education.

•People to People...by strengthening the family of Grace through fellowship and compassionate service to others.

•People to Community...by embracing our community through intentional outreach and active support of human care needs.

•People to the World...by equipping all of God’s people at Grace to be effective witnesses of Christ while at home or away.

What We Believe

As members of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod we believe God’s Word, as we find it in the Bible, to be inspired by God Himself and without error. In the Bible, God reveals His plan for the salvation of mankind (Gospel) and also His expectations for us as His people (Law).

We believe that God created us and all things. Even though God’s original plan was for all people to be His children and live with Him in eternal happiness, mankind chose instead to rebel against God, to determine his own ways, and solve his own problems. As a result, children today are born into a world of trouble, pain, and death. While all people, including children, bear the guilt of their fallen condition, God in His mercy provided a solution to mankind’s dilemma. That solution is found in the atoning work of Jesus Christ who took the punishment of all people’s sins upon Himself and died on a cross (the wages of sin is death - Romans 6:23a). Then, He rose from His burial tomb, demonstrating victory over all sin and death. Today, He promises that same victory to all who would simply put their trust in Him and His solution (the free gift of God is eternal life - Romans 6:23 b). God calls people into a relationship with Him through His Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit is responsible for keeping us in the faith as well as leading and enlightening us by means of His Holy Word.

We believe that God’s Law (what He expects) serves the purpose of identifying sin in our lives and shows us what God would identify as good works for our life in Christ. The Law commands good works of thought, word, and deed. It also condemns and punishes sin. We believe the Gospel is the good news of our salvation in Jesus Christ. Through the Gospel (what God does for us) God gives forgiveness, faith, life, and the power to please Him with good works. We believe the Law shows man his sinful condition and his hopeless state before God. Once man recognizes his condition he is ready for the Gospel which is the power of God to change lives and rescue man from his sinful condition. Then having received by faith His Gospel message, it is our joyful response to live our lives for Him.


We believe that the mission of the whole Christian Church is to share God's love and to properly equip His people for service.

We believe that the home is the basic unit of the Christian Church and that parents are to equip children to live and grow as people of God. We also believe that through our school, the Christian congregation can assist parents in carrying out this task. As a result the school does not take the place of the home but rather cooperates with the home.

We believe that the primary purpose of our school is to teach the Word of God through example and instruction. Christian education calls for a commitment to Christ, practiced and experienced in thought, word, and deed.

We believe that those called to impart Christian education are committed to this ministry. We encourage all parents and students to join with us in forming a Christian community working and living together, in love and forgiveness, at the foot of the cross.

We believe that Christian education encompasses the total life of the child including spiritual, social, academic, physical, and emotional needs.

We believe that our school provides an environment for Christ-centered instruction, imparted by teachers who love their Lord and Savior.

We believe that the proper use of the Word of God as it speaks to us in Law and Gospel is a primary step toward making Christian education properly Christian. For more on the use of Law and Gospel, see separate article under “What We Believe.”

We believe that our school imparts quality education. All subjects are taught in the light of God's Word. Our philosophy is determined by the theology of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. See separate article under, “What We Believe.”

We believe that Christian education has an eternal effect. The assignment is great but the power of the Holy Spirit is greater. We believe that the greatest power in heaven and on earth supports this mission.

We believe students learn best:

·with an incremental approach that builds on a firm foundation of past knowledge and experience.

·in an environment where it is safe to take a risk.

·when teachers challenge students at their ability level and respect each child’s learning style.

·from others as well as by discovery.

·by active participation and through application of skills learned.

·when a high level of accountability and responsibility are expected with regard to student work.


Grace Lutheran School will:

·Assist students in realizing their relationship to God and, hence, their relationship to all others.

·Teach and apply knowledge and basic skills; presenting all subject matter in the light of God's inerrant Word.

·Teach students to live a sanctified life, glorifying God by using the many, varied talents He has given them.

·Recognize and address the changing needs of the students.

·Provide opportunities for interaction between the church, the school, and the community.

·Strengthen families by forming partnerships with parents and providing them with a Christ-centered model for family living.

·Teach students to be good stewards of God’s many gifts.

·Equip students to share their Christian faith so others may know Christ as Savior; and to encourage and build up one another in the faith.

Christian Growth

Daily Devotion and Bible Study

Each day at Grace students will participate in daily classroom devotions and in the study of God’s Word as found in the Bible.


Once a week all students assemble for a worship service. The services are led by the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Principal, Director of Christian Education (D.C.E.), guest clergy or faculty members. Parents are also encouraged to attend these chapel services. Services last approximately 30 minutes.

Chapel Offerings

A chapel offering is received and sent directly to chosen missions. This is an excellent time for children to learn about giving cheerfully and regularly to their Lord.

Christmas Service

Students are involved annually in presenting the Christmas story to friends and relatives.

Church and Sunday School Attendance

Religious training at Sunday School and Sunday worship services is a vital part of a child's total upbringing in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Parents are encouraged to set good examples by regularly attending Sunday worship services with their children as well as Adult Bible study. Weekly records of church and Sunday School attendance are kept and recorded on the student's report card.



Grace Lutheran School is based on the firm foundation of God's Word. A Christ-centered curriculum enables us to fulfill our objectives. All education achieves its highest purpose only if its aim is service to God and all creation.

The curriculum is prepared in accordance with the INTEGRATING THE FAITH curriculum for Lutheran Schools and the Utah curriculum guidelines. Curriculum materials are continuously evaluated to ensure that they meet these guidelines. Grade specific curricula are available upon request.

Areas of instruction include:

RELIGION— Bible stories, doctrine, worship, memorization, mission outreach

LANGUAGE ARTS—Reading, phonics, grammar, usage, spelling, creative writing, oral language development, handwriting

MATHEMATICS—Number theory, problem-solving, application, computation, geometry, algebra

SOCIAL STUDIES—Geography, history, family/community relationships, current events

SCIENCE—Life, physical, and earth sciences

MUSIC—Singing, music appreciation, rhythm, bell chimes, recorder, band

PHYSICAL EDUCATION—Physical fitness, loco-motor skills, perceptual-motor skills, cooperative skills, team games, rhythmic activities, fine and gross motor development

HEALTH—General health, dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, sex education

ART—Aesthetics, art appreciation, history, production

COMPUTER-- Literacy, keyboarding, word processing and other applications


Music Program

Grace Lutheran provides music instruction at all grade levels. In the intermediate grades bell chime and recorder instruction is provided. A band program is available for students in grades 4-8 as an elective. There is an additional fee for participation in the band program for the school year. Band instruction and rehearsal are held during the school day. Students not in band are instructed in music theory and other fine arts. The choirs provide choral anthems that enhance worship services at Grace. The choirs rehearse during school hours. Children are expected to participate in scheduled appearances.

Field Trips

Throughout the year, field trips are scheduled to enrich the classroom learning experience. Transportation consists of parent drivers and is arranged by the teacher. Drivers must be licensed. A signed "Use of Private Automobiles for Pupil Transportation" form, verifying proper safety equipment and insurance coverage must be on file in the office.

Permission slips are distributed several days prior to the trip. These must be signed by the parent or guardian, and returned to the teacher before the child will be permitted on the trip. Children without signed permission slips will remain at school.


Students at Grace will routinely have homework. The amount of homework varies from grade to grade. Students who demonstrate “on task” behaviors and use their time wisely in the classroom will find they rarely have more than the “normal” amount of homework. Please check with your child’s teacher to determine what might be “normal” for your child. If you feel your child is spending too much time on homework, please inform the teacher. Students in grades 3-8 will be provided an assignment notebook for keeping track of homework. Because reading for pleasure is a learned habit, reading at home will be encouraged and expected by all teachers.


Report cards are available on-line quarterly for grades K-8. Church and Sunday School attendance is reported along with daily attendance and tardiness. Academic subjects, attitude, and school conduct are evaluated. Mid-quarter progress reports are also available online during the year in grades K-8.

Grading Scale

Kindergarten, First, and Second

O=Outstanding 100-90


N=Needs Improvementany grade below 63

Third and Fourth GradeFifth through Eighth

100-93 A100-95 A

92-90 A-94-93 A-

89-87 B+92-91 B+

86-83 B90-85 B

82-80 B-84-83 B-

79-77 C+82-81 C+

76-73 C80-75 C

72-70 C-74-73 C-

69-67 D+72-71 D+

66-63 D70-65 D

62-60 D-64-63 D-

<59F<63 F

Honor Roll

Grace Lutheran School recognizes student academic achievement by publishing the names of students who demonstrate outstanding work. Students in grades 6 – 8 may qualify for honor roll at the end of a quarter. Students qualifying for the Honor Roll or the High Honor Roll may not have any incomplete grades, any failing grades or “D”s, or any “N” (Needs Improvement) grades on the quarterly report card. All subjects receiving a letter grade are considered in the calculation of the grade point average (GPA). The core subjects of religion, reading, language, social studies, math, and science are weighted to count twice as much as other subjects. Grace Lutheran School publishes several honor rolls:

Honor Roll: The student’s GPA is between 3.25 and 3.49 inclusive.

High Honor Roll: The student’s GPA is 3.50 or greater.


Students in grades 4 and 5 who demonstrate high academic achievement or who demonstrate improvement will be recognized within the classroom setting.

Achievement Tests

Grace will be trying out a new form of testing. It is on-line based. It will be given three times in the year to help the children’s teacher to know where a child is at and how they can help them grow. It will still be able to give rankings for those who need them.

Extracurricular Activities

Events with Other Lutheran Schools

Each year Grace participates with its sister Lutheran Schools in a spelling bee and field day.


Interscholastic sports are offered to girls and boys in grades 5-8 (with the exception of cross country track which is available to grades 4-8.) Sports include girls’ volleyball, boys’ soccer, boys’ and girls’ basketball, girls’ soccer, and boys’ and girls’ cross country track. There is a participation fee of $75.00 for each sport. Fees are non-refundable. Grace is a member of the Wasatch Athletic Conference. Physicals must be done and last for one year. A form from the doctor must be turned in before student may participate in the sport.

Special Interest Clubs

As student interest dictates, after-school activities will include clubs or camps of special interest. In the past these have included science camps and chess club.


Students involved in extracurricular activities are required to maintain a “C” average with no failing or unsatisfactory grade. Eligibility will be determined every 4 ½ weeks. Students deemed ineligible will be granted a two-week period without activity to work at reestablishing their eligibility.

Student Services

Lunch Program

Grace Lutheran School will work diligently to provide hot lunches each day. These will be available for purchase online. Milk will be available for purchase each day. Students not participating in the lunch program must bring a sack lunch. Students are not permitted to use any part of the kitchen, including the microwave and refrigerator. Students should not bring items that require heating.

Treats from Home and Birthday Party Invitations

Please consult the teacher if you wish to provide treats for your child’s birthday. The teacher will let you know the number and types of treats preferred for the classroom.


Section 9.1 of the Health Department Code states, “Foods for commercial use shall not be prepared or stored in a private home or residence. Home canned and HOME PREPARED foods are prohibited.” Grace Lutheran School is required to maintain a Food Establishment Permit. This allows for supervision of cooking and baking in a regularly inspected kitchen.

Private Party Invitationsfor parties off school grounds may not be distributed at school, unless each child in the class is invited. When all children are invited, invitations are to be given to the classroom teacher for distribution. Neither children nor parents may distribute invitations at school.

Extended Care – Kids’ Place

The purpose of this program is to provide an extended care program for children attending Grace Lutheran School, and to provide working parents with the satisfaction that their children are being well cared for.

Hours of Operation

Kids' Place is available before school for children in Pre School and older and opens at 7:00 a.m. each

school day. Children willbe dismissed for class at 8:15.

Kids' Place is available after school from school dismissal until6:00 p.m. The after school program is

available for children inPre School and older.

On early dismissal days, Kids’ Place is available at the time of dismissal. Kids' Place is not available during school vacation days.

A statement of charges will be sent home after the end of each month. Payment is due by the 10th of the new month. Unpaid accounts or accounts that are repeatedly delinquent will result in discontinuation of services. Payments must be made separately from school tuition or fees. Please make checks payable to Grace Lutheran. All fees are to be paid at the school office.