College of Health Sciences

and Professions

Teaching Effectivenessin Interprofessional Practice

Research Grant


Purpose: The Teaching Effectiveness in Interprofessional Practice Research Grant fund provides a means of fostering researchexploring the relative value of pedagogical approaches, techniques or environmentsrelevant to preparing students to work on interprofessional teams in healthcare.Funds should be used as seed money for new projects, to support projects where no other funding is currently available, or to supplement other Ohio University sources such as OURC, Baker, and 1804.

Eligibility: Full-time instructional or clinical CHSP faculty members are eligible to submit a proposal focused on feasibility or pilot data collection in preparation for seeking extramural research funding.For pretenure applicants,projects must focus on research endeavorscompatible with current CHSP Promotion and Tenure Policy. All applications must have the support of their Chair/Director (as reflected in a letter of support).

Priority: Research proposals that focus on innovative teaching of interprofessional competencies in patient-centered practice, IPE simulation, or population health will be given priority.

Expenditure of grant funds: The maximum grant is $5,000.Awarded funds must be expended during the fiscal year (the period from May 1 through June 30). Unused funds must be returned; no extensions will be granted.

Selection of grant recipients: Proposals will be reviewedby the CHSPInterdisciplinary ResearchCommittee. The Committee will review proposalsand offer recommendations to the Dean. Note: The Committee may, in writing, recommend changes to the proposal, and may also recommend changes to the budget.

Reporting requirements: A final report of 3-5 pages, with appended published material or manuscripts arising from the project, must be submitted to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairsby the last Friday in September following the end of the funding period.

Due date: February 23, 2018.

Submit applicationvia CHSP RESEARCH email account:



  • Format:Arial, 11’ font; single-spaced, at least 1-inch margins all sides.
  • Length: Limit to five (5) pages:
  • Includes Sections I-V (below), i.e., the narrative, budget, budget justification, figures and tables.
  • Page limit does not include references and appendices (e.g., letters of support).
  • Deadline: February 23, 2018.
  • Submit applicationvia CHSP RESEARCH email account:

Sections of Innovation Application

  1. Title of program or project (at top of page 1):
  1. Project team
  • Project director (name, title, academic unit, contact information):
  • Collaborators (names, credentials, contact information):
  1. Project description
  • Significance of problem:
  • Project objectives:
  • Methodology:
  • Potential outcomes and impact:
  • Future directions:
  1. Budget and budget justification
  1. Sustainability plan. What is your plan to acquire extramural funding,

(If you wish to include a reference list, letters of support or other material, these appendices are not counted in the 5-page limit.)

Date of document: August 28, 2017.

Inquiries: Sally Marinellie, associate dean for academic affairs

1 / CHSP Teaching Effectiveness Research Grant (CHSP-TERG)