Ms. Avar
Point Value:
/ 5 / Pacific World
Video Notes / Full Name:______
Period #:______
Today’s Date:______
Assignment #:______
1. The Pacific Ocean has thousands of volcanic islands, half of which are below the Equator.
2. Antarctica’s few inhabitants include penguins and seals that come ashore only during the brief summer.
3. 98% of Antarctica is made up of thick ice caps that contain organisms and particles from long ago. The study of these ancient layers not only gives scientists a key to the past, but also helps them to make predictions for the coming year.
4. Every year, Antarctica constantly changes shape, and in the winter, the continent nearly doubles in size [the ice cap] as it is blasted by frigid temperatures and hurricane strength winds.
5. Australia is one of the most urbanized nations in the world. Most of the population lives in the thriving cities that rim the eastern coast.
6. The Cape York Peninsula was the first part of Australia to be explored by Europeans, but remains one of the last to be settled. Ranchers were the first to settle on Cape York almost 100 years ago. The population is sparse, and a person’s nearest neighbors can easily be up to 50 miles away. The one main road, which isn’t paved, allows for delivery of food and technology.
7. Isolation on Australia – an island – has resulted in many unusual and rare animals on the continent.
New Zealand
8. The Maori are native New Zealanders, who adapted to the New Zealand islands readily. Their history has been passed down in song, chants and dances.
9. Through small in area, New Zealand is packed with mountains, waterfalls, beaches and bubbling hot springs.
10. Hakka is a chant traditionally used by Maori to boost morale and intimidate enemies. What was once performed by warriors going off to battle is now embraced by all New Zealanders before rugby sporting events.
IF YOU WERE ABSENT, research and write five of your own facts about the region (p.702-745)