Name: ______Date: ______

Study Guide for Unit Assessment

Lord of the Flies

Exam Format

The exam is OPEN BOOK. In order to prepare for the exam, review ALL of your notes and handouts from class and prepare answers to the following questions. Some of these questions will appear on the exam, although the wording may be altered slightly. Bring only your book to class on exam day.

1.  Explain how the title Lord of the Flies relates to the events of the novel and develops the central theme(s) of the novel.

2.  Explain Freud’s theories of the Id, Ego and Superego, and apply these to the characters in Lord of the Flies.

3.  What is an allegory? How is Lord of the Flies an allegorical novel? Explain what Piggy, Ralph, Jack, Simon, Roger, Sam-n-Eric, and the Littluns might represent allegorically.

4.  Explain the importance and the symbolism of the following:

A) the conch

B) the boys’ physical appearance

C) the painted faces (masks)

D) the “beastie”

E) the fire

F) Piggy’s glasses

G) the attack of the sow

G) Ritual chant: “Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!”

5.  What is irony? Explain the difference between dramatic and situational irony, and provide examples of each from Lord of the Flies. Include the irony of the ending.

6.  What are the effects of fear in the novel? Consider how ‘fear itself’ is the cause for much of the conflict that develops. List events/scenes that demonstrate how fear plays a role in driving the plot forward.

7.  Summarize the scene in which Simon speaks with the Lord of the Flies. Include an explanation of the following quotation: “The [pig’s] half shut eyes were dim with the infinite cynicism of adult life.” What foreshadowing is present in this scene?

8.  Explain how Golding uses Biblical allusions throughout the novel. Refer to specific events and passages in the novel.