North East Balint Weekend

‘Balint and the Body’

Friday June 17th 5pm –Sunday June 19th12.30pm 2016

The Beacon Conference Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 9PQ

Balint Groups, Leaders’ Workshops and Balint Psychodrama Group

Saturday Evening Dinner and live music at Crusoes restaurant

Longsands Beach Tynemouth

We warmly invite you to the North East Balint weekend in June 2016. We will explore the theme ‘Balint and the Body’through a presentation on Saturday morning and work in our groups, including a Balint Psychodrama Group. The weekend will be of interest to a wide range of health professionals, giving you an opportunity to explore relationships with patients. The Leaders workshop will count toward Balint leadership accreditation.

Group 1 Balint group An opportunity to participate in a Balint group throughout the weekend lead by accredited leaders. This is always an interesting experience and may appeal to those who are relatively new to Balint, those who are unable to join a regular group, and leaders who do not usually get the opportunity to be in a group themselves.

Group 2 Balint Leaders’ workshop will run in parallel for those who would like to examine and develop their skills in leading Balint groups. You may be leading a group for trainees, GPs, psychiatrists or other health professionals. The workshop will count towards Balint group leader accreditation – see website.

Group 3 Balint Psychodrama group

‘Balint Psychodrama stems from the partnership of two practices - the classic Balint group and Psychoanalytic Psychodrama’ Jean Pierre Bachman ,The Journal of the Balint Society 2015 p5. It was developed in the 1970s in France by Ann Cain a psychoanalyst and psychodramatist in collaboration with Charles Brisset , a Balint group leader in Paris. Balint Psychodrama is not role play but aims to recreate real scenesthat took place in the consultation as described by the presenting doctor and re-enacted by the presenter and group members.Rather than telling a story about the patient, the interaction between the doctor and the patient is shown through the use of the body in action and movement which hopefully opens up new ways of reflecting about the case , allowing the more unconscious and non-verbal aspects of the relationship to emerge in the group.

Venue The Beacon Centre in Newcastle upon Tyne on Westgate Road isa short walk or bus ride from the City Centre, has excellent facilities and great views over the City and the River Tyne. There is plenty of free parking on site and good disabled access.

Saturday evening atCrusoes Restaurant, right on the beach at Tynemouth. There will be time to walk and swim before enjoying dinner and live music together. A coach will pick you up at the Beacon Centre and bring you back to Newcastle by 11pm. Friends, partners and others not attending the weekend workshops are most welcome to join us.


Please book your own accommodation soon – the hotels get quite booked up. The following hotels in the city centre have easy access to the railway station. Buses go frequently from the station to the Beacon Centre. If you are coming by car you might like to stay in Tynemouth, near the venue on Saturday evening.

City Centre Hotels: Jury’s Inn Newcastle, Grey Street Hotel, Motel 1 Newcastle, Ramada Encore, Hampton by Hilton, Sleeperz, Surtees, Mercure Newcastle County Hotel, Waterside Hotel, Royal Station Hotel, Copthorne Hotel.

Westgate Road: Best Western Ryokan Hotel

Tynemouth: The Grand Hotel, The Park Hotel


Conference fee£150includes Friday evening meal, Saturday lunch, Coach to and from Tynemouth, Dinner on Saturday evening, and refreshments throughout the day. It does not include accommodation.

Medical student fee £25 (subsidised by the Balint Society Cyril Gill Fund)

Dinner only on Saturday evening £25 per head.


Friday June 17th

5.30pm Registration and evening meal


7.30 – 9.15pmGroup work

Saturday June 18th

9.30am Presentation‘Balint and the Body’ Jane Dammers and Esti Rimmer

10.30am Coffee

11amGroup work


1.45pmGroup work

3.30pmTea and scones

4.15pmCoach to Tynemouth – walk, swim, explore. Dinner at Crusoes Restaurant with Pickasso’s Trio. Return city centre by 11pm.

Sunday June 19th


11.15am Coffee

11.45 – 12.15Plenary

Please return the application form by May 24th to

Helen Lycett, administrator

22 Kingsmead Road London SW2 3JD

Any queries contact Jane Dammers

Application Form

North East Balint Weekend - ‘Balint and the Body’

Friday June 17th 5pm – Sunday June 19th 12.30pm 2016

The Beacon Conference Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 9PQ

Please return the application form by May 24th to

Helen Lycett, administrator

22 Kingsmead Road London SW2 3JD

Name ______

Address ______


Postcode ______

Tel: ______

Email: ______

Profession ______

If you are only coming to the dinner on Saturday evening, now go to the end of the next page re payment

Which group would you like to be in? Please highlight, circle or put ‘yes’ next to one of the three options. Those attending a Leaders workshop should already have some experience of being in a Balint group. We will try to allocate you to your preferred group.

1. Balint group

2. Leaders workshop

3. Balint Psychodrama workshop

Are you a member of the Balint Society? YesNo

Have you ever been in a Balint or case discussion group? please give details

Do you have experience of leading groups? please give details


  1. Balint weekend fee £150 (includes Friday evening meal, Saturday lunch, Saturday evening dinner and coach)

There is a £10 reduction for delegates who are Balint Society Members

  1. Saturday evening Dinner Only £25 per head

Please specify any special dietary requirements or any other special needs.Vegetarian options will be provided at all meals - please tell us if you are vegetarian to aid planning.

I enclose a cheque for £ payable to ‘The Balint Society’

OrI have paid £ by BACS

(pleaseinclude reference:surnameNewcastle2016)

Account Name: The Balint Society
Account No. 00117279 Sort Code: 30-92-82
Address: 45a The Broadway, Ealing, London W5
IBAN: GB55 LOYD 3092 8200 1172 79

Late applications can usually be accepted


Please read the statement and tick your choice below

The Balint Society wishes to keep a record of your contact details and profession to inform you about Society events and news. The Balint Society does not share any details about you with third parties without your consent. You can ask the Society to remove your details from our database at any time, or you can view the information held about you, by contacting the Hon. Secretary via or 10 Raynham Avenue, Manchester, M20 6BW.

I do consent to the Balint Society contacting me about events & news ☐


I do NOT consent to the Balint Society contacting me about events & news ☐