





Mabel Peterson AwardOutstanding Female Soccer Team

John "Whitey" Piurek AwardOutstanding Senior Female Player

Anthony “Tony" Denegre AwardOutstanding Senior Male Player

Robert "Bob" Tingley AwardOutstanding Male Soccer Team






1.0Name and connection with the Connecticut Soccer Officials Association

1.1The name of the Corporation shall be The Greater New Haven Soccer Officials Association (“GNHSOA”) and may be referred to herein as “The Local Board, or Board”.

1.2The Corporation must at all times be officially recognized by the Connecticut Soccer Officials Association, Inc (“CSOA”).

1.3No article in these by-laws may be in conflict with the Constitution of the CSOA. Any article found to be in conflict is declared void.




2.0.1 The purpose of the Association shall be:

1. To unite only fully certified soccer officials in membership of the Association.

2. To be responsible for the promotion, development and proper handling of games.

3. To foster and develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of “The Rules of

The game” by the membership of the Association.




3.0.1Categories of Membership: There will be Five Categories of Membership: Active, Associate, Probationary, Honorary, and Life Members.

3.0.2Active members are certified referees who have met the requirements of the Association and who are eligible to officiate games assigned by the Assignment Commissioner(s).

3.0.3Associate members are certified referees who have met the requirements of the Association but who are not accepting assignment of officiate games.

3.0.4Probationary members area those members accepted into the Association after passing all required tests but who have not completed two (2) consecutive years service on the Board.

3.0Membership (cont.):

3.0.5Honorary membership may from time to time be granted to a member if he/she:

-Has been retired from active membership for two years,

-Has been a member of the Association for ten years,

-Has been approved for Honorary Membership by a 51%vote of the membership

3.0.6Life membership may from time to time be granted to a member if he/she:

-Has rendered meritorious service to the Association,

-Has been retired from active membership for two years,

-Has been a member of the Association for ten years,

-Has been approved for Honorary Membership by a 51% vote of the membership

3.1New Candidates (Probationary):

3.1.1Applications from new candidates shall be reviewed and accepted by the Board of Directors. Written examinations shall be given at least annually.

3.1.2Applicants must be 18 years or older and be in good health.


3.2.1Officials moving to the area, may, after written application to the Association, be approved for membership upon receipt of a letter from their association, which documents their good standing in the association.




4.0.1.The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Interpreter.

4.0.2.The Board of Directors shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Interpreter, Co-Interpreter, Assignment Commissioner(s) and Immediate Past President.

4.1Terms of Office:

4.1.1The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Interpreter shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall serve for a term of two (2) years, until the next annual meeting and until his/her successor shall have been duly elected. All officers must meet the eligibility requirements by being an active member prior to election and must have fully paid for all dues and assessments.

4.1.2If the position of any officer becomes vacant for any reason before the end of term, the Board of Directors shall fill the vacancy by appointing a member to that position for the remainder of the current term.

4.2Duties of each Officer:

4.2.1The President shall preside at all Association meetings. The President may call special meetings of the Association, as he/she deems advisable and legal. The President shall appoint all committees as necessary and may sit on all such committees but without vote.

4.2.2The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the event the President is unable to complete his/her term of office. From time to time the President may ask the Vice President to temporarily assume the duties of the President.

4.2.3The Secretary shall act as a recorder during meetings and shall be responsible for communications of the Association. He/she shall have charge of such of the books and papers as the Board of Directors may direct. He/she shall give notice as required of all meetings and annual reports of the Board of Directors. In the absence of the President and the Vice-President, the Secretary shall conduct meetings of the Association.

4.2.4The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping complete and accurate records of the receipts and expenditures of the Association. The Treasurer will receive and appropriately deposit all monies due to the Association. The Treasurer shall pay all properly presented expenses of the Association. He/she shall collect dues and keep full and accurate accounts of assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements and other transactions of the corporation in books belonging to the corporation. He/she shall deposit all monies and other valuable effects of the corporation in such banks or other depositories as may be designated by the Board. Treasurer will present a financial status report at each meeting of the Association. A complete written financial report will be presented to the membership at the mandatory meeting of the Association. From time to time the Treasurer will be required to turn over the financial records of the Association to an independent reviewer designated by the Officers.

4.2.5The Interpreter shall conduct rules interpretations sessions, discuss and determine judgments for unique game situations and act as liaison between the local Board and CSOA Interpreters. The Interpreter shall arrange for instruction of presentations to be made at each meeting of members of the corporation. The Interpreter shall clarify or interpret rules from game situations, or matters pertaining to the rules of the game of soccer as endorsed by the Board of Directors for use by the Corporation.

4.3The Executive Board:

4.3.1The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the Association plus the Assignment Commissioner(s). The Executive Board shall be responsible for decisions of the Association not requiring a General Meeting or when a General Meeting is not feasible. All actions of the ExecutiveBoard are subject to ratifications by the membership at the next General Meeting.

4.4Appointments of Employees:

4.4.1The Executive Board may choose, appoint, and employ such employees and agents, as it shall deem the interests of the corporation require and fix the compensation and define the powers and duties of such employees and agents. All such employees and agents shall be subject to the order of the Board, shall hold their offices at the pleasure of the Board, and may be removed at any time by the Board at its discretion, with or without cause.


4.5.1Members of the Executive Board, except for the Assignment Commissioner(s), shall not receive any compensation for their services as Directors.

4.5.2The annual dues shall be waived for the Secretary and Treasurer.



5.0Meetings of the Executive Board:

5.0.1REGULAR MEETINGS of the Executive Board will be held to consider such business as may be properly placed before the Board and may be held at such time and place as a majority of the Officers may designated without further notice.

5.0.2SPECIAL MEETINGS of the Executive Board shall be called by the President when one-third (1/3) or more of the Officers so request. At least two (2) days written notice of each special meeting of the Executive Board stating the time, place, and purpose of the meeting shall be given to each Officer. No business, other than the purpose of the special meeting as stated in the notice, shall be transacted at such meeting.

5.0.3One or more of the Officers may participate in any meeting of the Executive Board or of a committee of Officers by means of conference telephone or similar communications equipment enabling all Officers participating in the meeting to hear one another, and participation in a meeting pursuant to this provision shall constitute presence in person at such a meeting.

5.0.4The presence of an Officer at any meetings, without protesting prior to the commencement of the meeting the lack of proper notice, shall be deemed to be a waiver by him/her of notice of such meeting. A majority of the Officers, 50% +1, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the Officers may adjourn such meeting to another time and place until a quorum can be obtained. Notice of any adjourned meeting need not be given unless the meeting shall have been adjourned for more than thirty (30) days. The act of the majority of the Officers present at any duly called meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Officers, except as may otherwise specifically be provided by statute or by these By-laws. If all of the Officers severally or collectively consent in writing to any act of the corporation, and the number of such Officers constitutes a quorum for such action, such action shall be a valid corporate action as though it had been authorized at a meeting of all the Officers.



6.0The Assignment Commissioner(s) shall be responsible for obtaining schedules from the various schools approved by the Executive Board for receipt of Soccer Officiating Services performed by qualified members of the corporation. The Assignment Commissioner(s) shall further obtain a schedule of availability from each qualified member of The Association. Only active and probationary members shall be qualified to render such services. The Assignment Commissioner(s) shall then make assignments of officials for each contest on a given date. All original assignments and subsequent changes shall be made through the Assignment Commissioner(s).


6.0.1The Assignment Commissioner(s) shall be elected to serve a two (2) year term, which shall be voted on at the election of the Officers.



7.0Meetings of the Members and the Annual Meeting:

7.0.1There shall beFour (4) meetings of the members of The Corporation between August 1 and November 30 of each year. One of the four meetings shall be considered the “Interpretation Meeting”. All such meetings shall be scheduled by the Executive Board of the Corporation, either within or outside of the State of Connecticut.

7.02Each member is required to attend a minimum of three (3) of thefour (4) GNHSOA meetings. TheRules Interpretation Meeting is mandatory. The season Ending Annual Banquet becomes a social event. Excuses for valid reasons shall be granted when received by the Secretary in writing or via E-mail prior to the meeting. The Assignment Commissioner(s)will provide the Secretary with the names of persons missing a meeting due to a game conflict.

7.1Special Meetings

7.1.1Special meetings of the members, for any purposes, unless otherwise prescribed by statute, may be called by the President or by the Board of Directors, or shall be called by the President at the request of ten members of the association.

7.1.2There will be an Awards Banquet the first Sunday in November at a time and location designated by the Banquet Committee.

7.2Meeting Notice:

7.2.1Notice of the time, place, and purpose of each meeting of members shall be given by leaving such notice with each member at their residence or usual place of business, by E-mail, or by mailing a copy thereof addressed to them at their last known post office address as last shown on the list of members of the corporation, postage prepaid, not less than 7 days nor more than 50 days before the date of the meeting. Any person may waive notice of a member’s meeting in writing or persons entitled to such notice whether before or after the time state therein.


7.3.1A quorum at all General Meetings of the Association shall be 51% of the active members of which three (3) shall be members of the Executive Board.

7.3.2A quorum for any special meeting shall be 51% of the voting members. If an absentee ballot has been received by the Secretary in email that member shall be presumed to be present and shall be included in the quorum. A special meeting can be declared a mandatory meeting by the Board of Directors.


7.4.1A majority of the voting power of the members entitled to vote represented at a meeting may adjourn such meeting from time to time. If there is an announcement of the time and location for the reconvening of any adjourned meetings made at such meetings prior to adjournment, no further notice is necessary.

7.5Consent Action:

7.5.1Any action which may be authorized at a meeting of the members may be authorized without such a meeting providing that either prior to, or subsequent to, the time such action is taken, written consent thereto is signed by all members who would be entitled to vote upon such action at a meeting or by their duly authorized attorneys. The Secretary shall file such consent or consents with the minutes of the meetings of the members.


7.5.1Each member (Active, Associate, and Life) eligible to vote is entitled to one vote on a given matter. Except as otherwise provided by statute, the Certificate of Incorporation or these By-laws, the affirmative vote of a majority of the members eligible to vote shall be the act of the members so long as such meeting is duly held and a quorum is present.

7.5.2At a special meeting, voting members may cast a vote by notifying the Secretary in writing of his/her wishes and the Secretary shall cast these absentee votes at the conclusion of the voting on the specific matter of the special meeting.



8.0Ethics and Protest Committee:

8.0.1The Board of Directors shall serve at an Ethics and Protest Committee unless it delegates such duty to one or more members who shall serve in such a capacity at the pleasure of the Board.

8.0.2The Ethics and Protest Committee shall have the power to recommend censorship, suspension, or expulsion of any member who has been accused of failure to abide by the requirements of these By-laws and Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, the rules and regulations of the game of soccer endorsed by the Board of Directors or other conduct determined by such committee to be fitting a member of the corporation. The individual(s) concerned shall be notified in writing of the Committee meeting at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Notification of the Ethics and Protest Committee’s recommendation shall be made to the individual not less then one week before presentation to the membership. Any member so dealt with shall have the right to be heard before the entire membership prior to a final decision. The vote of the membership on the recommendation of the Ethics and Protest Committee shall be final as to the facts and circumstances involved.

8.1Awards Committee:

8.1.1The Awards Committee shall gather information on the Athletes and the Schools serviced by the GNHSOA from Referees, Coaches and other interested parties, and select the winners of our four awards. These winners shall be presented to the Board at the Annual Banquet.

8.2Standing Committees:

8.2.1 Each standing committee shall be appointed by the President and shall have such powers and authority

as the Board of Directors from time to time dictate with the approval of the members.

8.3 Special Committees:

8.3.1The President, as desired in the interests of the Corporation, may appoint special Committees.



9.0Dues for Associate Members and Active Members

9.0.1The Board of Directors shall set dues for active members from time to time.

9.0.2Associate members shall pay annual dues of one-half the dues for active members.




9.1.1Any member who fails to pay his/her dues to the corporation and the G.N.S.O.A. by December 31 of that year shall have his/her membership for the year suspended unless waived by the actions of one or more officers of the corporation receive any membership privileges, including but not limited to receiving any assignments, receiving a copy of the soccer rule book, being covered under any insurance policy that may be maintained by the corporation and being able to attend banquet functions.

9.2Fines and Assessments:

9.2.1A twenty-five dollar ($25) fine shall be assessed for any dues or fines that have not been paid at or before the Annual Meeting of Members. This fine shall be paid within two weeks of receipt and no later than December 31 of the same year.

9.2.2Members shall be fined twenty five ($25)formissing or failure to make-up the Interpretation Meeting. Members shall also be fined ten dollars ($10) for each meeting missed and possibly suspended for one year depending upon a recommendation from the Executive Committee if they miss more than two of three of the non-mandatory regular meetings. Members may attend another Connecticut Soccer Officials Association mandatory meeting and acquire written proof of such to avoid penalty.

9.2.3Members suspended may be reinstated only by payment of all fees and/or fines.

9.2.4“Turning Back” an assigned game shall result in a ten dollar ($10) assessment. “Turning Back” shall mean a member refusing to take an assignment after it has been assigned and accepted by that member. This means that once a member has accepted a game, they must work the game. Exceptions can only be made by the Assignment Commissioner(s) under unique circumstances. In that instance, no fine will be assessed.

9.2.5Any official who intentionally cashes a check or takes money for a game they did not work will be fined twenty-five dollars ($25) and shall return twice the game fee to the assignment commissioner.


9.3.1All fees paid to members for officiating games, paid by the corporation to G.N.H.S.O.A. and paid by members with respect to written and field examinations shall be in accordance with those set by the G.N.H.S.O.A.

9.3.2Assignment Fee: The Assignment Commissioner(s)) shall be paid an honorarium for his/their services. Funds for such honorarium shall be obtained through a yearly assessment of all members. Said assessment shall be based on a percentage of the fees received by each member for officiating during the year. The percentage, (set from time to time) approvedby the membership, shall be the same for all members. Each member must pay his/her portion of the honorarium directly to the Assignment Commissioner(s) by December 15 of the year following the most recent soccer season. Failure to pay said sum by December 15 will result in a twenty five dollar ($25) per month fine assessed against that member, due and payable to the corporation immediately.