Release Date: July 5, 2002

Contact: Mike Maddox, Dane County UWEX Horticulture Agent,


Summer Lawn Care

Madison - As we progress into summer, temperatures rise and the rains

typically become less frequent. Growing conditions become less favorable and

turfgrass growth slows. Hot, dry weather can cause considerable stress for

the cool season grasses. However, proper care during stressful periods can

help to maintain a healthy, good quality lawn.

Sound mowing practices are necessary for good quality turf. This is

especially true during the summer months. Improper mowing during hot, dry

weather may seriously damage the cool season grasses.

Mow lawns at a height of 3 to 3 1/2 inches during the summer months. During

cool weather in spring and fall, lawns should be mowed at a height of 2 1/2

to 3 inches. The additional leaf area during summer shades and cools the

crowns of the turfgrass plants. Extremely high temperatures at crown level

can kill turfgrass. Raising the mowing height during the summer months also

discourages turf diseases, such as summer patch.

When mowing the lawn never remove more than one-third of the total leaf area

at any one time. A lawn mowed at a height of 3 inches should be cut when it

reaches a height of 4 1/2 inches. Removing more than one-third of the leaf

area weakens the turfgrass and reduces its capacity to withstand additional

environmental stresses. Weakened turf is also more likely to be invaded by


If possible, mow in the cool of the morning or evening. Mowing during high

temperatures of midday places additional stress on the turf. Also make sure

the mower blade is sharp. Dull blades tear and bruise the leaf tips. A good

rule of thumb is to have the mower blades sharpened three times each year.

Gardeners have two basic options on lawn care when confronted with hot, dry

weather. One option is to simply allow the turf to turn brown and go

dormant. The alternative is to properly water the lawn to maintain green

turf during dry weather.

Lawns survive extended periods of drought by going dormant. Most healthy

lawns can survive in a dormant state for 4 to 6 weeks without rainfall or

irrigation. Healthy lawns that have been allowed to go dormant will green up

again when the turf receives sufficient water.

Gardeners who want a green lawn throughout the summer should water the lawn

when symptoms of moisture stress begin to develop but before the grass

becomes dormant. A good indicator of water stress in turfgrass is leaf

color. The normally green leaves become a dull blue- green. Additionally,

water-stressed turfgrass is less resilient. Footprints remain in the turf

after walking across it.

Turfgrass requires approximately 1 to 1 1/2 inches of water per week. The

actual amount of water required depends upon the soil type and weather

conditions. When irrigating turfgrass, the general rule of thumb is to water

deeply but infrequently. A thorough soaking (which moistens the soil to a

depth of 8 to 10 inches) once a week is much better than frequent, light

applications. Watering deeply promotes the development of deep root systems.

Deeply-rooted turfgrass can withstand stressful weather conditions much

better than shallow-rooted plants.

The best time to water a lawn is early morning. Winds are generally light

and temperatures cool so little water is lost through evaporation. Watering

at midday is less efficient because large amounts of water are lost through

evaporation and strong winds may cause uneven water distribution. Strong

midday winds may also carry the water onto driveways and streets and waste

considerable amounts of water. Watering the lawn in the evening or at night

may increase disease problems.

If you have further questions regarding lawn care, or any other landscape or

garden question, please call (608) 224-3721 or e-mail
