The Great Gatsby Test

English 11

I.  Multiple Choice: Choose the answer you feel best answers the question.

1.  Why does Gatsby have parties at his house?

A.  He wants to gain popularity within the community.

B.  He doesn’t want trouble with anyone.

C.  He is hoping that Daisy will show up at one of his parties.

D.  He sells bootlegged alcohol during his parties.

2.  Who is Meyer Wolfshiem?

A.  A man that gets into an accident in front of Gatsby’s house.

B.  Someone who lives at Gatsby’s house and plays the piano

C.  The man who Nick refers to as Owl Eyes.

D.  The man who fixed the World Series.

3.  What does Gatsby carry around with him at all times?

A.  His Oxford diploma

B.  A picture of him and Daisy

C.  A war medal

D.  A letter he received from Daisy while in the war

4.  Nick was seeing a girl back in the Mid West but broke it off because

A.  he didn’t want to make a commitment.

B.  he didn’t want to get rumored into marriage.

C.  he had a strong desire to move East for some excitement.

D.  he didn’t have enough money to support a family.

5.  Tom hit Myrtle in the New York flat because

A.  she kept talking about Daisy.

B.  she kept giving orders to him about what she wanted.

C.  he wouldn’t buy her a dog leash.

D.  she wouldn’t get him another drink of whiskey.

6.  All of the following are rumors about Gatsby EXCEPT

A.  He was a German spy

B.  He was discharged from the army

C.  He killed a man

D.  He was nephew to Von Hindenburg

7.  Jordan Baker says to Nick, “It takes two to make an accident.” What she means is that

A.  she doesn’t care about her driving skills.

B.  she thinks Gatsby and Daisy will have trouble with their affair.

C.  she’s careless.

D.  she wants Nick to drive her around from now on.

8.  Who is Bill Biloxi?

A.  A man that was always at Gatsby’s parties.

B.  The man whose wheel fell off in Gatsby’s yard.

C.  A war friend of Gatsby’s..

D.  A man who got caught telling lies.

9.  Dan Cody is a man that

A.  Nick knew growing up in Chicago.

B.  Gatsby idolized in his youth.

C.  Gatsby got most of his money from.

D.  Got killed in a drowning accident.

10.  When Daisy refers to Gatsby’s “beautiful shirts” she is sad because

A.  she regrets not waiting for Gatsby to return from war.

B.  Tom doesn’t offer her a fulfilling life.

C.  Tom never buys her nice things.

D.  she realizes that she doesn’t love Tom.

11.  What is the significance of Owl Eyes’ shock at the fact that Gatsby’s books were real?

A.  Many people couldn’t afford to own books in the 1920s.

B.  It comments on the superficiality of the times

C.  Many people were illiterate in the early 20th century.

D.  Most books were checked out at the library.

12.  Myrtle married George Wilson because

A.  she liked his expensive suit.

B.  she needed to get married so she could be supported financially.

C.  he could provide her with a car since he owned a Garage.

D.  she was under a false impression of his wealth.

13.  “She wanted her life shaped now, immediately—and the decision must be made by some force—of love, of money, of unquestionable practicality—that was close at hand.” The answer that best describes this quote’s significance is:

A.  Daisy was attracted to money and needed to marry someone who could provide her with a lot of it.

B.  Daisy didn’t want to wait around for Gatsby to get back; she wanted her life decided now.

C.  Tom was an attractive candidate for a husband because her family approved of him.

D.  Daisy rushed her decision to get married to Tom.

14.  Why did Gatsby fire all of his servants and hire new ones to replace them?

A.  He needed ones that didn’t go into West Egg Village.

B.  The old ones were spreading rumors about him and Daisy.

C.  They weren’t doing a great job.

D.  Since he didn’t throw parties anymore, he didn’t need most of them.

15.  What does Jordan mean by the statement, “Well, I met another bad driver didn’t I?”

A.  Jordan realized that she had to change her ways.

B.  She was in a near fatal accident.

C.  Nick wasn’t who she thought he was.

D.  She met her future husband.

II.  True or False: A = True, B= False

16.  Nick and Tom met at Harvard.

17.  Doctor TJ Eckleburg’s eyes look over the Valley of Ashes.

18.  Tom is the person that tells Wilson who owns the yellow car.

19.  Gatsby experienced success in the army.

20.  George Wilson locked Myrtle in her room until she would confess the truth about her affair.

III.  Quote Matching: Match the quote with the speaker.

A. Gatsby B. Nick C. Daisy D. Mr. Wilson E. Tom

AB. Jordan AC. Myrtle AD. Michaelis

21.  “I used to laugh sometimes—to think that you didn’t know.”

22.  “By God, I may be old-fashioned in my ideas but women run around too much these days to suit me. They meet all kinds of crazy fish.”

23.  “Have you got a church you go to sometimes?”

24.  “You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.”

25.  “Anything can happen now that we’ve slid over this bridge; anything at all”

26.  “I like large parties. They’re so intimate.”

27.  “I’ve been here too long. I want to move away. My wife and I want to move West.”

28.  “These people! You have to keep after them all the time.”

29.  “Who is Tom?”

30.  “Oh you want too much!”

IV.  Short Answer (Five Points)

31.  Authors many times use weather to comment on the mood of a story. Describe an example of this from the novel and explain on how the weather directly relates to the events and mood of the chapter.

V. Essay Question: Pick one of the following and write a response. (Ten Points)

32. How do Gatsby and Wilson compare (similarities)? Provide AT LEAST TWO specific examples to support your argument.

33. Nick refers to himself as “one of the few honest people” he had ever known. Do you agree with this statement? Identify and explain AT LEAST TWO examples from the text to support your answer.