1 Welcome to the meeting by the Chairman.

2 The Chairman will invite members of the public to speak on any planning matters they wish to raise.

3 To record any apologies for absence.

4 To receive any declarations of interest.

To receive any disclosure by members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the member regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct. Members are reminded of the need to repeat their declaration immediately prior to commencement of the item in question. Members should ask the Clerk for a Declaration of Interests form which must be completed and returned to the Clerk before the item in question is discussed.

5 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the 13th June 2016.

6 To consider applications referred by Rother District Council since the previous meeting.

a) RR/2016/1657/T 4 St Giles Close, Winchelsea

6 Conifer trees on front driveway – 5 to be removed and 1 to be reduced.

Applicant: Mr G Alexander, 4 St Giles Close, Winchelsea, East Sussex.

Agent: GSH Tree Surgery, Attn: Mr Hammond, 4 Elmstead Cottages, Iden, East Sussex.

b) RR/2016/1669/P Place Farm, Watermill Lane, Icklesham

Proposed first floor ensuite in new dormer extension.

Applicant: Mr & Mrs G Smith, Place Farm, Watermill Lane, Icklesham, East Sussex.

Agent: Portfolio Design Consultancy, Attn: Mr L Rumjahn, Fairlawns Cattery, Pilgrims Way, Boughton Aluph, Ashford, Kent.

7 Icklesham Bus Shelter. To note that the shelter has been cleaned as per manufacturers recommendations and to thank Cllr Warren for undertaking the work.

8 Planning Enforcement Complaint – Ferryfields signage. To note letter from Rother District Council advising that due to regulations, the advertisement is immune from enforcement. Letter to be tabled.

a) To report any fly or post tipping incidents in the parish.

b) Fly posting Policy. To consider a draft policy as proposed by Cllr. Mrs Stanford at the last meeting.

10 Any late advised matters and update on those raised at the last meeting.

11 Any other business.

a)  Decisions notified by RDC since previous meeting. To be tabled.

b)  Enforcement matters notified by RDC since previous meeting.

12 Date and venue of the next meeting. The next meeting is confirmed as Monday 25th July 2016 at the Court Hall, Winchelsea, commencing at 6.15pm.