Chrysler LLCConstruction Standards





  1. This Section includes automatic transfer switches rated 600 V and less.
  2. Related Sections include the following:
  3. Division16 Section "Packaged Engine Generators."


  1. Product Data: Include the following:
  2. Data on features, components, accessories ratings, and performance.
  3. Time-current characteristic curves for protective devices.
  4. Field Assembly and Installation Drawings: Detail equipment assemblies and components, indicating dimensions, weights, loads, required clearances, and location and size of each field connection.
  5. Dimensioned plans elevations and tabulated weights of transfer switch and components.
  6. Detail requirements for field assembly and connections.
  7. Detail conductor requirements and connections of power, signal, and control wiring.
  8. Contact Information: Contact information for the ServiceCenter.


  1. Installer Assistance: Provide the services of a manufacturer's representative, trained in and approved for installation of units, to assist the installer.
  2. Source Limitations: Obtain automatic transfer switches through one source from a single manufacturer.
  3. ServiceCenter: Identify a service center capable of providing training, parts, preventative maintenance and emergency repairs, located not more than four hours' normal travel time to the site.
  4. Listing and Labeling: Provide products specified in this Section that are listed and labeled.
  5. The Terms "Listed and Labeled": As defined in the National Electrical Code, Article 100.
  6. Listing and Labeling Agency Qualifications: A "Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory" (NRTL) as defined in OSHA Regulation 1910.7.
  7. Comply with NEMAICS1.
  8. Comply with NFPA70.
  9. Comply with NFPA110.



  1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following:
  2. Transfer Switches:
  3. Emerson; ASCO Power Technologies, LP.
  4. Kohler Co.; Generator Division.
  5. Cummins Power Generation.


  1. Indicated Current Ratings: Apply as defined in UL1008 for continuous loading and total system transfer, including tungsten filament lamp loads not exceeding 30 percent of switch ampere rating, unless otherwise indicated.
  2. Tested Fault-Current Closing and Withstand Ratings: Adequate for duty imposed under the fault conditions indicated, based on testing according to UL1008.
  3. Solid-State Controls: Repetitive accuracy of all settings is plus or minus 2 percent or better over an operating temperature range of minus 20 to plus 70 degC.
  4. Resistance to Damage by Voltage Transients: Components shall meet or exceed voltage-surge withstand capability requirements when tested according to IEEEC62.41. Components shall meet or exceed voltage-impulse withstand test of NEMAICS1.
  5. Enclosures: General-purpose NEMA250, Type12, complying with NEMAICS6 and UL508.
  6. Factory Wiring: Train and bundle factory wiring and label by color code or tape markers at terminations.
  7. Designated Terminals: Pressure type suitable for types and sizes of field wiring indicated.
  8. Power Terminals: Suitable for top, side, or bottom entrance of feeder conductors as required.
  9. Control Wiring: Equipped with lugs suitable for connection to terminal strips.


  1. Comply with Level1 equipment according to NFPA110.
  2. Electrical Operation: Solenoid or motor-operated mechanism, mechanical and electrical interlock.
  3. Automatic Operation:
  4. Voltage loss sensed at normal source terminals initiates signal to start emergency generator.
  5. Voltage sensed at emergency source terminals initiates transfer to emergency source.
  6. Voltage sensed at normal source terminals initiates retransfer to normal source.
  7. Manual Operation: Manual operation of control switches on the door initiates transfer to emergency source and retransfer to normal source.
  8. Transfer and retransfer operation occurs with either or both sources energized.
  9. Transfer and retransfer time is same as for electrical operation.
  10. Automatic control circuit is disconnected during manual operation.
  11. Switch Characteristics: Designed for repetitive transfer of full-rated current.
  12. Limitation: Switches base on molded-case switches or circuit breakers are not acceptable.
  13. Contacts: Silver composition or silver alloy for load-current switching.
  14. Arcing Contacts: Provide separate arcing contacts for contacts rated 225A and higher.
  15. Neutral Terminal: Solid and fully rated, unless otherwise indicated.


  1. Normal Source Undervoltage: Senses phase-to-ground voltage on each phase of Normal Source.
  2. Pickup is adjustable from 85 to 100 percent of nominal, and dropout is adjustable from 75 to 98 percent of pickup value.
  3. Factory set pickup at 90 percent and dropout at 85 percent.
  4. Emergency Source Undervoltage: Senses phase-to-ground voltage on each phase of Emergency Source.
  5. Pickup is adjustable from 85 to 100 percent of nominal, and dropout is adjustable from 75 to 98 percent of pickup value.
  6. Factory set pickup at 90 percent and dropout at 85 percent.
  7. Start Time Delay: Delays engine start signal and transfer operation.
  8. Adjustable from zero to six seconds, and factory set for one second.
  9. Voltage/Frequency Lockout: Prevents premature transfer.
  10. Pickup voltage is adjustable from 85 to 100 percent of nominal, factory set at 90 percent.
  11. Pickup frequency is adjustable from 90 to 100 percent of nominal, factory set at 95 percent.
  12. Retransfer Time Delay: Delays retransfer operation.
  13. Adjustable from 0 to 30 minutes, and factory set for 10 minutes.
  14. Initiate retransfer without further delay on detection of Emergency Source Undervoltage, provided Normal Source Undervoltage relay indicates that normal source supply is acceptable.
  15. Signal-Before-Retransfer: Delays retransfer to normal source.
  16. A set of contacts operates in advance of retransfer to normal source.
  17. Time to be adjustable from 1 to 30 seconds in 10-second intervals, factor set for 30 seconds.
  18. Test Switch: Simulates normal source failure, initiate emergency generator start and automatic transfer.
  19. Switch Position Indication: Indicate source to which load is connected.
  20. Source Available Indication: Indicates source(s) available undervoltage relays.
  21. Normal Source: Green indicator light with nameplate "Normal Source Available."
  22. Emergency Source: Red indicator light with nameplate "Emergency Source Available."
  23. Auxiliary Contacts: Two normally open, single-pole, double-throw contacts for each switch position, rated 10A at 240-V ac.
  24. Retransfer Override: Provide as witch to overrides automatic retransfer control. Transfer switch will remain connected to emergency power source regardless of condition of normal source.
  25. Provide indicator light to indicate override status with nameplate "Retransfer Override."
  26. Engine Start: One normally closed, and one normally open contact, rated 10A at 32-V dc minimum.
  27. Engine Cool-Down: Time delay after retransfer of load to normal source.
  28. Time delay adjustable from zero to five minutes, and factory set for five minutes.
  29. Contacts to signal remote engine-generator controls at end of time delay.
  30. Exerciser: Solid-state, programmable-time switch starts engine generator, transfers load for a preset time, then retransfers and shuts down engine after cool-down period.
  31. Exercise cycle at preset intervals adjustable from 7 to 30 days, factory set for 30-day cycle.
  32. Running periods are adjustable from 10 to 30 minutes, factory set for 20-minute running period.
  33. Exerciser Transfer Selector: Permits selection of exercise with and without load transfer.
  34. Integral battery for backup of time switch when normal control power is not available.


  1. Enclosures: Manufacturer's standard gray enamel over corrosion-resistant pretreatment and primer.


  1. Factory test and inspect components, assembled switches, and associated equipment.
  2. Ensure proper operation.
  3. Check transfer time and voltage, frequency, and time-delay settings for compliance with specified requirements.
  4. Perform dielectric strength test complying with NEMAICS1.



  1. Provide the services of a factory-authorized service representative for startup.
  2. Inspect field-assembled components, equipment installation and electrical connections.
  3. Report any observed defects in writing.
  4. Proceed only after correcting defects to the satisfaction of the service representative.
  5. Inspect,test, and adjust equipment.
  6. Perform checks using manufacturer's written instructions.


  1. Demonstrate that the completed system functions as specified.
  2. Demonstrate automatic start of emergency generator.
  3. Demonstrate automatic transfer to emergency generator.
  4. Demonstrate automatic retransfer to normal source.
  5. Demonstrate engine cool-down and stop.
  6. Demonstrate engine exerciser with and without load transfer.