WJHS Concert Choir
Syllabus 2012-13 School Year
The Concert Choir is a performance opportunity through which students will understand and experience music as an art, a science, a discipline and as a means of self-expression and enjoyment throughout life.
Attendance/Class Participation
Regular attendance is a must. Concert Choir is performance based and the nature of this class requires both individual and group participation. Students need to be present in order to complete the grade requirements. Absences and excessive tardiness will affect the Class Participation grade. Students will receive 10 points each day for participation, but if a student is in class, but not participating fully, or is removed from the classroom for inappropriate behavior, deductions will be made to their daily participation grade. At the end of each grading period, students will have the opportunity to reclaim up to 50% of the points lost through EXCUSED absences with a make-up singing session. Students must schedule an appointment to come in before or after school and must perform the most current class repertoire at a proficient level. I encourage excellent attendance for ALL students.
Choral Supplies
Students need to provide a 1-inch black 3-ring binder. Larger binders will NOT fit in the classroom folder slots so it is best to purchase this particular size. Binders must be solid black without stickers or designs for performance purposes. Students will also need a pencil for daily usage and a water bottle is suggested.
Concert Attendance
Choir Concerts serve as our mid-term and final exams in this course; therefore, attendance is a must. Failure to attend a performance means you have failed your mid-term or final exam. If you are seriously ill with a doctor’s note, or we find a legitimate conflict within the school or district calendar, an alternate assignment will be offered. All dates are secured through our principal and are scheduled not to interfere with other school activities including sporting events. Please mark your calendars NOW for the dates listed on the attached sheet.
Performance apparel
Each student will purchase a pre-approved concert outfit. Attached you will find more information about how to purchase performance apparel and what is considered appropriate for performances.
If you receive Free & Reduced lunch please do not hesitate to call or email concerning apparel
A participation fee of $15.00 will cover the cost of music and other supplies. Participation Fee is due to Ms. Slaton by Friday Aug. 31st
If you receive Free & Reduced lunch please do not hesitate to call or email concerning the class fee
We may have fundraisers each year which help us purchase extra music, props, equipment, tune pianos, print programs, pay instrumentalists, repair equipment, attend field trips, etc.
***It is our goal this year to travel out of state for a unique performance and assessment opportunity
Grades will reflect what each student earns and quality of work will be the standard. The following criteria will be used to determine the grade points each mid-term and grading period.
20% Attendance – present each day and on time to class
20% Daily participation-punctual & participating effectively while also following all directions & rules.
30% Performances – arriving on time and staying for the entire length of the concert, wearing appropriate attire while performing to the best of your ability and behaving in a way that brings honor to the choral program.
10% Singing Quizzes – Periodical quizzes covering current repertoire: can be written or oral
10% Sight Singing – Assignments geared towards individual and group sight singing proficiency aligning with state standards.
10% Theory – Assignments given to enhance music theory knowledge
It is a privilege to rehearse and perform in our choral program. Vocal participation may be replaced with written work from our choral textbook Something New to Sing About if appropriate participation becomes an issue. We will contact home if there is a problem in class.
All Classroom information including important documents and dates can be found on Ms. Slaton’s wikipage: http://www.jessamine.k12.ky.us/wjhs/departments/finearts/jslaton/index.htm
You can also reach me at the school: 859-887-2421 x3745
Or through email:
(Email is usually best as I work from 2 different classrooms and sometimes miss phone calls)
Required Performances:
All Concerts are held in the WJHS Auditorium at 7pm unless otherwise noted. There are times when unforeseen scheduling conflicts (snow days) cause us to change dates or times. Advanced notice will be given if there is a change in the schedule.
There is an admission charge for each concert in order to cover other costs for the choral program. Tickets are $3 in advance and $5 at the door unless otherwise noted
Fall Semester:
Fall Concert: Thursday November 1st, 2012
Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 13th, 2012 (Reception to follow)
Spring Semester: (subject to change)
Bryce Hood Memorial Arts Scholarship Concert: Thursday, March 7th,2013
Spring Concert: Thursday, May 23rd 2012
Special Activities beyond the classroom are available for interested students, but are not required:
Kentucky Music Educators Association All-State Choir Auditions: October 29/ 30, 2012
EKU Choral Day: Tues Sept. 18 (more info to come)
KMEA All-State Choir: February 2012 (this is open for students who audition and are accepted)
This year I would like to communicate more through email in order to keep parents updated on changes, upcoming events and deadlines or just to express how great the choir is sounding.
I, ______, understand the requirements and expectations
of this class as outlined by the syllabus. I give permission for my child, ______,
to participate in all required Choral events, with the appropriate materials and performance attire.
Parent Signature ______Student Signature ______
Parent Email: ______Parent #: ______
Please sign and return by Aug. 31