Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies


Recommended Resources


Volume 1:


Compiled by

Anne Marie Bennett,

SoulCollage® Facilitator & Facilitator Trainer,
Massachusetts, New England, the Internet, & Beyond

KaleidoSoul Resources for SoulCollagers- Volume 1: Books, Movies & TV, copyright 2010
by Anne Marie Bennett. All rights reserved.
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I really love my dual roles as Editor and Writer of Soul Treasures, the KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits Members’ Newsletter. And one of my favorite jobs in those roles is seeking out resources for SoulCollagers to enhance their practice.
It’s a pleasure to stumble across a movie or book that I know will resonate with you. Films take on new meaning for me when I watch them now, in the light of the many facets of SoulCollage®. And books… well, say no more! I am a voracious reader, and really enjoy sharing my favorites and my finds with you in this genre as well.
It’s true that each of the resources included in this e-book have appeared in a previous issue of Soul Treasures already. My hope in compiling them into this one volume is that you can keep it on your shelf and in your computer as a permanent colossal reference.
Several of the categories overlap, so please be sure to look at all of your favorites!
Thank you so much for your interest in our KaleidoSoul e-books. May these books and movies serve to enhance your SoulCollage® practice for many years to come.

Peace, joy and blessings,

Anne Marie Bennett

Beverly, MA

December 2010

P.S. If you have additional books and movies you’d like to share with us, please send an email to and be sure to put “SoulCollage Resources” in the header.

Table of Contents


Body Image/Relationship with Food 6

Chakras 9

Children/Picture Books 10

Committee Suit/Inner Voices 11

Community Suit/Relationships 14

Companions Suit/Animals/Nature 16

Council Suit/Archetypes 21

Creativity/Self-Expression 26

Dreams 40

Fiction 41

Grief, Death, Dying 58

Intuition 60

Journaling/Writing 61

Just For Fun 63

Memoir/Biography 65

Miscellaneous 67

Personal Growth/Authenticity 71

Poetry/Quotations/Readings 90

Shadow 93

Spirituality 95

Stress Relief/Meditation/Retreats 106

Travel 110

Women Only 111


Comedy 122

Documentary 125

Drama 126

Holidays 140

TV 141

Hard to Classify 142

Editor’s Note: I hereby verify that all links are valid and working properly, as of December 22, 2010. If you find that a link is broken, please let me know as soon as possible so I can update this e-book for future releases. --- Anne Marie Bennett


Body Image/Relationship with Food

365 Energy Boosters, by Susannah Seton and Sondra Kornblatt. This absolutely yummy book feels "just right" in my hands and every page has one simple idea/activity that will keep you energized and motivated all year long.Some of the activities are physical, and some are more mind-oriented, but all are designed to boost your energy level as well as your morale.

Body Prayers: Finding Body Peace, by Rebecca Ruggles Radcliffe. Subtitled, "A Journey of Self-Acceptance," this slim volume will help you on your own journey of self-acceptance. Includes a section of short daily readings, as well as many prayers, poems and affirmations on the topic of making peace with our bodies.

Divining the Body, by Jan Phillips. Beautifully written and presented, by the author of the book Marry Your Muse. I'm slowly reading and savoring this book, which promises to help you "reclaim the holiness of your physical self." There's a chapter on each part of the body, including: feet, legs, hand, generative organs, belly, heart, breasts, throat, ears, eyes, and brain. Also each chapter includes practical exercises and meditations to bring that part of the body into our consciousness more fully and with sacred reverence. This book is really helping me on my journey towards self-love and self-acceptance.

Eating the Moment, by Pavel Somov, Ph.D. Quick, enjoyable to read, full of creative exercises and insightful text. Learn original exercises to help you learn about your palates and manage your appetites.

Feeding the Hungry Heart, by Geneen Roth. This is the first Geneen Roth book I ever read and it holds a place of honor on my own bookshelf. She talks about compulsive eating in a way that is completely honest and believable. Her work offers solutions for those of us who struggle with this on a daily basis.

Fit From Within, by Victoria Moran. Through personal experience, the author has found that maintaining weight loss is more about honesty and courage than counting carbs. In this book she presents a body-mind-spirit approach to losing weight, showing how to find self-acceptance and break the blame cycle that surrounds "forbidden foods." Start living your life today with this beautiful book.

A Grateful Heart, edited by M. Ryan. Daily blessings for the evening meal, from Buddha to the Beatles. I've never seen a book of meal blessings like this one, but I love it dearly and have used mine well.

The Healing Secrets of Food, by Deborah Kesten. A Practical Guide for Nourishing Body, Mind, and Soul. Did you know that most cultures have a sacred, spiritual regard toward eating? It seems that many of us (myself included) have forgotten this vital connection in our daily
busy-ness and struggles. Deborah’s book brings us back to the serious belief that our food is not simply physical things but substances that are intimately connected with our mind and consciousness.

Healthy Living From The Inside Out: Every Woman's Guide to Real Beauty, Renewed Energy, and a Radiant Life, by Mariel Hemingway. I heard this book mentioned on a talk show and immediately checked it out of the library. Just a few pages in, I ordered myself my own copy. Hemingway focuses on four main themes to renew our inner and outer lives: food, movement, silence, and home. It is immensely readable, and more important than that, it is immensely practical and do-able. Also available on CD.

The Intuitive Healer, by Marcia Emery, PhD. Subtitled Accessing Your Inner Physician, this book shows us how to unlock our inner powers of health and healing by harnessing the wisdom of our intuition. Forward by Carolyn Myss.

Life Without Ed, by Jenni Schaefer. Absolutely riveting. I highly recommend this if you have an eating disorder of any kind. Jenni learns to treat her eating disorder (Ed) as a relationship instead of a condition, which enables her to "break up" with Ed once for and all. This book is highly readable because it is written in very short chapters, each one an essay about how she learned to divorce her eating disorder. Also, if you visit this page, you can listen to two songs that Jenni wrote about this topic: It's Okay to Be Happy and Life Without Ed.

Living Beauty, by Bobbi Brown. Finally, a book on how to look beautiful, written specifically for women over 40! With beautiful photos and helpful information about make-up, moisturizers and more. Also wonderful words of wisdom from older women we know and admire for their commitment to letting their INNER beauty inform their OUTER beauty: Susan Sarandon, Vera Wang, Lorraine Bracco, Rita Wilson, and many more.

Praying with Body and Soul, by Jane E. Vennard. Subtitled, A Way to Intimacy with God, this book is all of that and so much more. Includes chapters such as: Praying When Our Bodies Betray Us… Humor, Laughter and Playful Prayer… Praying with our Imaginations… Our Many Selves Guide Us in Prayer… Action Prayers: Work, Service, Justice and Care of the Earth.

Spirit in Action, by Irene Lamberti. Subtitle: Moving Meditations for Peace, Insight, and Personal Power. Contains photos with easy-to-follow, step-by-step movements that illustrate an exciting new kind of mind-body practice: moving meditations that give added physical power to our prayers. The author is a chiropractor and a teacher of workshops on embodied prayer. She draws on ancient, universal principles of sacred dance to create exercises that promote awareness and divine connections.

Weight Wisdom: Affirmations to Free You From Food and Body Concerns, by Kathleen Burns Kingsbury and Mary Ellen Williams. I found this book invaluable in helping me to change my relationship with food, and on the journey of accepting (and loving!) my body exactly as it is.

The Woman’s Belly Book, by Lisa Sarasohn. Finding Your True Center for More Energy, Confidence, and Pleasure. This wise yet practical book is all about trusting our “guts” and reclaiming the wisdom of our bellies. If you struggle with loving your belly, or any other part of your body, you will find this book helpful in bringing you back to self-acceptance and a healthier body image.

Women, Food and God, by Geneen Roth. An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything. This is Geneen's newest book and in my humble opinion, her very best work. If you have ever struggled with compulsive eating, or any other kind of eating disorder, this book will be a light in your darkness. There is a whole lot of good stuff here about how (and I mean, specifically how) to be in our bodies. I have read this all the way through once and plan to read it again and again and again.


Chakra Clearing,by Doreen Virtue. This small, colorful book is powerfully packed with many visualizations and meditations to help you effectively balance your chakras. Written informatively, concisely and imaginatively, it really helped me to understand the connection between and among all of my chakras. Excellent resource for any SoulCollager who is working with the Companions Suit. Includes aCD with morning and evening chakra meditations that are very helpful.

Chakra Healing Goddess Meditation- This 30 minute audio meditation guides you on a creative journeyto cleanse your chakras, heal your body, and feel gorgeous all over. Use this meditation when you:

·  are feeling out-of-sorts or really, really depleted

·  needing a burst of energy and replenishment

·  are in need of healing

·  are feeling sick or run down

·  want to keep all your chakras in beautiful clear order

·  need to feel clearer, happier and shinier

·  want some extra support as you are healing.

Sevenfold Journey, by Selene Vega and Anodea Judith. Lots of easy-to-follow information on each of the chakras. Also includes yoga postures, dance moves, journaling exercises, and other ideas to help you open, heal, balance, and get in touch with all of your chakras.

Wheels of Light, by Rosalyn Bruyere. This book explores the seven chakras of the body with particular focus on the first chakra, which has to do basic life force. Drawing on scientific research, Native American culture, the ancient traditions of the Egyptians and Greeks, the philosophies of the Hindus, and the religions of the East, the author presents a unique perspective on the value and healing potential of the chakra system.

NOTE: There are more great resources on the chakras in the KaleidoSoul e-course:

All Things Wise and Wonderful.

Children/Picture Books

The Blessing of the Beasts, by Ethel Pochocki. Engravings by Barry Moser. Enchanting, down-to-earth story of two "lesser" animal friends, a skunk and a cockroach, who attend the "Blessing of the Animals" service at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. It is a metaphor, of course, and one we can all relate to. Read it and see if your heart doesn't smile just a little.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?, by Carol McCloud. This is a children's book that is perfect for adults too. Might even inspire a SoulCollage® card! The concept is simple: every person in the world is born with an invisible "bucket." This bucket represents our mental and emotional health. We are responsible for filling each others' buckets with kind words, smiles, hugs, affirming thoughts and honest love. This book shows children this simple concept in the form of a beautiful story with words and very colorful images.

I'm in Charge of Celebrations, by Byrd Baylor. You'll find this book on the children's shelf but there's something for us "grown-ups" here as well. It's about a little girl who makes up her own celebration days, and gives each special day a special name. "Last year I gave myself one hundred and eight celebrations- besides the ones that they close school for." This enchanting book has made me look at my days a little bit differently. And I wonder what would happen if we all made this a practice ourselves!

Ish, by Peter H Reynolds. This is a delightful little children's book that speaks to the heart of people who are afraid they aren't creative. Little Ramon loves to draw but his big brother is very critical of his artwork, so he throws his pictures away. Then his big sister comes along and hangs all of his crumpled up drawings around her room because she loves them. She tells him that it doesn't matter if something doesn't look exactly like it's supposed to, as long as it's ISH. As long as a dog looks doggish, a flower looks flowerish, a star looks starrish... it's all good. Excellent for adults as well as children!

Many Moons, by James Thurber. A children's picture book from 1943, but a timeless story of how the answers for all of life's many questions are already inside of us.

The Other Way To Listen, by Byrd Baylor. An old man shows a young girl "the other way to listen" in this delightful children's book that has universal truth and messages for all of us. This old man can hear wildflower seeds bursting open, rocks murmuring to one another, and the hills singing. The young girl wants to learn how to listen like this as well, and he begins to teach her. I wonder what would happen if we all listened in this "other way."