Lesson Plan – Making Masks Grade 2

Deer Park Primary School
/ Year Group:
Grade 2 Students / Day:
Monday / Date:
3rd September 2007
Making Pobblebonk Masks / Aims:
Students are to think about the Animals that are in the Pobblebonk Exhibition then to think creatively about the construction of the animals masks, using tools such as pencils, crayons, feathers etc.
Level 2: “Laying the Foundations”
Physical, Personal and Social Learning / Domain:
Personal learning
Civil and Citizenship / Focus:
The Individual learner
Making personal learning
Civic knowledge and understanding
Community engagement / Standards:
With support, they identify their learning strengths and weaknesses and learning habits that improve learning outcomes
They describe some of the roles and purposes of groups in the community. They describe the benefits of action at the local level and the democratic aspects of the process. They participate in activities to protect and care for the natural and built environment.
Discipline-Based Learning / The Arts / Creating and making
Exploring and responding / Students create and present visual arts works that show emerging arts knowledge and an ability to plan arts works that communicate ideas, concepts, observations feelings and/or experiences.
Location / Setting:
This entire session will include 60 students. We are splitting them up into groups of 20 students and will be rotating to 3 different learning stations.
Station 1) conducted by Peter, Tour of the garden
Station 2) conducted by Gemma, Talk on Pobblebonk (the physical exhibition)
Station 3) conducted by Jenny, Making Animal Masks
My lesson is on “Making Masks”. This will be conducted in the Living Museum. Students will be located at a designated area with tables and chairs. / Organisation / Student Groups:
Students are to work individually, but will be working as a large group. There will be approximately 20 Students per group.
Students will be sitting around tables with the equipment spread out to share them while the construct their masks. After the 30 minute lesson students will rotate to the next working station / Classroom Management strategy:
When students arrive to my lesson, the masks will be placed face down and the students will take a place at the table. Students will have the mask that is allocated to them. There are 7 copies of each mask, therefore there is a total of 63 masks each
Key Vocabulary:
·  Black Pacific Duck
·  Blue Tongue Lizard
·  Echidna
·  Flying Fox (Grey headed)
·  Tawny Frog Mouth Owl
·  Spotted Marsh frog
·  Snake Neck Tortoise
·  Ringtail Possum
·  Eastern Grey Kangaroo
·  Pobblebonk / Materials, Resources and Equipment
·  7 copies of each animal = 63 masks total
·  Glue sticks
·  Colored pencils
·  Crayons
·  Feathers
·  Table and Chairs
·  Stapler
·  Elastic
·  Scissors / References / Sources
·  Pobblebonk Exhibition
·  Pobblebonk “Tour of the Garden”, by Peter
·  “Pobblebonk Talk”, By Gemma
Connecting, Engaging and Modelling Inquiry
5 minutes
·  Get students to take a sit at the table.
·  “Hello my name is Ms. Albanese and in today’s session we will be making masks on Pobblebonk Animals”. Everybody has a mask in front of them so if you turn them over you will be surprised with your animal. What we are going to do today is decorate the masks however you like, then we will cut out the eyes and staple elastic so by the end you will be able to wear them home”.
·  “I want you to think about the name of your animal then try and think about the colours you would like to use…we have pencils, crayons and feathers to use.” / MAIN BODY
Guiding Inquiry and Practice
15 minutes
·  Students begin to construct their masks.
·  Share the equipment between the 20 students.
·  I will staple the elastics to their masks at the end
Teaching Group:
I will be conducting this lesson by myself. However the entire session will be Rotations between Peter, Gemma and I. / CONCLUSION
Sharing, Explaining and Reviewing Inquiry
10 minutes
·  Sit at the tables finish any last minute stapling of the elastic
·  Everybody put on their masks and look around to see the other animals around them
Pre-service Teacher Personal Reflection / Mentor Feedback
University Colleague Feedback (where appropriate)