M.A.Public Administration (Part-1) Annual Syllabus


M.A. (Public Administration) Part-I(annual)

(For Dept. of Distance Education Candidates and Private Candidates)

2015 aND 2016 ExaminationS


Paper-I: Administrative Theory.

Paper-II: Indian Administration

Paper -III: Financial Administration.

Paper-IV: AnyONE of the following options.

Option (i): Comparative Personnel Administration.

Option (ii) Research Methods in Public Administration.

Option (iii) Public Administration and Computer Applications

Option (iv) Public Policy



Instructions for the Paper-setter

(For Dept. of Distance Education Candidates)

Maximum Marks : 100Theory : 80

Pass Marks : 35Internal Assessment : 20

Time : 3 hours(On the basis of Two Response Sheets of 10 marks each)

The question paper will consist of five Sections : A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 8 questions in all, taking two questions from the respective Sections of the syllabus . Each Question will carry 12 marks , 48 marks in all of four Sections. Section E will consist of 8 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 32 marks in all, each short-answer type question will carry 4 marks. The candidates are required to give answer of each short-type question in 50 words, i.e., in 7-10 lines.

Instructions for the Candidates (For Dept. of Distance Education Candidates)

Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D respectively of the question paper and the entire section E. The candidates are required to give answer of each short-type question in about 50 words, i.e., in 7-10 lines.


(For Private Candidates)

Maximum Marks : 100Pass Marks : 35

Time : 3 hours

The question paper will consist of five Sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 8 Questions in all, taking two questions each from the respective sections of the syllabus . Each Question will carry 15 marks each. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 40 marks in all. Each short answer type question carries 4 marks. The candidates are required to give answer of each short answer type question in 50 words i.e. in 7-10 lines.


Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section E. The candidates are required to give answers of each short answer type question in 50 words i.e. 7-10 lines.


Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance of Public Administration; Public and Private Administration; Relationship of Public Administration with other Social Sciences; Public Administration asan Art and Science; Evolution .of Public Administration as a discipline and its present status; New Public Administration; New Public Management Perspective.


Theories of Organisation : Scientific Management (Taylor and his associates); Classical Theory; Bureaucratic Model (Weber); Human Relations Approach; Behavioural Approach ; The System Approach.

Principles of Organisation: Hierarchy, Unity of Command, Span of Control, Centralisation and Decentralisation, Authority and Responsibility, Delegation, Supervision, Co-ordination.


Structure of Organisation: Chief Executive- Types, Role and Functions; Line, Staff and Auxiliary agencies; Forms of Organisation : Department, Company, Corporation, Boards and Commissions; Headquarters and Field relationship.

Administrative Behaviour: Leadership; Decision Making with special reference to Simon; Communication; Morale and Motivation (Maslow & Herzberg).


Accountability and Control: Concept, Legislative, Executive and Judicial Control over Administration; Citizen and Administration; Administration Law: Meaning and significance; Delegated Legislation; Administrative Tribunals: Meaning, Advantages, Limitations andMethods of ensuring effectiveness.


1. A. Awasthi and S.R. Maheshwari: Public Administration,

Laxmi Narain Aggarwal, Agra.

2. A.H. Maslow: Motivation and Personality. Harper and Row

New York, 1954.

3. A.R. Tyagi : Public Administration (Principles and Practice),

Atma Ram & Sons, Delhi, Edition 2001,

4. Amarjit Singh Dhillon: Lok Parshasan De Mool Sidhant (Punjabi)

5. Amitai Etzioni : Modern Organisations, Prentice Hall of India

Pvt. Ltd., N. Delhi, 1964.

6. B.L. Fadia and Kuldeep Fadia : Public Administration

Theories and Concepts, Sahitya Bhawan Publication, Agra, 2000.

7. D.R Prasad, V.S. Prasad and P. Satyanarayana( ed.) : Administrative

Thinkers, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., N. Delhi, 1991..

8. David Osborne and Ted Gaebler: Reinvesting Government : How

the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector,

Prentice-hall of India, N. Delhi, 1992.

9. Dwight Waldo: Perspective on Public Administration, University

of Alabama Press, 1956. .

10. Dwight Waldo: The AdministrationState, The Ronal Press

Company, New York, 1948.

II. F.W. Taylor: Scientific Management, Harpers Brothers, New York, 1947.

12. Felix A, Nigro :Modern Public Administration, Harper and Row,

New York, 1965.

13. Frank Marini (ed) : Deep and Deep, New Delhi - 2002 Toward a

New Public Administration, CA Chandler, Novato, 1971.

14. Fred Luthans : Organisation Behaviour, International Student

Edition, Mcgraw-Hill, Kogakusha, 1 td., Tokyo, 1977.

15. Frederick Herzberg: Work and the Nature of Man, The World

Publishing Company, Cleveland, 1966.

16. Fritz, J. Roetl1lisberger and William J. Diskson : Management

and the Worker, HarvardUniversity Press, Cambridge, Mass 1939.

17. H. George Frederickson : New Public Administration, University

of Alabama Press, Alabama, 1990.

18.. Herbert A. Simon: Administrative Behaviour, The Free Press,

New York, 1957, 2nd Edition.

19. K.K. Puri : Elements of Public Administration, (Punjabi).

20. L.D. White: Introduction td the Study of Public Administration,

MacMillan, New York, 1955..

21. Luther Gulick & L. Urwick (ed.): Papers on the Science of

. Administration. Institute of Public Admn. New York, 1937.

22. M.P. Sharma and B.L. Sadana: Public Administration, Kitab

Mahal, Allahabad, 1993.

23. Max Weber: The Theory of Social and Economic Organisation,

The Free Press, New York, 1964.

24.Mohit Bhattacharya: Public Administration-Structure, Process and Behaviour.

25. Mohit Bhattacharya: New Horizons of Public Administration.

Jawahar Publisher & Distributors, N. Delhi, 2001.

26. Mohit Bhattacharya: Restructuring Public AdministrationEssays in Rehabilitation, Jawahar Publishers and Distributors New Delhi, 1999.

New Delhi, 1999.

27. Nicholas Henry: Public Administration and Public Affairs.

Sixth Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, 2001.

28. R.B. Jain: Public Administration in India: 21st Century

Challenges for Good Governance, Deep and Deep

Publications, New Delhi, 2001.

29. Rumki Basu : Public Administration: Concept and Theories,

. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1990.

30. S.L. Goel : Advanced Administrative Theory, Deep and Deep,

New Delhi-2002.

31. S.L. Goel : Public Administration, Theory & Practice, Deep

and Deep, New Delhi 2002.

32. T.N. Chaturvedi (Ed.) : Towards Good Governance, IIPA,

New Delhi, 1999

33. Tom Christensen & Per Laegreid (Ed.) New Public Management ;

The Transformation of ldeas and Practice ., Ashgate Publishing

Company, Burlington (USA), 2001.

34. W. A. Robson: Justice and Administration law, Stevens

Sons, London, 1951.


Instructions for the Paper-setter

(For Dept. of Distance Education Candidates)

Maximum Marks : 100Theory : 80

Pass Marks : 35Internal Assessment : 20

Time : 3 hours(On the basis of Two Response Sheets of 10 marks each)

The question paper will consist of five Sections : A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 8 questions in all, taking two questions from the respective Sections of the syllabus . Each Question will carry 12 marks , 48 marks in all of four Sections. Section E will consist of 8 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 32 marks in all, each short-answer type question will carry 4 marks. The candidates are required to give answer of each short-type question in 50 words, i.e., in 7-10 lines.

Instructions for the Candidates (For Dept. of Distance Education Candidates)

Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D respectively of the question paper and the entire section E. The candidates are required to give answer of each short-type question in about 50 words, i.e., in 7-10 lines.


(For Private Candidates)

Maximum Marks : 100Pass Marks : 35

Time : 3 hours

The question paper will consist of five Sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 8 Questions in all, taking two questions each from the respective sections of the syllabus . Each Question will carry 15 marks each. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 40 marks in all. Each short answer type question carries 4 marks. The candidates are required to give answer of each short answer type question in 50 words i.e. in 7-10 lines.


Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section E. The candidates are required to give answers of each short answer type question in 50 words i.e. 7-10 lines.


Evolution of Indian Administration: Kautilya, Mughal Period, British Period. Constitutional Framework - Federation, Parliamentary Democracy; Political Executive at the Union Level- President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers.


Structure of Central Administration –Cabinet and Cabinet Committees; Cabinet Secretariat; Organisation of Central Secretariat.

Classification of Public Services: All India Services, Central Services, State Services; Recruitment; Central Personnel Agencies- Union Public Service Commission; Training; Promotion; Relationship between Permanent and Political Executive; Generalist Vs. Specialist.


Conduct and Discipline; Joint Consultative Machinery(JCM); Corruption in Administration; Redressal of Citizens Grievances: CVC,Lok Pal / Lok Ayukta; Machinery for Plan Formulation at the Central level.


State Administration – Governor; Chief Minister; Council of Ministers; Chief Secretary; Organization of State Secretariat; Planning Board at the State level.

District Administration- District Collector, Law and Order and Development functions. District Rural DevelopmentAgency- Role and Functions; District Planning Committee as under 74thConstitutional Amendment Act, 1992.


I. Ashoka Chand: Indian Administration, London. George Allen & Urwin, 1968.

2. A. Awasthi & Awasthi: Indian Administration in India, New Delhi, Sterling, 1995.

3. Maheshwari, S. R. :

(i) Indian Administration, 2nd Edition New Delhi, Orient Longman 1947.

(ii) The Evolution of Indian Administration, Agra, Lakshim Narain


(iii)The Administrative Reforms Commission, 1966-70:

(a) Report on the Machinery of Government and its procedures

of work.

(b) Report on Personnel Administration.

(c) Report on State Administration.

4. M. Kistaiah ,Administrative Reforms in a Developing Society,

New Delhi, Steling 1996.

5. Appleby Paul H.,Public Administration in India, Report of

Survey: New Delhi, Sterling. 1996.

6. Gorawala, A.D.: Report on Public Administration, New Delhi,

Planning Commission, 1951.

7. J.C.Johari: The Constitution of India- A Politico legal Study, Sterling, New Delhi, 1996.

8. J.C.Johari: Indian Government and Politics (2 Vols.) New Delhi,

Sterling, 1996.

9. Basu, D.D. : Introduction to the Constitutional of India, 1995.

10.Rumki Basu: Indian Administration and United. Nations, New Delhi, Sterling, 1996.

11. Khera, S.S. : District Administration in India, Bombay, Asia

Publishing House, 1964.

12. Singhvi, L.M. : Parliament and Administration in India, Delhi,


13. S.L.Goel: Personnel Administration, Deep & Deep Publication,

2002 New Delhi.


Instructions for the Paper-setter

(For Dept. of Distance Education Candidates)

Maximum Marks : 100Theory : 80

Pass Marks : 35Internal Assessment : 20

Time : 3 hours(On the basis of Two Response Sheets of 10 marks each)

The question paper will consist of five Sections : A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 8 questions in all, taking two questions from the respective Sections of the syllabus . Each Question will carry 12 marks , 48 marks in all of four Sections. Section E will consist of 8 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 32 marks in all, each short-answer type question will carry 4 marks. The candidates are required to give answer of each short-type question in 50 words, i.e., in 7-10 lines.

Instructions for the Candidates (For Dept. of Distance Education Candidates)

Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections A, B, C and D respectively of the question paper and the entire section E. The candidates are required to give answer of each short-type question in about 50 words, i.e., in 7-10 lines.


(For Private Candidates)

Maximum Marks : 100Pass Marks : 35

Time : 3 hours

The question paper will consist of five Sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 8 Questions in all, taking two questions each from the respective sections of the syllabus . Each Question will carry 15 marks each. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 40 marks in all. Each short answer type question carries 4 marks. The candidates are required to give answer of each short answer type question in 50 words i.e. in 7-10 lines.


Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section E. The candidates are required to give answers of each short answer type question in 50 words i.e. 7-10 lines.


Meaning, Scope & Significance of Financial Administration; Evolution of Federal Finance; Taxation System : Characteristics of Good Taxation system, Issues and Problems of Tax Administration, Resource Mobilisation and Utilisation.


Principles of Budgeting; Budgeting as an Instrument of Management and Economic Development. Budget: Formulation,Enactment and Execution, Performance Budgeting.


Financial Control Agencies: Tools of Legislative Control over Finance; Public Accounts Committee; Estimates Committee; Committee on Public Undertaking.

Union Ministry of Finance: Organisation, Structure and Working.


Fiscal Federation: Centre-State Financial Relations; FinanceCommission: Composition, Functions and Role; Recommendations of Successive Finance Commissions; Planning Commission: Composition, Functions and Role; Auditing and Accounting: Functions and Role of Comptroller and Auditor General of India.


1. Goel S.L.: Public Financial Administration Deep & Deep 2002

2. Tyagi B. P.: Public Finance, Meerut: Jai

3. Lall G S. : Financial Administration in India, New Delhi: 1976.

4. Thavaraj M.J.K. : Financial Administration in India, Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1996.

5. Sudharam Andley: Public Finance, Agra, Rattan Prakashan Mandir, 1979.

6. Datt Ruddar & Sundram K.P. : Indian Economy, New Delhi: S.Chand and Co. Pvt., 1997.

7. Khan M.& P.K.Jain: Finance Management, New Delhi, TataMcGraw Hill, 1982.

8.Srivastva R. N. : Management of Financial Institutions, Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House, 1988.

9. Bhambri C.P. : Public Administration in India, Bombay: VikasPublications House, 1973.

10. Goel S.L. : Public Financial Administration, New Delhi, SterlingPublishers, 2002.

11. Wattal P. K. : Parliamentary Financial Control in India, Bombay: Minera Book Depot, 1935.

12. Chanda A. K. : Aspects of Audit Control, Bombay, 1969.

13. Handa K. L. : Financial Administration in India, IIPA, New Delhi, 1988.

14. Peter A. Pyhrr : Zero-Base Budgeting, New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1973.

I5. Baisya K. N. : Financial Administration in India, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1986.

16. Gautam, Padam Nabh : Financial Administration in India, Vitt Prashshan, HaryanaSahityaAcademy, Chandigarh, 1993.

17.Tiwana S.S. : "Centre-State Financial Relations in India: Recent Trends", ISDA Journal, Vol.3, Nos.3 & 4.Thiruvananthapuram, July-September and October-December, 1993. "New Economic Policy: An Overview"Indian Book Chronicle, VoL XIX, No. 12, Jaipur, 1994.

18. Janjua,S.S.: Centre-State Financial Relations in India and

Finance Commission, Delhi, Deep, Deep and Deep Publication,1999.

19. Sinha R. K.: Fiscal Federalism in India, Delhi, SterlingPublishers Private Limited, 1987.

20. Sinha Ajit Kumar: New Economic Policy in India, Delhi,Deep and Deep Publication, 1994.


Instructions for the Paper-setter

(For Dept. of Distance Education Candidates)

Maximum Marks : 100Theory : 80

Pass Marks : 35Internal Assessment : 20

Time : 3 hours(On the basis of Two Response Sheets of 10 marks each)

The question paper will consist of five Sections : A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 8 questions in all, taking two questions from the respective Sections of the syllabus . Each Question will carry 12 marks , 48 marks in all of four Sections. Section E will consist of 8 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 32 marks in all, each short-answer type question will carry 4 marks. The candidates are required to give answer of each short-type question in 50 words, i.e., in 7-10 lines.

Instructions for the Candidates (For Dept. of Distance Education Candidates)

Candidates are required to attemptone question each from sections A, B, C and D respectively of the question paper and the entire section E. The candidates are required to give answer of each short-type question in about 50 words, i.e., in 7-10 lines.


(For Private Candidates)

Maximum Marks : 100Pass Marks : 35

Time : 3 hours

The question paper will consist of five Sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 8 Questions in all, taking two questions each from the respective sections of the syllabus . Each Question will carry 15 marks each. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 40 marks in all. Each short answer type question carries 4 marks. The candidates are required to give answer of each short answer type question in 50 words i.e. in 7-10 lines.


Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the Sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire Section E. The candidates are required to give answers of each short answer type question in 50 words i.e. 7-10 lines.


Main features of the Constitutions of India, U.K., U.S.A. and Japan; Civil Service Reforms: Administrative Reforms Commission, Fulton Committee, Reforms in U.S.A. and Japan. Impact of Globalisation, Privatisation and Free Economy on Civil Services.


Civil Services Reforms Personnel Systems in India. U.K., USA and Japan with reference to Classification and Structure of Civil Services; Recruitment; Training of Civil Services.


Personnel System in India, U.K., U.S.A. and Japan with reference to Promotion; Appraisal System; Conditions of Services and Fringe Benefits.

International Civil Service - Civil Servants in U.N. and its agencies.


Personnel Systems in India, U.K., U.S.A. and Japan with reference to Employer - Employee relationship; Conduct and Discipline; Political rights of the Civil servants.