1. What gender are you?
a. Male
b. Female
2. What Grade are you in?
a. Freshman
b. Sophomore
c. Junior
d. Senior
2. What Race/Ethnicity do you Identify
a. Caucasian
b. African/American
c. Hispanic
d. Asian
e. Multi-Ethnic
3. What political party do you identify yourself with?
a. Republican
b. Democratic
c. Third Party
d. No Party Affiliation
4. How closely do you follow national government and politics?
a. very closely
b. fairly closely
c. somewhat closely
d. not closely at all
5. Which of the following traits make you more likely to vote for a presidential candidate? Choose one only.
a. Experienced politician
b. Military leader
c. Business person
d. Religious leader
e. Sports figure/entertainer



6. Which of the following is the most important quality in an elected leader?
a. Cares about You
b. Stands up for belief
c. Leadership ability
d. career experience
e. Ethical values
f. Good communicator
g. Intelligent/creative
7. What would do the most to change Government and politics for the better? Choose one of the following.
a. More women and minorities running for office
b. Reform campaigns by reducing spending
c. Allowing voting on Saturdays and over the Internet
d. Third party competing with top parties
8. Which one of the following would most improve your view of government and politics?
a. Having Republicans and Democrats cooperate more
b. Improving diversity in government by electing more women and minorities
c. Making better use of information technology to communicate with voters
d. Running government more like a business
e. Having more public debates between candidates
9. Based on the Questions Asked and Your Answers, which candidates fits your requirements
a.  Donald J. Trump / Republican
b.  Secretary Hillary R. Clinton / Democrat
c.  Jill Stein / Green Party
d.  Governor Gary Johnson / Libertarian
e.  None of the candidates