This term (May-July) our topic is All About Me. This topic will cover themes such as: our likes / dislikes, where we live, looking at our features, special people in our lives, our family, friends, extended family; festivals and occasions we celebrate, fairy tales and characters we love; favourite books, rhymes, toys.
This term in nursery we will be talking and learning about different themes covering the topic ‘All about me’. So we will be carrying out activities about ourselves; our families; our friends; we will be looking at photos of ourselves and our family/ friends; we will be having discussions about our favourite things, such as foods, toys, books, shows etc. We will be looking at our homes, who lives with us; our pets; how we travel to nursery and the different festivals and occasions we celebrate. We will be using puppets and costumes to act out our favourite fairy tales and rhymes, as well as looking at our favourite books and singing our favourite rhymes.
If you would like to come in and carry out an activity or speak to any of the children…please speak to your child’s key person and we will be happy to arrange a date and time, or why not send in some family and friends photos for your child to share with their group during discussions.
Here are a few suggestions for you to enjoy with your child at home:
- Make a family tree with you child, why not include photos or get your child to draw pictures of their relatives
- Talk to your child about their favourite things, their likes and dislikes; why not get them to draw pictures of their favourite characters?
- Use mirrors to look at your facial features and talk about how they are the same and different.
- Visit the library and look at books on families- this is a lovely opportunity to teach your child about how families can be different.
- Why not create a fairy tale home out of junk modelling?
We hope you enjoy these suggestions. Thank you.
Little Swans Staff