City of Hull

Proceedings of

January 8th, 2018

Mayor Roger Buys called the meeting to order at 5:01 PM. In attendance were Councilpersons Mike Broek, Les Van Roekel, Kim Wielenga, and Eric Rankin. Councilman Joel Leusinkwas absent. Also present were Jim Collins, Dwayne Bonestroo, LonniWestphal, Denise Keizer, JohnEmerick, Scott Hansmann, and Brent Vaas.

Mayor Buys administered Oath of Office to Eric Rankin and Les Van Roekel.

A motion was made by Rankin and supported by Broek to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0

A motion was made by Broek and supported by Wielenga to approve the consent agenda which consisted of the Minutes from December 11, 2017,Minutes from December 18, 2017, State of Iowa Sales Tax, December Manual checks, December Interest Payments, and December Financials. Motion carried 4-0

Text Amendment – A motion was made by Van Roekel and supported by Wielenga to amend the City of Hull Zoning Ordinance to permit General Retail Sales in Industrial Zoned areas. Motion carried 4-0

Wholesale Firearm Residential Business – John Emerick shared his idea for a home based wholesale firearm business

Main Street Revitalization Grant – A motion was made by Rankin and supported by Wielenga to approve Scott Hansmann’s application for a Main Street Revitalization Grant for façade improvements. Motion carried 4-0

Public Correspondence – No correspondence

Administrator’s Report – Collins updated council of recent activities including meetings with Scott’s Auto Repair, Northwest Iowa Firearms, Field of Dreams, DGR Engineering, and other activities.

Finance – Kim Wielenga presented to the council the finance committee’s recommendation for a restructure of the City Office. This is in lieu of hiring a new City Administrator. A motion was made by Wielenga and supported by Van Roekel to restructureCity staff; promoting Jim Collins to City Administrator/HIDC Director, appointing Lonni Westphal as Public Works Director, and promoting Denise Keizer to Office Manager. The restructure of the staff will be a savings of over $75,000 annually to the city. Motion carried 4-0

Streets & Storm Sewers – No report

Building, Equipment, & Grounds – Discussion concerning automatic lights in gym at Rec Center

Parks, Pool, Recreation – Discussion on this weekend’s basketball tournament. Directed City staff to pay referees $10 per game.

Public Safety – No Report

City Utilities – No Report

Economic Development – No Report

Other Business –

  • Reviewed Mayoral appointments for 2018
  • A motion was made by Broek and supported by Rankin to approve cigarette/tobacco permit for Dollar General. Motion passed 4-0
  • Directed City staff to investigate reinstallation of City sign at west City entrance

Next Council Meeting – Regular council meeting will be held on Monday, January 19th

Being no further business, a motion was made by Broek and supported by Rankin to adjourn the meeting at6:40 PM. Motion passed 4-0


Jim Collins Roger Buys

City AdministratorMayor