Board of Commissioners County Manager

Ira Dove

Mark S. Swanger, Chairman

J. W. “Kirk” Kirkpatrick, III, Vice Chairman County Attorney

L. Kevin Ensley Leon M. Killian, III

Bill L. Upton

Michael T. Sorrells



October 3, 2016

The Board will meet in the HAYWOOD COUNTY COURTROOM

of the HISTORIC COURTHOUSE at 215 N. Main Street, Waynesville

beginning at 9:00 a.m.

Citizens must sign up for public comment prior to 8:50 a.m. and are limited

to three (3) minutes. Audience members may not address the Board at any time

during deliberations unless recognized by the Chairman.

I. Call to Order – Chairman Mark S. Swanger

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Administrative/Agency Reports

Presentation from Mountain Projects regarding the Real-World Expo – Si Simmons,

Youth Case Manager, Mountain Projects – ATTACHMENT 1

IV. Public Comment Session

V. Constituent Concerns

VI. Discussion /Adjustment to Agenda

VII. Consent Agenda

1. Request approval of September 19, 2016 regular meeting minutes

2. Request approval of application to the Public School Building Capital Fund for lottery

proceeds to pay for the current year debt service of $197,412.50 for the Pisgah High School

addition/renovation project – Ira Dove, County Manager – ATTACHMENT 2

3. Request approval of budget amendment – Ira Dove, County Manager

General Fund – Health & Human Services Agency - Youth Services - $50,000 –

N.C. Department of Public Safety grant funds for the Youth Multi-Systemic Therapy program –


4. Discussion of Haywood County School System committee related to teacher pay and approval of

Board member to attend the same – Ira Dove, County Manager

VIII. Old Business

1. Request approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Canton for infrastructure and

economic development for West Carolina Freightliner Western Star – Ira Dove, County

Manager – ATTACHMENT 4

2. Request approval of budget amendment for Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Canton –

General Fund – Economic Development - $200,000 – increased revenues - Ira Dove, County

Manager – ATTACHMENT 5

3. Request approval of 2017 Schedule of Values – Judy Hickman, Asst. Tax Assessor –


IX. New Business

1. Tax Collections Office update on plan for delinquent collections – Mike Matthews, Tax

Collector – ATTACHMENT 7

2. Request approval of Secondary Road Right of Way Agreement with NCDOT on Beaverdam

Road (SR613) to work on a safety project to allow greater sight distance visibility and construct

a shoulder along the road at no cost to the County – Kris Boyd, Planning Director –


3. Request approval of appointments to the Community Child Protection Team and the Child

Fatality Prevention Team – Stoney Blevins, HHSA Director/Asst. County Manager –


·  Alice Ensley – Community Child Protection Team

·  Christy Yazan – Community Child Protection Team

·  Chief Bryan Whitner – Community Child Protection Team

·  Gayla Jones – both Community Child Protection Team and Child Fatality Prevention Team

X. Closed Session

Closed Session Minutes §143-318.11(a)(1)

Personnel §143-318.11(a)(6)

Attorney/Client Privilege §143-318.11(a)(3)

XI. Adjournment

215 North Main Street • Waynesville, North Carolina 28786

Phone: 828.452.6625 • Fax: 828.452.6715