Seth Mattison -
Millennial expert who will help you navigate the generations

Are you struggling with generational issues? Charged with understanding the newly hired Millennials flooding into your workplace? Are you looking for an insightful presentation on the hottest talent trends accompanied by practical, applicable solutions? Millennial expert on the generations, Seth Mattison, has the answers, delivered in an engaging, thought-provoking, media-rich presentation that leaves audiences spellbound.

Mattison is one of The Generations People who are part of BridgeWorks' multigenerational team of experts and speakers. Individually and together they deliver highly customized, high-energy keynotes and workshops that entertain and enlighten audiences and leave them with plenty of practical, take home tips

Topics include -

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Generation Issues
  • Global Economics
  • Branding
  • Business

Fee is $20k including travel + other expenses. See video here -

Ryan Estis -
Ryan Estis helps companies and individual contributors embrace change and achieve breakthrough performance.

Fee is $25,000 plushotel.

Michael Veltri -
Proven CEO, battle-hardened entrepreneur, bestselling author, and martial arts expert bringing an authentic, grounded, and inspiring presence to every keynote he delivers.

From Michael . . . .Thank you for considering Michael for the 30th annual NARPM Convention & Trade Show. Michael is delighted to custom-craft a high-impact and highly-motivational talk that will deliver real value to the audience by providing innovative methods and relevant business tools to serve residential property managers.

The fit is strong for Michael. Professionally, as a seasoned industry executive, entrepreneur, and business owner, Michael has built, scaled, and sold his own successful businesses and will provide concrete leadership lessons on what it takes to make better decisions to serve customers, attract and retain top talent, and solve real-world business problems. Michael has also written a new nationwide bestselling business book that provides unique leadership lessons, tools, and techniques that will be a perfect fit for the audience.

In terms of his keynote, Michael would hand-craft it to ensure it meets the event’s needs, goals, and objectives. Something like this may work: “NARPM LEADERSHIP: Achieve Success with Balance -- Not Burnout”. Michael would share unique industry trends and also provide very relevant and retainable proprietary leadership tools that the audience can bring back and immediately implement in their own organizations.

Michael is a decorated Marine Corps veteran, cancer survivor, and proud father who is very easy to relate to on stage. He has delivered hundreds of keynotes around the world, so he will bring a highly motivational, professional, and impactful presence to this event. He is happy to jump on a “pre-booking” discovery call where he can learn more about the event, ask questions, and further share how he can benefit the client. Keynote fee is $??? and he's from Southern CA so he's close. Flies out of LAX.

Carol Kinsey Goman -Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D., is an international keynote speaker for corporations, conferences, universities, and government agencies. She is an authority on the impact of body language in the workplace (Body Language for Leaders, Body Language for Women Who Lead, Body Language that Sells!). Carol’s other popular programs include Leadership Presence, Collaborative Leadership, and Leading Continuous Change. Video

Real Estate clients

· American Land Title Association

· Bay Area Realtors Forum

· Chicago Title

· Coldwell Banker

· Cornish & Carey

· National Association of Realtors

Fee is $15,000 plus hotel. (Expenses are usually extra, but she will include them for me!)

Alan Parisse -
UNIQUE CREDENTIALS: Named "One of the Top 21 Speakers for the 21st Century" by Successful Meetings Magazine and the first and only person from the investment business to be inducted into NSA's Speaker

From his assistant, "Alan is an appropriate choice for this group as he has a substantial background in investment real estate and property management. He was on the NASD’s real estate committee and a was president of an institute of theNational Association of Realtors.We can make program suggestions based on their needs. All of Alan’s keynotes are customized for each client."
Fee is $10,000 plus hotelup to 2 nights and $1,200 flat rate for all other travel expenses.