Immanuel Lutheran Church

Mission and Ministry Council Minutes

January 21, 2013

Present: J. Lorenz, R. Gebel, C. Jahncke, J. Radewahn, T. Schoewe, B. Haley, B. Crapser, H. Sell, L Schmidt, S. Wallace, D. Schneider, K. Isaacson.

Opening Devotion: Pastor Robert Gebel; based on John 2:1-11.

Minutes of 12/17 M&M meeting were approved with one minor addition.

New member orientation: Council members introduced themselves; each member noted a 2012 accomplishment or strength of the council and a future goal/need:

·  Accomplishments/strengths: Creation of a standing teacher call committee, support and care shown to DYD Heather Sell, made headway on Ends Policy, update in electronic communication, improvements to school facility completed on a very small budget utilizing volunteer labor, setting up risk management committee, increase in school attendance by 40-50 students.

·  Needs for 2013: Connection and outreach to new school families, shepherding of members, communications with members, finish Ends Policy, continue to improve electronic communication, M&M council to tour school/facility to be more aware of needs, create 5-year visions and goals.

January Business

·  2012 reviews: Jon will be asking for e-mail feedback this month to review the council. An informal 12-month review of Pastor and Treasurer is also planned.

·  Data retention: MPCP (Milwaukee Parental Choice Program) requires 7 years of records for Council and Voter’s meetings. Council secretary will maintain minutes (hard and electronic) for M&M Council meetings, Voter’s meetings and Town Hall meetings. Action items: 1) Karen will meet with Kim Graf to clarify longer term record keeping plan; 2) Chris will send out the current versions of the policy manual and constitution; 3) Council to revisit Article 8 in the constitution regarding record keeping and amendments to the constitution.

·  Annual Policy Review calendar was discussed. Annual calendar should be set before the end of the 1st quarter. Annual agenda should include 3 M&M education meetings and 3 voter’s communication meetings.

·  Standing Call Committee (for teachers): A motion was made to create a “stub” committee for 2013 consisting of Sharon Wallace as chair, Pastor Dan and Lisa Schmidt. If a need to call a teacher should arise, this stub committee would notify M&M and appoint additional committee members. M&M must approve the entire group, but could do this by e-mail to avoid delaying the work of the committee. The motion was carried.

·  Facility discussion:

o  Sharon Wallace presented data on school growth. Enrollment is projected to continue growing due to the success of our childcare as well as the MPCP (currently accounting for 30% of students). K5 and 1st grades are big entrance points. With many of these families being non-members and about 9% being “unchurched”, this presents a big mission opportunity. A space crunch is projected in the 2014-2015 school year when enrollment is projected to top 300 students.

o  Reaction of Council: Need to ask ourselves how much we want to grow; important to avoid tying long-term debt into the MPCP program; need more evidence of sustainability of growth; need to build a 5-year plan with projection of revenue vs. expenses; need to consider 5-year plan in light of mission as well as business.

o  Additional caveat: Lutheran Special School (LSS) needs to be out of MLHS in 1.5 years and is looking for a home. Potential for partnership with ILS.

o  Facility options:

§  Temporary classrooms – may have zoning issues

§  Second site – Recent tours taken by ILC leaders of former Sentry building in Butler and a vacant elementary school in Brookfield.

§  Renovation of existing facility – Council reviewed drawings of a 3-phase project which would include addition of a second story above the existing childcare area in the first phase.

o  Next steps:

§  Solidify school enrollment projections

§  Further discussion with LSS regarding their options

§  Present ministry needs and facility options to the congregation by March or April.

§  Initiate a capital campaign soon?

·  Congregational input/feedback

o  Action item: Brian will submit a list of answers to the questions received from Coffee with Council. Council input is requested on this list; once approved, it will be shared with the congregation on the communication wall.

o  Action item: A suggestion box will be installed on the communication wall to facilitate ongoing congregational input.

·  Committee reports:

Financial review committee: Tom Schoewe has agreed to serve along with Jeff Trettin.

Risk management committee: Policies will be shared with the council via e-mail by the end of the month (action item).

Pastor’s report (distributed):

·  Currently there are two openings on the Immanuel Foundation.

·  Jeff Mueller to be installed as pastor of Berea Lutheran Church.

·  LCMS statistic report shows loss of membership nationwide. ILC worship attendance has stayed at 550-700 for past 50 years.

·  Looking for volunteers to attend the 2013 Passionate Believer’s conference at Divine Redeemer, Hartland on Feb 23, 2013.

·  Disposition of the Knight estate to be determined (Action item for next council meeting)

Good news/ministry updates/prayer topics:

·  Sharon Wallace attended a principal’s conference for large schools last week

·  Growth in our school and childcare is leading to more baptisms and families joining our church – praise God!

·  Pray about the forthcoming Family Worship format for late service.

Next M&M Council meeting: Monday, Feb. 18, 7:00 p.m. Devotions: Karen Isaacson.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Isaacson