Introduction 6

Philosophy and Mission Statement 6

Goals of Hall High School 6

Objectives 7

Governing Values 8


Academic Planner/Passes………………………………………………………………………...10

Activities Calendar……………………………………………………………………………….10

Acceptable Use Policy for Technology..…………………………………………………………10

Announcements 11

Asbestos Management Plan Notification 11


Attendance Procedures 12

Attendance and Admit Slips 12

Attendance Incentive Plan 12

Bell Schedule 13

Board Of Education Meetings 13

Building Use……………………………………………………………………………………...13

Cafeteria (Student Rules) 14

Calendar of Events 14

Care of School Property 14

Cell Phone Usage by Teacher…………………………………………………………………….15

Child Sex Offender and Murderer Community Notification Act.….…………………………….15

Class Dismissal 16

Class Record Book 16

Classroom Appearance and Maintenance 17

Classroom Social Gatherings 17

Club Sponsors Guidelines 17

Conduct Referrals 17

Copy Machines 17

Custodial Maintenance 18

Discipline Philosophy 18

Disciplinary Procedures 18

Doors (Exterior) 19

Early Dismissal - Inclement Weather 19

Early Dismissal - School Improvement 20

Early Dismissal - Sports Activities Modified or Cancelled 20

Effective Instruction 20

Emergency Drills (Fire/Tornado/Code Red, Code Yellow) 20

Employment and Tenure 20

Faculty Meetings 21

Faculty Sponsors 21

Faculty and Staff Well-Being 21

Disrespect, Threatening Actions/Words, Insubordination


Food 22

Grading Point Scale 22

Grade Report Guidelines 22

Grade Reports to Parents 22

Grievance Procedure 23

Guest Speakers 23

Guidance Department Services 23

Hallway Supervision 24

Harassment of Students Prohibited 24

Hazardous and Infectious Materials 24

Health Services 24

Home Room Teachers Guidelines 25

Illness 25

Interim Grade Reports 26

Inventory 26

Keys 26

Lesson Plans 26

Liability 27

Library Usage 27

Lost and Found 27

Mailboxes 27

Make-up Work 27

Mandated Reporter Requirements 27

No-Pass, No-Play 29

Ordering of Supplies 30

Parent Homework Request 30

Parent - Teacher Conferences 30

Phone Tree 30

Physical and Tuberculosis Examination 30

Plan Book 30

Planning Periods 31

Posters and Signs 31

Professional Conferences 31

Professional Dress 31

Professional Relations 32

Public Relations 32

Removing a Student from Class for Disciplinary Reasons 32

Sales Personnel 32

Security 32

Sexual Harassment Policy Employees 33

Sexual Harassment Policy Students 33

School Closing - Inclement Weather 34

School Functions 34

School Improvement 35

School Records and (FERPA) 35

Semester Exams 37

Sex Equity in Programs and Facilities 37


Solicitation of Student Names 37

Student Absence on Day of Activities 37

Student Accident, Illness, or Injury 37

Student=s Health 38

Student=s Schedule Changes 38

Substitute Preparation 38

Supervision of Examinations 39

Taking Students from Class 39

Tardiness 39

Teacher Attendance 39

Teachers Certification Requirement and Endorsement 40

Teacher Responsibilities 40

Teacher Responsibility to Come to Work During Inclement Weather 44

Teacher Tardiness 44

Teaching About Religions……………………………………………………………………….44

Telephones 44

Textbook Distribution 44

Transcripts 45

Visitors To The School 45




Code Red

Code Yellow


Evaluation Instrument






This document contains information of importance to faculty and staff members of Hall High School. Please read the information carefully. Policies, procedures, and factual information are included. It is revised periodically, reflecting changing needs and conditions.

The purpose of this handbook is to serve as a guide throughout your employment at Hall High School. It is a guide to school regulations and administrative practices. It is especially important as a new teacher's guide to serve as a quick reference for school procedures. Teachers are advised to read it thoroughly and to have it available for ready reference.

Finally, it is a reference for all teachers on school procedures, and an instrument of public relations through which community groups can be introduced to the school.


The mission of Hall High School District #502 is to provide an educational program consistent with the demands of a global society and the needs of the local community by offering an academic and co-curricular program that meets the needs of all students= becoming responsible citizens. The school district provides equal educational opportunities for all, individual assistance, and a range of services designed to help students develop useful skills and to reach their potential for lifelong learning.

Hall High School has identified four areas of human development dedicated to helping students achieve.

  1. Civic Responsibility C. Economic Self-sufficiency
  2. Self Realization D. Successful Human Relationships


To make life rewarding and satisfying To prepare students for the world of work

To discover and nurture creative talent To strengthen the moral fabric of society

To deal constructively with psychological To make intelligent use of natural and

tension human resources

To develop a desire for learning for the To understand the principles of a

present and for the future democratic government


Objectives at Hall High School

To provide an educational program To provide an educational program

which encourages all educable youth in which is sufficiently rich in content and

our district to fulfill the requirements in such depth that our students may

for a high school diploma. properly prepare for advanced study.

To provide an educational program To provide an educational program

which is appropriate to any important which provides the tools for students to

educational need of the community. be active lifelong learning and be

Responsible for their actions.

To encourage personal growth and To encourage personal growth and

development of the students by development of the students by

providing ample opportunities for our providing the necessary materials for

students to organize and develop their mental growth by exposing our students

ideas logically and convincingly. to as many learning situations as


To encourage personal growth and To encourage personal growth and

development of the students by development of the students by

providing opportunities for providing a broad view of man=s efforts

independence based upon investigation and progress, so our students may

and logical reasoning. properly judge today=s civilization and


To encourage personal growth and To encourage personal growth and

development of the students by development of the students by

providing an environment conducive to providing assistance to those students

the development of patriotism and having either school related or personal

loyalty to our country and form of problems.


To encourage personal growth and To encourage personal growth and

development of the students by development of the student to become a

providing help to all students to see prepared, productive, and responsible

today=s efforts in relation to the member of society.

long-range goals which they may have



To encourage personal growth and To provide and promote a collaborative

development of the students by educational program between the

providing a variety of social situations school, families, and community in

in which they may take an active part. order that students receive a quality


To provide a continuous appraisal and To develop with the stake holders the

evaluation of the total school program skills, values, and knowledge expected

be developing a plan that addresses of Hall graduates.

needed changed in curriculum.


 Students are entitled to an education which allows them to reach their potential.

 Students have the responsibility to follow all guidelines set forth by the Board of Education, Administration, and teacher for the attainment of an education.

 The educational system must be for life-long learning.

 All students must have ubiquitous access to educational opportunities.

. School must be a safe and pleasant place to learn and work.

 Families, students, community, and schools must cooperate for a successful education.

 The school system must encourage everyone to act responsibly.

 Everyone develops dignity and self-worth when treated with respect.

 Education is a critical element for economic survival, growth, and influence on the future.

 Various teaching methods allow for difference in student learning.

 Technology is an important tool for global society and can be used effectively, but not solely, in education.





Students are required to carry their student academic planner/pass book with them to all classes. Teachers are to sign the pass in the back of the book for a student to move from one area to another. Blue passes will only be issued by the following offices: Principal, Dean of Students, and Guidance Department.


A calendar of school activities is included in the Student Parent Handbook. Please be sure to check the calendar to avoid conflicts when planning extra-curricular events. All scheduled events must go through the principal’s office and athletic director’s office if applicable.


Voice mail, email, and Internet usage assigned to an employee’s computer or telephone extensions are solely for the purpose of conducting school business. Under no circumstance may school computers or other electronic equipment be used to obtain, view, or reach any pornographic, or otherwise immoral, unethical sites. Doing so can lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.


Students should not take medication during school hours or during schoolrelated activities unless it is necessary for a student’s health and wellbeing. When a student=s licensed health care provider and parent(s)/guardian(s) believe that it is necessary for the student to take a medication during school hours, they must request that the school dispense the medication to their child/ward and otherwise follow the District's procedures on dispensing medication.

No School District employee shall administer to any student, or supervise a student=s selfadministration of, any prescription or nonprescription medication until a completed and signed ASchool Medication Authorization Form@ is submitted by the student=s parent(s)/guardian(s). No student shall possess or consume any prescription or nonprescription medication on school grounds or at a schoolrelated function other than as provided for in this policy and its implementing procedures.

Nothing in this policy shall prohibit any school employee from providing emergency assistance to students, including administering medication.


Announcements should be submitted to the Principal's office no later than 1:30 P.M. on the day proceeding the day it will be read. Announcements written by students must be initialed by the proper faculty or staff personnel. Announcements are placed in teacher’s mailbox and will be read at the beginning of the day following the Pledge of Allegiance. Please post announcements in your room or area.

The public address system is used to convey information to students, faculty, and staff. EVERY EFFORT will be made to keep announcements between 8:00 AM and 2:44 PM to a minimum to reduce unnecessary interruptions.


It has been determined by the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency that asbestos is a potential health hazard, and precautions should be taken to avoid disturbing any asbestos containing materials.

As required, Hall High School=s buildings were initially inspected for asbestos. Our inspection was conducted on April 20, 1988. The AHERA law requires that a visual surveillance of asbestos containing areas be completed every six months, and a re-inspection conducted every three years. Any evidence of disturbance or change in condition will be documented in the Management Plan as required.

The Inspection/Management Plan is available for public review in the District office. Should you wish to review the plans, please call to make an appointment between 8:00 am to 3:15 pm.

Any concerns relative to asbestos containing materials should be directed to Hall High School District #502 office.

Students are assigned seating in the auditorium in alphabetical order by home room/by classes. When programs are held, staff members must attend and take role of students who have been assigned to them. If a staff member does not currently have a class assigned to them at the time of the assembly he/she must also attend. IT IS A SHARED RESPONSIBILITY of staff to correct any and all misconduct that is observed. Some assemblies will involve the entire student body, while others will involve a select segment of the school population.


Students are assigned seating in the auditorium or gym by homeroom/by classes. When programs are held, staff members must attend and take role of students who have been assigned to them. If a staff member does not currently have a class assigned to them at the time of the assembly, he/she must also attend. IT IS A SHARE RESPONSIBILITY of staff to correct any and all misconduct that is observed. Some assemblies will involve the entire student body, while others will involve a select segment of the school population. Assemblies that take place in the gym do not have assigned seats, however, classes should sit together with the teacher.


Teachers are expected to take attendance and record the absences in the class record book and enter the absence via SCHOOLMASTER. Please enter the mark within the first 10 minutes of each period. For students who are tardy more than three times to a class, the teacher should complete a tardy form and submit a copy to the office. Discipline points will be awarded by the office. Please be sure to record absences and tardies in your record book. If an error has been made in marking a student absent or tardy after it is submitted. please notify the office via a written note or phone message.

State school regulations require teachers to keep an accurate class record of attendance. If you have special symbols or codes other than the symbols or codes indicated in this document, for attendance, please have a legend in front of the grade book so the substitute teacher may follow the appropriate method. If you prefer the substitute teacher to make a list of those absent by class and day, please leave those instructions.


Students whose parent/guardian DID NOT call the school will have to have an admit. These students will be identified via the SCHOOLMASTER record that will be in the teacher=s mailbox at the end of the day. If a student is absent and IS NOT on the list, he/she has an excused absence, and will not need an admit. If a student is on the list, he/she will need an admit and should not be allowed into class until one is received from the office.

Student must report to the office for all attendance concerns. Admit to your classes, tardiness to school, checking out to go home, etc., will be processed from the office.