Journeys of Hope Program Information

Urban Housing Solutions’ Journeys of Hope program provides affordable housing to persons in recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. Journeys of Hope offers sixty-six apartments at three properties and a full-time staff person to provide support and assistance to residents.

Application to the Journeys of Hope program is made by advance appointment only. An individual who wishes to apply for the program must:

  • Have a primary diagnosis of “substance use disorder”*;
  • Have completed a licensed alcohol and drug treatment program (or six months in structured transitional living; or at least one year verifiable sobriety/clean time);
  • Have at least 120 days sobriety/clean time and be able to pass a drug screen;
  • Be motivated in their recovery as evidenced by regular participation in a recognized

12-Step recovery program (AA, CA, or NA) and sponsorship;

  • Be willing and able to attend at least three (3) recognized 12-Step meetings** weekly, as well as weekly residential group meetings;
  • Be verifiably employed and maintain employment***; or if currently receiving SSI or SSDI, commit to eight hours per week of community service;

Applicants to the Journeys of Hope program must not have criminal background that includes sex offenses or arson. Applicants with a history of violent offenses will be considered on a case by case basis. Furthermore, applicants to the Journeys of Hope program must not have a pending case at the time of application. An applicant’s criminal history is not exclusionary for residence within Journeys of Hope except as previously specified. The Journeys of Hope program does not accept Section 8 or Shelter + Care vouchers.

At the time of application an individual must submit the following documentation:

  • Valid state-issued identification;
  • Proof of all household income;
  • Documentation of homelessness (if applicable);
  • Documentation of treatment completion;
  • Documentation of all prescription medications currently taken.

TO SCHEDULE AN INTERVIEW: Leave your name and phone number at (615) 726-2696, x 121

For additional information about the Journeys of Hope program: visit our website at

* Journeys of Hope reserves the right to request an Axis I diagnosis from an applicant’s psychiatrist or primary care physician.

**If a resident is receiving a subsidy from UHS he/she must be employed full-time (i.e., at least 37.5 hours per week), unless receiving SSI/SSDI.

Revised 8/15/08