Class Expectations/Course Outline

Ms. Barone

Honors American Literature

The 10th grade curriculum focuses on various genres of American literature including short stories, poetry, drama, and novels. Major texts of this course include The Crucible, Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby, Ethan Frome, and The Catcher in the Rye. Writing, from expository essays to creative writing, is also a fundamental part of this course. Students are also responsible for writing literary research papers, which count as a substantial amount of their grade. A large emphasis is placed upon the skill of close reading and having students draw insightful conclusions about the literature read in class. Large and small group discussion is also an integral part of this course.

Class Expectations:

Students should come to class prepared each day with the following:

·  A fully charged i-pad

·  A writing implement (I do not supply them)

·  Any text(s) we are discussing

·  A binder or folder to keep track of occasional hand-outs

Class Attendance/Tardiness:

In order for students to receive the greatest benefit from the class, students need to be present in the classroom and on time for each class. Therefore, passes to lockers and/or bathrooms will be given out sparsely. Excessive absences from class may result in needing to make up work after school. Students who are tardy without a valid pass will be issued detentions to make up the time.

Make-Up and Missing Work:

Students who are absent and/or tardy are responsible for getting the make-up work. Students must make up work in a timely fashion (please refer to student handbook). Work must be made up on make-up day unless a student speaks to me about other arrangements. I DO NOT accept late assignments or give partial credit for late assignments UNLESS there are extenuating circumstances that you bring to my attention BEFORE the due date of the assignment.


Grades will be based on a point system; each assignment is worth a number of points. The total grade may be devised by dividing the student’s grade by the total points available.

Participation is mandatory:

In order to insure that students are fully engaged in the lesson, students must participate in class discussions and activities. Students who fail to complete class work and refuse to take an interest in discussion will struggle significantly, as most assessments are based off class discussions.

NOTE: I may be contacted at my school email address: or


·  All students must respect each other as well as teachers and other school personnel.

·  All rules apply in the classroom if and when a substitute teacher is present.

·  Due to students’ allergies, there is no eating/drinking in the classroom with the exception of water.

·  Cell phones and other electronic devices with the exception of i-pads must be put away during class time.

·  Cheating (or allowing someone to cheat) will result in a zero- no make-ups will be allowed.

·  Students who cut class will not be allowed to turn in assignments that were due on that day, and no make-ups will be allowed.

·  Students who are in danger of failing at the mid-point of a marking period will be issued a progress report.

·  Class dismissal- DO NOT LINE UP AT THE DOOR! Stay in your seat until I dismiss you.