Parts of the Brain: Facebook Edition

You will be assigned a specific part of the brain to research. After you become an expert in your brain part, you will create a Facebook profile for that part of the brain. Follow the directions below.


Use the internet, a book or your notes to research your specific brain part. Learn what it does and what happens when it goes wrong. Watch videos to help you learn and understand the information.

Create Your Profile:

  1. Go tomy blog and find the template.
  2. Fill in the following information by typing directly into the template. Erase what I have there and add the appropriate information. Be sure to maintain proper formatting.
  3. Wherever you see “BRAIN PART” replace that with your brain part’s name.
  4. Find a picture of your brain part to use as your profile picture. Replace the picture of JFK with your new profile pic.
  5. Find a minimum of FIVE pictures of your brain part to replace the pictures of JFK.
  6. Create a clever nickname for your brain part based on what it does.
  7. Add where in the brain it is located: what lobe? right side or left side or both?
  8. Who are my friends? What other brain parts do I interact with?
  9. Approximately how big is this part? Can you compare it to an everyday object?
  10. What are the functions of the brain part? Why is it important? What does it do for us?
  11. Based off the functions, fill in how I am used in your everyday life.
  12. In the impairments section, tell us what happens when your brain part is missing or damaged. What diseases occur and what functions are lost or changed?
  13. Based on the functions, what would your brain part’s favorite song, movie and TV show be? Be sure to explain you choices. Again, get creative and make me laugh!
  14. Find a video that you think helps explain your brain part. Paste the link to the video in the appropriate section and include a brief summary (3-5 sentences).
  15. Find a current article that deals with your part of the brain. Paste the link to the article in the appropriate section and include a brief summary (5-7 sentences).
  16. What’s your status? Write a funny status line about what your brain part is doing right now!
  17. Finally, in the information box on the left, write a short summary of why your brain part is essential to daily functioning. Finish the sentence already there for you.

Print out your Facebook page and turn it in to me by 9/19 (A) or 9/20 (B)


Name :____/2

Profile Picture: ____/2

5 Additional Pictures (2 pts per picture):_____/10




Size (including comparison to everyday object):_____/3

Importance (About Me Section): ___/20




Favorite Music (with explanation):____/3

Favorite Movies(with explanation):____/3

Favorite TV Shows(with explanation):____/3

Video and Summary: ____/10

Article and Summary:____/10

Status Update:____/5

Overall form and creativity:___/10
