Grade 10 Mask Assignment

Students will create a mask out of plaster casting. They will start by making a basic mask shape from their face. They will need help doing this:

Step 1:Students must make a rough copy sketch of the structure, as well as the decorating job that will make up their mask. Students will start by cutting up a roll of plaster strips. They should cut down the middle and then into squares. They should NOT cut the squares too large, as they need to fit into small areas and larger strips may make for a weaker mask. Once an entire roll of strips is cut, the students can move onto step 2.

Step 2: Students will partner up. One will lay on a table, with a towel under them and their hair pulled back. Their partner will put some moisturizer on the face of their partner. Taking pieces of saran wrap, students will put the plastic over the areas of the face that will be plastered. This may be the whole face, or upper half, depending on what the student wants. MAKE SURE NOT TO COVER NOSE HOLES AND MOUTH! IF THERE IS ANY JOKING WITH THIS THE STUDENT RESPONSIBLE WILL BE SENT TO THE OFFICE. THIS IS NO JOKING MATTER!

Step 3: Student take a bowl of WARM water and dip the strip into the water, getting it fully wet. Student put the strip onto their partner’s face, on top of the plastic, bumpy-side up and smooth out the plaster so that all holes are completely covered. Take another strip and repeat this step, overlapping with the first strip. Keep doing this until a layer is completed on the face. *Make sure not to keep strips near water. If strips get wet before they are to be used, they will be ruined.

Step 4: Do another full layer.Make sure there are no areas that are particularly weak.

Step 5: Wait for a few minutes for the strips to start hardening. Once they have hardened a bit, the mask can be popped off of the person’s face.

Step 6: The volunteer may want to go to the washroom and make sure their face is clean and clean themselves up. The first student can take their mask and make and touch-ups that they may need to make, fix edges, cover weak spots, smooth out areas, etc.

Step 7: Student’s mask will have to dry and harden overnight.

Step 8: Once the mask is hard and dry, student should check for any weak spots. They can also start adding details. Eyebrows, lips, or small details can be made by wetting plaster strips and forming them onto the face. Big details can be made by taking tissue paper and molding it into the shape desired and taping it, using masking tape, onto the mask. Students can then use the strips to attach the shape to the mask. Students must start from the BASE, where the tissue paper meets the mask, and work their way upwards, to ensure the mask is strong. Students should wait for the first layer to harden a bit before doing their second layer.

Step 9: When the mask structure is completed and dry, students can begin decorating their masks. They can then start by painting the mask, according to their rough copy sketch. Painting must be completed first, before any other decorations are added.

Step 10: Once the paint is dry, students can add whatever other details they wish. Felt, some beads and feathers are provided, but any other material must be provided by the student. Students can add materials until they are satisfied with their final product.