TF-CBT Guidelines & Questions for Grant Applicants


  • If possible, train at least two clinicians in TF-CBT. While training multiple clinicians may not be feasible for some projects, it may reduce the impact of therapist turnover as well as enable therapists to support one another in delivery of the model.
  • Therapists trained in the model should have a steady stream of child trauma cases.While therapists need 3 completed cases for certification, it is recommended that each therapist have at least 10 TF-CBT cases during the grant period. This increases the likelihood that 1) therapists are able to meet the requirements for certification in a timely manner, and 2) therapistsare able to provide TF-CBT with enough frequency to develop and maintain competence in the model.
  • Identify a licensed clinical supervisor who will provide oversight to the TF-CBT therapists and become trained and/or certified in the model.
  • Develop a plan for maintaining fidelity to the TF-CBT model after consultation ends.


  • Therapists who are not licensed must receive weekly supervision from a licensed clinical professional.
  • Therapists who have not yet been trained will need to attend an in-state TF-CBT training. We anticipate that the Fall 2018 training will be provided in September 2018 in the Harrisburg or State College area (specific dates and location TBD).
  • Grantees proposing to train therapists from outside agencies must use a Collaborating Agency Agreement and Therapist Commitment Agreement. Samples are available at All grantees are encouraged to use a Therapist Commitment Agreement to ensure expectations are clearly communicated.


  1. How many therapists/supervisors will be a part of this project? ______

How many are existing staff and/or have already been identified? ______

**Please complete the Clinician Information Page (next page) for each one.

How many therapists still need to be hired or identified for the project? ______

  1. Please describe the structure for clinical supervision of TF-CBT therapists (e.g., supervisor qualifications, frequency and format of supervision). Will the supervisor be trained in TF-CBT and/or see cases to work toward certification?
  1. Please describe plans for maintaining fidelity to the TF-CBT model after training and the initial 12-call consultation series is complete.
  1. Does your organization currently provide mental health services? If so, please describe your organization’s experience providing these services and what types of mental health services are provided (e.g., outpatient therapy, BHRS, Family-Based, etc.). If not, please describe your organization’s plan to expand into mental health services.
  1. How does your organization plan to fund TF-CBT after the grant ends?
  1. Have you reviewed the implementation resources on the EPISCenter website? (



  1. Have you reviewed the “Data Reporting Process Overview,” available at and are you aware of the required measures for grantee data collection?



Clinician Information

Name: ______

Agency (if different from grant applicant): ______

Role (circle one or both): Supervisor Therapist


  1. Please mark all that apply:

Currently enrolled in a graduate mental health program

Has a graduate degree in a mental health or clinical field

Is currently accruing hours for licensure. Anticipated licensure date (MM/YY): ___/___

Currently licensed – Type of license: ______

Clinical Experience

  1. With which of the following age groups does this therapist currently work?
  1. How many therapy clients does this therapist currently see per week? ______
  1. For the therapist’s current caseload, how many cases per week are children exhibiting problems as a result of trauma exposure? ______
  1. Are any changes to this therapist’s caseload or clientele expected under the TF-CBT project?


Yes – please describe:

  1. Does this clinician currently work with traumatized youth and/or has the clinician expressed a strong interest in doing so?

