
What is the Florence “Meg” Long Walsh Award?

The Second Decade Society/Florence “Meg” Long Walsh Leadership Award provides a graduating senior from the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences with $32,000 to undertake an independent project of their own unique design involving international travel. The award affords the opportunity for a promising Hopkins graduate to focus on an independent project that explores their own interests and abilities, test their knowledge and assumptions in a broader international context, and develop their leadership skills. Projects may be in any area, including public service, creative or artistic, and any field of study.

Who was Meg Walsh?

Meg Walsh, BA ’84, was a dedicated alumna, passionate explorer of the world, and, as Treasurer and Vice President of Lucent Technologies, a true leader in the global community. This award, established in her memory by her family, classmates, and the Second Decade Society, will provide opportunities to develop the qualities of independent intellectual inquiry, global perspective, and the leadership that Meg Walsh exemplified.

The criteria for selection are:

·  Strength of the proposed project (including feasibility and creativity)

·  Qualifications necessary for successful implementation of the project (including academic achievement)

·  Demonstrated leadership with a lasting impact on Hopkins and the community

Funding Restrictions:

·  Funding must be used to support your project and may not be spent on anyone/anything else. The award stipend is intended to provide maintenance, support and travel expenses for you while you conduct your international project experience.

·  Funding may not be used for study at another college/university.

·  Funding may be used for only one trip to and from the United States (or your home country), unless you need to return for a health or personal emergency.

·  The Meg Walsh Award is considered income, and it is subject to US Income Tax. This is something to be aware of when building your budget.

Application for the SDS/Walsh Leadership Award consists of two essays (one describing the proposed project, the other the applicant’s leadership accomplishments), a resume, two letters of recommendation, and an official transcript.

All materials must be received in the Office of External Affairs, Suite 500-W, Wyman Park Building

no later than noon on Friday, December 1, 2017.

1.  Personal Data

Name:______Student ID #:______

Hopkins Address:______

Hopkins Telephone #:______

E-mail Address:______

Future career possibilities and plans for postgraduate study:______


Competency in languages other than English if required by the proposed project:

Language______Proficiency (circle one): Good Fair Elementary

Language______Proficiency (circle one): Good Fair Elementary

2. Proposed Project Describe your plan for the 12-month fellowship year and provide a proposed project title in 1,200 or fewer words that includes the following:

• Describe your proposed project and how you intend to carry it out.

• Identify the elements in your background that will enable you to execute this project.

• How does this project reflect your talents, concerns, and vision for your future including how you would benefit from this unique opportunity?

• Why is this project important to you and others?

3. Leadership Describe the activities or initiatives you have developed as a student that have made a

Accomplishments difference in the Hopkins and/or wider community in 1,200 or fewer words that includes the following:

• How has your leadership contributed to the establishment of a new program or transformed an

existing program?

• How has this accomplishment raised the profile of the University in the greater community?

• How will this initiative continue upon your graduation?

4. Budget Utilizing the SDS Meg Walsh Award Budget Template, provide an estimate of how the

stipend will be spent.

5. Resume Your resume should include relevant experience.

6. Two Letters of Letters should address your ability to pursue the proposed project and your leadership.

Recommendation Letters must accompany your application upon submission and may be submitted from faculty, administrators or the directors of programs in which you were involved.

7. Official Transcript Request from the Registrar’s Office and submit with your application.

8. Interviews Selected finalists must be available to be interviewed on campus on Tuesday, January 30, 2018, and the winner will be notified no later than Wednesday, January 31, 2018.

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