Notes/Study Guide Ch. 19 & 21

Kingdom Protista

-most diverse kingdom

-grouped together based on what they are not; they are NOT fungi, plants, or animals (but they are in the domain Eukarya)

-most are unicellular and microscopic

-grouped based on physical or nutritional characteristics

Chapter 21 – Protists

-review characteristics of protists from chapter 19; recall that protists are found almost anywhere there is moisture or water, including oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers, damp soil, leaf litter, etc

-some are parasites

-many have specialized structures that allow them to respond to their environment (eyespots are an example)

-protists are thought to be the first eukaryotes

-sexual reproduction and multicellularity appear first among the protists

-historically, plant-like (photosynthetic) protists are called algae and animal-like (heterotrophic) protists are called protozoa (word parts: first animal)

-today’s classification puts the protists into many phyla;

Complete the table below using p. 420 & p. 463

Kinds of Protists

Phylum & Example Distinguishing Characteristic(s) Mode of Nutrition Drawing of a “typical” example

Ex. Amoeba / p.464
Ex. Euglena (flagellate) / p. 467
Ex. Paramecium (ciliate) / p. 469
Ex. Red tide / p. 467
Ex. Diatom
/ p. 466
Ex. Green/red/ brown Algae / p. 461,465
Acrasiomycota, Myxomycota, Oomycota
Ex. Slime molds & Water molds / p.470
Ex. Sporozoans / p. 471,473

Reproduction pp. 462-3:

  1. Observe Figure 2, Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in Chlamydomonas a unicellular green algae.
  2. Sexual reproduction involves ______while asexual reproduction involves ______.
  3. Observe Figure 3, Sexual reproduction in Ulva a multicellular green algae.

List the two types of sexual reproduction in multicellular protists and briefly describe.

Protist Diversity

Use Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter 21 to complete the following section:

What kind of organism caused the Irish potato famine in the 19th century (give both the common and scientific names)?p. 470

What type of protist is this?

Sporozoans are described as parasitic. What does this mean?

Sporozoans cause many diseases. Use the chart on p. 471 to complete the table below:

Sporozoans and Their Hosts






Other protists cause disease in humans, too. Use the information on p. 472 to complete the table below.