- What is the name of your journal?
Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
2. Give a one sentence summary of what your journal is about or what its mission
is. You can often find this right on the main website, or on a section called
“About Us.”
The Journal of Humanistic Psychology is published in association with the Association for Humanistiic Psychology and is an interdisciplinary forum for contributions pertaining to humanistic psychology; which addresses personal growth, interpersonal encounters, social problems and philosophical issues.
3. How long has the journal been published?
The Journal of Humanistic Psychology was founded by Abraham Maslow and Anthony Sutich in 1961, it has been in circulation for 47 years.
4. What is the city, the state, and the country of publication?
Alameda CAU.S.A.
5. What is the intended audience for the journal? If this is not stated directly, you
may have to infer it.
This Journal seems to be for the therapists in practice, and academics, though it might be read by interested in psychology who are aware of what Humanistic Psychology is.
6. Is the journal sponsored or affiliated with any organization or publication?
It is Published in Cooperation with the Association for Humanistic Psychology
7. About how many full-length articles do there appear to be in each journal?
8. What categories of articles appear in the journal besides full-length articles?
(book reviews, poetry, fiction, etc.)
Editor’s commentary.
9. What is the cost of each journal?
10. Of a subscription?
$25 to Association for Humanistic Psychology members
$115 per year for thers
11. Do they have online subscriptions or paid access to individual articles?
Yes they have paid access to individual articles and E-access.
12. Do they have free online content?
13. What is the frequency of publication?
14. Is the journal peer reviewed or refereed? If not, who appears to make editorial
It is peer reviewed by a committee of editors from all over the United States
15. What are the submission guidelines for the journal?
They are pretty involved so I will quote them verbatim:
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically at where you will be required to set up an online account on the SAGETRACK system powered by ScholarOne. In addition,an electronic version should be sent to Shawn Rubin, PsyD,Managing Editor,at and ahard copy should be sent to Kirk Schneider, PhD, Editor, at 1738 Union Street, San Francisco, CA94123. Include a cover letter with address, e-mail, phone number, and fax number. Please do not send your hardcopy to Dr. Schneider via Registered Mail, as this may delay, or even preclude, receipt.
Manuscripts should generally be no more than 30 double-spaced pages in length. Include cover letter with address, e-mail, phone number, and fax number. Please follow the text format of this journal, and for the citing and listing of references, refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition). Do not use masculine pronouns to refer to people in general. A copy of the final revised manuscript saved on a computer disk should be included with the final revised hard copy. Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in the journal. Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal should not simultaneously submit them to another journal, nor should manuscripts have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content. Authors in doubt about what constitutes prior publication should consult the editor. Due to the heavy load of editorial work and JHP's limited resources, manuscripts must often be rejected without explanation. Manuscripts will not be returned.
16. Pulling up a recent table of contents, list three or four article titles.
1.Wilber's Integral Philosophy: A Summary and Critique
2.Therapeutic Neuropsychological Assessment: A Humanistic Model and Case Example
3.The Humanistic Psychology of Human Evil: Ernest Becker and Arthur Koestler
17. Write up a summary for your classmates about the viability of publishing in this
journal or publication. What sorts of writing have you all done at Pacifica that
might be a fit for this journal? How “academic” is the writing? How much is it
geared toward case material or the practice of psychotherapy? Can you tell the
sorts of people they publish (academics, clinicians, “average joes,” etc.)?
The Humanistic Journal is quite scholarly being geared towards professionals, researchers and other academicians. It explores the many facets of humanistic psychology through diverse methods including: experiential reports, analyses of contemporary culture, theoretical papers, personal essays, poetry, and research studies. It seems to be an excellent journal for anyone wanting to offer new thinking about philosophy, human growth and development in the area of humanistic psychology. Although its focus is humanistic it’s content seems broader than that, including transpersonal and psychoanalytic thought as well. From my review of this journal I can say that about 1/3 of this journal is geared to the practice of psychotherapy. I believe that some of my writing on the evolution of consciousness would be welcome in this journal.