HRPG 25 August 2016

Hospital Redevelopment Partnership Group

Minutes / Action Points

of a meeting held inCDHB Boardroom, 32 Oxford Terrace, Addington,

Christchurch on Thursday, 25 August 2016 at 1.00pm

MembersTony Lanigan (Acting Chair), Margaret Wilsher, Murray Cleverley (until 2pm)

Ex-Officio membersMichael Hundleby, David Meates

AttendeesTony Lloyd, John Hazeldine, Lynn Archibald - Minutes (MoH)

Rob Ojala, Brad Cabell (CDHB)

Waren Warfield (RCP)

Bryan Spinks (Proj-X),Leonie Kelly, Jack Apostolou(Turner and Townsend Thinc), Stuart Smith (Beca)

Item / Discussion/Decision/Action
Apologies were received from Evan Davies, Stephen O’Keefe, Marbeth Isaac and Angela Mills.
2.1Review of minutes
The Minutes of the HRPG meeting held on 22 July 2016 were accepted as a true and correct record with the following amendments:
Item 3.1 paragraph 3. Facilities Development: Wording to be changed to : The highest priority of all parties (including the HRPG), apart from ASB and Outpatients, was to ensure Parkside was delivered taking into account the competing priorities of the wider CDHB Campus.”
Item 3.1 paragraph 6. Facilities Development: correction to spelling of fluoroscopy.
Item 4.2 Burwood RLB cost report – correction to date final account number would be on table – 29thJuly not August.
Moved Murray/Seconded Margaret
2.2Matters Arising
Item 3.2 Programme of Works
Murray confirmed that the Indicative Business Case (IBC), together with financial solution, will be resubmitted to the HRPG.
The action list was updated, as attached.
Who / By
3.0 / CDHB
3.1Facilities Development
The Facilities Development report for the period 12 July to 11 August 2016 was taken as read. Rob gave a verbal summary on status noting focus is on bedding in Burwood, with ASB going well. Assessments are awaited on the vibration assessments around the Outpatients. The Campus Health Facility planning is progressing.
Noise complaints from Riverside occupants was noted with two groups in particular being adversely affected (Audiology and Professional Development). The CDHB are looking at relocation options.
The Acting Chair acknowledged the recent official opening of Burwood and personally thanked executives of the Ministry and CDHB in achieving the outcome. Murray concurred with Tony’s comments that this should be recognised.
3.2Programme of Works
The Earthquake Repair/Programme of Works summary report dated 1 August 2016 and accompanying project status reports on St Asaph Substation, Kaikoura Integrated Family Health Centre, MRI Installation, 33 St Asaph Street services relocation/asbestos removal, blue car park demolition were taken as read.
The anticipated cost of refurbishment for the spinal unit was questioned by Margaret with clarity to be provided that this is as a consequence of earthquake damage and that any expansion of the area needs to be noted in future reporting. It was requested that the Burwood Birthing/Brain Injury project be separated.
The Ashburton Hospital redevelopment cashflow report reflected a divergence in budget against current and CDHB comment was sought as to reason for this. Key driver was due to asbestos plus issues with electrical cabling, contractor delays, design issues.
3.3Interim Paediatric Outpatient Relocation
The CDHB report dated 25 August 2016sought HRPG approval on the interim paediatric outpatient service relocation, in order to make available the single storey element of the Clinical Services Block for the ASB project to demolish, as part of creating the ASB link, in line with the ASB construction programme.
The request was for XXXXXX million to provide a reconfigured interim Paediatric outpatient facility, noting that a high level budget estimate of XXX for an interim paediatric outpatient relocation has been included in the May 2016 Earthquake Programme of Works report (item R4), however the Programme of Works still has a XXXX shortfall pending reprioritisation and decision process and the XXXXXX is a high level cost estimate due to the fast tracked requirement to meet the ASB construction timeline and does not include the following: Any work requirement for the Ophthalmology electrophysiology equipment, as this is still in discussion with the affected services; and the demolition cost of the single storey element of the Clinical Services Block, as the demolition is the responsibility and will be funded by the ASB project.
The HRPG noted this report. / CDHB
The Chair requested that Outpatients and Energy Centre be brought forward in the agenda.
4.1The Johnstaff report dated 15 August 2016 was taken as read. Alistair Burke spoke to this report.
From a programme point of view the main contractor is not moving fast with civil and piling works. A request has been made for them to mitigate this slowness. Shop drawings have been commenced and steel is on schedule for delivery.
Alistair to update the Johnstaff report communication list.
There was some discussion around the relocation of the bus stop whilst Outpatient demolition work was taking place, noting that there has been little progress with Council/Otakaro on this. The site has been set up with the intention that the bus stop will stay and the traffic management plan has been written on the basis the bus stops remains.
Tony Lloyd reported he had had meetings with all developers in the area and they are happy to meet on a monthly basis to co-ordinate and understand health and safety matters. MBIE have acknowledged that there is a lot of work happening in this area and they will provide health and safety representatives to work with all parties.
Jim left meeting. / AB
5.1The Johnstaff New Boiler House project report dated 17 August 2016 was taken as read. Alistair Burke spoke to this report
The project team continue to work on a three phase approach driven by tunnel works, timeframe and issues around building services within that tunnel which is driving the necessity for temporary works upfront so the tunnel can be decommissioned for the works. It is envisaged that a recommendation report will be available for the September HRPG meeting.
At Murray’s request, Alistair will attend the next Facilities Committee meeting to bring the Board up to date on progress.
Risk mitigation was raised by the CDHB noting other projects are contingent on this project’s timeline. The project team have costed in temporary boilers, both capacity and cost wise to end of August 2017 so there is enough boiler capacity and diesel cost to get through peak time to mitigate risk from cost point of view in particular.
There were two errors in dates which the Acting Chair noted in the Johnstaff report: 1.2.2 Temporary Works – “June 2016” should read “June 2017”. Under 1.2.5 Programme and Procurement, fourth paragraph, “July/August 2016” should read “July/August 2017”.
CDHB’s concerns regarding noise and proximity of the boilers to the river was raised. With regards to proximity, the Council and fire engineers have approved the location and the fire separation/access.
Alistair left meeting. / AB
6.1The Proj-X Project Manager report dated 9 August 2016 and Rider Levett Bucknall Cost report 37 dated 31 July 2016 were taken as read. Bryan Spinks and Neil O’Donnell spoke to these reports.
  • The steam cut over connecting boilers to old part of hospital takes place this weekend.
  • The first round of taps and shower mixes have all had replacement cartridges inserted. The warranties have been extended.
  • The draft final account has been received but needs more work before any high level discussions take place.
  • RLB are working on review of the Godek claim and validity of structural steel remeasure.
Bryan and Murray left the meeting.
Leonie Kelly, Jack Apostolou from Turner Townsend Thinc and Stuart Smith from Beca joined the meeting.
7.1The Turner and Townsend Thinc report dated August 2016 was taken as read. Leonie Kelly spoke to this report.
  • The project is XXXXXthrough construction with the contractor having an improved rate of progress, which is currently on programme.
  • The design team are 95% through structural steel shop drawings with focus on service phase and fit out
  • There have been a number of risks/issues with IFC pricing which are being work shopped with RLB and the contractor to gain appropriate rules of validity and negotiations of those.
  • Due date of contract completion is 25 July 2018.
  • 4,000 tonne of steel has been fabricated with the last shipment due in September.
  • The last quality check has been completed on the steel in Thailand.
  • Currently averaging 120 persons on site with labour rates continuing to peak.
  • CPB have been audited by Work Safe with no non performance issues raised but suggestions have been put forward for when labour increases
  • XXXXXXXXXXXXXX value management savings have been achieved with XXXXXXXXXXXXXX of savings remaining to be found.
7.2Seismic Verification of Proprietary Building Services equipment (NZS 4219:2009)
Jack spoke to Beca’s report dated 2 August 2016, which has been prepared for the ASB project in response to achieving building compliance with NZS4219:2009 which states that all performance of this equipment must be certified. As NZS 4219 has no specific exemptions to proprietary equipment seismic verification requirements (nor examples of suitable test methods and approvals) the team are looking to a pragmatic risk based approach and limited proprietary equipment verification to seismic critical equipment (as per USA practice).
There are limited IL4 (special post disaster function) and P5 (retain operational continuity) structures in New Zealand with Justice Precinct in Christchurch being one of them and it was noted they are taking a similar approach to this issue. Judgement is needed as to how to interpret code and this is what the team are working through, tapping into foreign (USA) body of knowledge and keeping the Council in the loop.
Key points as follows:
  • Objective of NZS4219 is to ensure engineering systems in buildings are securely restrained and systems continue to function for critical lifesaving functions.
  • ASB is classified as IL4 (special post disaster function) and P5 (retain operational continuity)
  • Restraint of services in the building is not an issue – engineering services will be restrained in accordance with the code.
  • Standard is ambiguous in terms of extent of proprietary equipment to be certified for seismic rating.
  • Project team has been working through equipment selections.
  • Propose to take a practical risk based approach to equipment selections to achieve code compliance.
  • Noted that equipment higher than P5 which affects life safety of people is mandated by code to be compliant
  • In making selections, team has relied upon overseas body of knowledge to determine equipment selection and availability, particularly the California Offices of Statewide Health Planning which is running a large hospital programme.
  • OSHPD classifies equipment as rugged and active with rugged equipment being inherently suitable for use without testing. Active equipment has moving parts and requires certification.
  • The NZ market is still developing with limited equipment selections available that meets the code requirements.
  • In making equipment selections, consideration of serviceability and support including spares is required to ensure that systems can remain operational.
  • In an earthquake event, there is a need to have a plan for establishment of operational continuity. This will require the Asset manager to be able to reset equipment and effect repairs to establish operational continuity.
  • This is to be expected in an asset of this scale and complexity.
  • The adoption of a risk based approach in selection of equipment to ensure operational continuity is the more pragmatic way of adhering to the code intent and progressing the equipment selections.
  • Upon certification, the Council will then also be required to certify compliance.
This report was noted by the HRPG. This is work in progress.
7.3Health & Safety
The Lucas Health and Safety report for the period up to 31 July 2016 was taken as read.
In response to questions around the project’s drug testing regime it was confirmed that there is alcohol testing daily for everyone on site with random drug testing, typically twice a month. So far there have been no detections.
7.4Financial Report
The Rider Levett Bucknall Construction Cost report 33 dated 31 July 2016 was taken as read.
  • XXXXworth of risk has been ring fenced, resulting in very little construction contingency left.
  • FF&E was XXX and is now XXX in terms of gap analysis. There is further work to be done to reduce this gap.
Leonie, Jack and Stuart left the meeting. Adam joined the meeting.
8.1The Destravis Group project status report dated 15 August 2016 was taken as read.
In Annabel’s absence Adam talked to the Destravis Christchurch Site Wide Planning update for August 2016 which provided a briefing for the HRPG on the options and work to date. A number of workshops have been held with the CDHB, Destravis and CCM with another workshop scheduled for 31 August to discuss these options as presented to HRPG. The Business Case is being prepared and is on track to be delivered in the next 6-8 weeks.
Ongoing engineering work is being carried out on the options with further work being carried out to understand construction timelines, decanting challenges. RLB are working on costing these options.
The HRPG noted this report and that this remains work in progress.
The meeting concluded at 2.40pm.
To be confirmed.
Reports/Documents Distributed prior to the Meeting
-Minutes of Previous Meeting 22 July 2016
-Burwood Project Director’s Report dated 9 August 2016
-ASB Project Director’s Report dated July 2016
-RLB Burwood Financial Cost Reports for Burwood No. 37, ASB No.33, Outpatients No. 11
-Lucas Safety report Burwood and ASB –July/August 2016
-Ministry of Health – Energy Centre Project Status Report dated 17 August 2016
-Ministry of Health/Johnstaff – Outpatient Status Report dated 15 August 2016
-CDHB Facilities Development Project Monthly Report for period – 12 July– 11 August 2016
-CDHB Facilities Update – 1 August 2016
-CDHB Status reports: St Asaph Substation, Kaikoura IFHC, CDHB Corporate Office Fitout project, MRI Installation, St Asaph St services relocation/asbestos removal and blue carpark demolition, Ashburton Hospital Redevelopment
-CDHB Interim Paediatric Outpatient Relocation
-Beca report dated 2 August 2016 – Seismic Verification of Proprietary Building Services Equipment
-Destravis Project Status report dated 15 August 2016
-Destravis Christchurch Site Wide Planning HRPG Update – August 2016
Note: Additional Reports were circulated for Information. They did not form part of the meeting Agenda.
-FF&E status report No. 26 from 10 July to 10 August 2016
-CDHB Communications report for August 2016

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