Parliamentarian Procedures for Members of the Public


To uphold the opinion of the majority and respect the opinion of the minority

General Information

At any time, if you wish to speak, raise your hand in the direction of the Vice President and Senate Pro Tempore (middle of the table) during relevant items on the agenda (read definitions). They shall add you to the speakers’ list.

If someone is currently speaking and you wish to elaborate, refute, or comment on what was said, raise your hand in the direction of the current speaker. If they wish, they shall defer to you.


  • Speakers’ list – A list of members who wish to speak on the matter at hand, rotating between members of the public and members of the Senate.
  • Public Discussion – If you wish to express concerns or issues to the ASUCD Senate or participate in the discussion at hand.
  • Public Announcements – The item is used to publicize all up-coming events.
  • Other Business – This item is used for anything, such as announcement, discussions, or give a presentation after the items for such things has already passed.
  • Consideration of Legislation – This item is a formal process about a piece of legislation.
  • Author’s Comments – Time allotted to the authors of the Bill at hand to speak.
  • Questions-in-Text – If you see any textual mistakes – bring them up.
  • Public Discussion – Public participation during discussions on the bill at hand
  • Senate Discussion – Only the members of the table are able to get on the speakers’ list
  • Deferments – Speaking times that are given to anyone to speak from the current speaker; however there are limits to how many each person gets. Deferments last only 2 minutes.

How it works

As a member of the public you get more speaking power than members sitting at the table during public discussion. The speakers’ list rotates between members of the public and members of the senate. So, you get more opportunities to speak and more time to do so.

Public Discussion

Member / Speaking Time / Deferments
Senate / 2 minutes / One -2 minutes
Public / 5 minutes / Two -2 minutes

Unfortunately, you cannot get on the speakers’ list during Senate Discussion, but you still can ask for deferments by raising your hand in the direction of a speaker! (Note: Senators usually do not move into Senate discussion unless the public speakers’ list is empty.)

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