Please note that trip meter readings are included ONLY AS A GUIDE and the Car Treasure Hunt Organisers take no responsibility for participants’ trip meter readings differing from those in the clues.


Blue = Directions

Black = Clue

Green = Find something


Turn RIGHT along Kingsway and drive down the road. After the road bears LEFT, turn RIGHT into the car park (East Beach Car Park). As you turn into the car park, park on the LEFT side, facing the trees. This is a pay and display car park and the charge is 20 pence for one hour. Your stay here should take about 15 mins. Get out of your car and follow the footpath signposted “Public Footpath, Selsey Tram Way”

Question Number / Trip
meter / Clue
1 / N/A / Why is there a pond here?
2 / Who is East Beach Pond for?
3 / When was Selsey Tramline built?
4 / Who are SMBC and when did they form? (2 points)
TREASURE 1 / Walk past the two picnic tables on your right. Go into the small clump of trees (also on your right). You will find your first treasure lodging at eye level, where a family of birds once lived.
When you have found what you are looking for please be sure to return it to its original location for the next hunters.
Carry on walking in the same direction
5 / How extensive is a water vole’s menu?
6 / What are you not allowed to do in East Beach Pond?
7 / Who is the Wildlife Information in memory of?
Return to your car and zero your trip as you leave the car park and pass over the speed hump. Turn RIGHT out of the car park.
0.2 / At the T junction at the end of the road, turn RIGHT into Constable Drive, then immediately LEFT passing the row of shops on your right.
When you pass the bus stop on your left, get ready to indicate right.
0.4 / Turn RIGHT into Manor Road
0.8 / At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit and turn RIGHT on the B2145, towards Chichester and Sidlesham.
Keep on this road
4.7 / Follow the RIGHT fork towards Chichester on B2145 and pass through Hunston Village.
6.4 / At the mini roundabout painted on the road, take the first exit, following the road to the left.
8 / 6.6 / How many horses are there in the paddock at Hunter’s Lodge Stables? (you can check this on your return)
6.8 / At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit and turn RIGHT on B2166 towards North Mundham, Pagham and Bognor Regis.
Look out for the 30 MPH speed limit sign and just after this at 7.2 miles...
7.1 / Take the RIGHT fork, turning across the flow of traffic, into Church Road.
7.2 / Turn LEFT at the T-Junction at the end of the road.
7.3 / At the junction go straight across, into School Lane
7.4 / Pull into the small car park between the School Turning Circle and the Village Hall Car Park entrance - North Mundham School Car Park. Don’t go into the village hall car park as it is a large area and could mess up your trip readings.
9 / For children of the 80’s, how tall is Max Headroom?
10 / What is North Mundham Playing Field’s charity number?
11 / Who will be meeting in the small hall on 26th August 2014?
12 / Take a photo of one of your team enjoying your choice of playground equipment. Points will be awarded for silliness! Remember, play safely and have consideration for other playground users.
TREASURE 2 / On foot, turn RIGHT out of the car park and walk a short distance up the lane until you reach the triangular shaped manhole cover. Stand on the manhole cover and turn back to face the way you came (the house should be on your right).
The second treasure is plainly nearby....look closely and you’ll find it!
When you have found what you are looking for, note down what it is and return it for the next hunters.
Return to your car and turn LEFT back down School Lane, the way you came in. At the junction, cross the main road again going back into Church Road. This is more of a right, left manoeuvre and a tricky junction but the traffic should be fairly light; please take care!
13 / 7.5 / Were arrows once made here?
7.9 / Follow the road, bearing RIGHT into Fisher Lane, signposted S Mundham
14 / 7.9 / What colour is the letter box for North Mundham House Cottage?
15 / 8.0 / Is this Winston Churchill’s depressive flower seller?
8.5 / Bear LEFT at the fork in the road, signposted S Mundham.
8.7 / Keep on the road , bearing RIGHT into Manor Lane
9.0 / Pull in on the RIGHT, be careful please, there’s parking space for about 3 – 4 cars.
16 / What time do North Mundham Parish Council meetings start?
17 / How much is in the German Reserve Account?
18 / Where was Councillor Rob Callaway-Lewis on 3rd June 2014?
Return to your car and carry on driving in the direction you were going.
9.1 / Bear LEFT into Punches Lane
19 / 9.1 / Oh my stars, I see a goat!
9.3 / Follow the road round to the LEFT, road name Bowley Lane can be seen.
9.6 / At the junction turn RIGHT towards Runcton on Runcton Lane.
20 / 10.0 / Are they saving daylight here?
21 / 10.5 / Game residence?
10.5 / Bear LEFT onto Mill Lane.
22 / 10.7 / Swan nursery here?
10.8 / At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit and turn RIGHT towards Pagham and Bognor Regis on the B2166, you will pass the Walnut Tree pub on your left on the roundabout.
12.2 / Turn RIGHT into the Royal Oak Pub car park, park your car and go into the pub J You can stop here for some light refreshment if you like but keep your eye on the time, you’re about half way through now!
23 / Find the animals and birds in the garden. How many and what? Write your answers on the back of this page.
24 / Who is the resident psittaciform?
25 / What time is it at Paddington?
When you are ready, return to your cars and turn RIGHT out of the car park and carry on in the direction you were travelling in.
13.2 / Turn LEFT into Sefter Road
13.9 / At the traffic Lights turn RIGHT into Nyetimber Lane
14.1 / Turn RIGHT into Arisford Recreation Ground and park your car opposite the brick building. Get out of your car and walk to the bench to the right of the brick building.
TREASURE 3 / From the bench, walk towards the spinney. Are you pining for me? I’m here, just find me!
When you have found what you seek, note down what it is and replace it for the next hunters.
This is the last stop. From this point on, the clues should be visible from your moving car. Please DO NOT disrupt the flow of traffic by driving slowly, whilst looking for the answers. If you want to stop to check your answers, please do so only when and where it is safe to.
Return to your car, and leave the car park, turning RIGHT back onto Nyetimber Lane
14.8 / At the roundabout, turn RIGHT towards Pagham, Bognor Regis and Chichester.
26 / 15.0 / Was this a watering hole for those peddling contraband?
15.1 / At the T-Junction turn RIGHT, passing the Bear Inn on your left
27 / 15.2 / Do they have a deeply recessed fireplace here?
28 / 16.0 / Surely they’re not without footwear at this homestead?
29 / 17.2 / Spherical pebble plant shop?
18.1 / Go across the roundabout signposted N Mundham and Selsey on the B2166
18.9 / At the roundabout, take the first exit in the direction of Selsey, on the B2145
19.3 / Go across the mini roundabout
30 / 19.7 / What is “Roasted on an open fire” at Christmas time?
31 / 20.6 / What is the new attraction at Chichester Golf Club?
32 / 21.5 / Miniature trees for sale
33 / 23.0 / How much for a juvenile jackapoo?
Keep on the road back to Selsey
24.9 / Turn LEFT at the roundabout into Manor Road
25.4 / Go across the junction, signposted to the Lifeboat Station and Selsey Bill
25.4 / Give way at the angled junction and turn LEFT into Grafton Road
25.9 / Turn LEFT into East Street and follow the road to the end where you will find the Lifeboat Pub.
Find us and hand in your answers.