Central Coast Community Forum

Minutes from 22nd March 2006 AGM

CWA Hall, Port Noarlunga

Present: Ray Bailey (Chair), Vanessa Catterall, John Walker, Ron Jenkins, Diana Dahms, Jan Vivian, Charles Bures, Christine Bures, Peter Mortess, Lynn Kurcz, Joan Smith, Liz Mines, Graham Mines, Julie Harris, Barbara Reganess, Peter Farrell, Deb McGorm, Annette Wilson, Jean Grantham, Stephen Woods, Brendan Armstrong, Phyll Morrison, Marion Jennison, Judith Carter, Chris & John Parker, Barbara Chappell, City of Onkaparinga.

Federal MP: Kym Richardson MP (Member for Kingston)

State MP: Gay Thompson MP (Member for Reynell)

Onkaparinga Council Members; NIL

Apologies: Rose Beager, Jono Humphrys, Pam Reid, Graham Catterall, Peter Holdback, Vyv Carss, John Ferguson, Christobel Mattingly

Welcome: Chairman Ray Bailey welcomed Kym Richardson MP (Member for Kingston), Gay Thompson MP (Member for Reynell), and those in attendance to the forum and advised that there will be light supper after the meeting had closed.

Political Updates: Gay Thompson MP (Member for Reynell) advised members about the recent State election. Gail Gago is the new Minister for the Environment. Gay reported that there would be a behind scenes upgrade of Flinders Hospital (operating theatres etc) and an upgrade of mental health facilities at Noarlunga Hospital. Doctors now appointed at Flinders Hospital were now also appointed to practice at Noarlunga Hospital. There is to be a new Rehabilitation Facility to be built behind Bunnings on Goldsmith Drive.

Update from Kym Richardson MP (Member for Kingston). Kym gave a short report regarding the Federal Matters.

Chair Ray Bailey gave a brief overview of the past years activities for the Forum. He thanked the Committee and the attendees. He explained that the Forum was not just for Council related issues. He gave a description of the Committee positions which were all declared vacant.

Kym Richardson MP (Member for Kingston) took nominations from the floor. They were Ray Bailey, Vanessa Catterall, Charles Bures, Christine Bures, Liz Mines, Barbara Reganess, Jan Vivian, Peter Holdback,

Treasurers Report: Christine Bures gave the treasurers report and copies were available.

Jeff Strempel Library Manager spoke about the City’s libraries. There are 6 libraries and a mobile library. (The Libraries scored 8 dots behind rubbish collection and bio diesel in the recent Good and Bad Workshop) Inside Noarlunga Library patrons will soon be able to use the new technology of wireless loop. Patrons bring along their laptop computers and connect to the Internet for free using the loop. There has been a library computer upgrade recently and in future people can receive notification regarding their book requests by email as well as the current system, which uses SMS and post. The library catalogue and Local History Collection of photos are both available on-line. Jeff also looks after the Art Centre at Port Noarlunga. It is proposed to build a rehearsal space at the rear of the Arts Centre. This will mean some loss of car park spaces at the rear of the building. But the car parks at the former Whipwell Restaurant site and at the side of the Arts Centre will be open for public parking. Jeff advised that there is to be a poetry festival here in July and in future the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra will be performing locally.

Jeff gave an update regarding the Roundhouse at Moana. Vanessa Catterall advised members that the owner of the Roundhouse at Moana was meeting with the Moana & Seaford Community Assn Inc Committee this evening at 8pm regarding his plans for the site.

The Forum had requested a written update regarding Lot 6 for this meeting – it was not supplied. At the forum meeting in November 2005 a Council staff member assured residents that Lot 6 would be open by Christmas 2005. Fencing looks finished - is it now open to the public? Jeff Strempel promised to provide an answer to the Forum.

Chair Ray Bailey gave a brief update regarding the former Sizzlers site at Morphett Vale, which has been proposed, as a poker machine venue. The proposal went to the EPA Court on March 6. The application was refused. (Update - The applicant appealed and the matter went to a Compulsory Conference on 6 March 2006. The Conference resumes Monday 24 April 2006.)

Chair Ray Bailey advised the Forum about road closures in O’Sullivan Beach which will mean that extra land will be added to the Tingira Reserve. Leaflets had been requested from Council regarding what’s happening in O’Sullivan Beach but they were not supplied. He also reminded the Forum that the last day to view the Foreshore Access Plan Stage 2 at the Arts Centre is on Thursday 23 March from 6 – 9 pm. Comments by 7 April 2006. He will try to get a speaker for the May Forum to speak about the bio diesel deport opening shortly at Birkenhead.

Peter Farrell, Christies Beach Caravan Park Residents Committee circulated copies of an open letter to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Onkaparinga. Peter also gave an update regarding the caravan park.

Annette Wilson addressed the Forum regarding Councils decision to move permanent residents from the Christies Beach Tourist Park. She circulated a paper titled - an Approximate Financial Review of the Christies Beach Tourist Park and explained the figures she has compiled to the members of the Forum. Deb McGorm also addressed the Forum regarding her recent experience regarding moving from the Christies Beach Tourist Park. The Forum agreed to continue to try and assist residents at the Caravan Park.

Some information regarding a Category 2 development on the Esplanade and Witton Road Christies Beach was pinned to the notice board for forum members to view. The Forum will make a submission regarding concerns with traffic and height restrictions.

The new developments at Seaford Meadows and Aldinga were discussed. Forum members felt there were not enough infrastructures – schools, doctors etc to support the new population.

The proposed base trail round Witton Bluff was discussed briefly.

Charles Bures attended web training at the Council offices to enable the Forum’s to update the Council web site regarding the Forum dates and topics. Central Coast Community Forum is the first forum to have their details on the web site. It can be viewed at


Meeting Closed 9pm Next meeting 7pm Wednesday 24 May 2006