SCENE 1: In the Classroom

PROPS: Table, water bottle, answer page. The bottle and page are both on the table.

(GUSTAVO is alone in his classroom, talking his thoughts out loud)

GUSTAVO: For some reason I always to bring my water bottle to recess (he reaches for it and takes it off the table). Whoa! What’s this? The answers to the big math test? Thank you very much, Mrs. Thompson! (he takes the answer sheet and leaves)


SCENE 2: At Home

PROPS: Two math text books: one for each sister to hold during this scene.

(GINA and CECI ENTER, center-stage)

GINA: Hey, Ceci; can you help me study for the big math test?

CECI: Sorry, sis. I’ve got a bunch of big tests myself that I have to study for. Haven’t you been doing your math homework?

GINA: Yeah, but there’s a lot of stuff I still don’t understand. I guess I’m just not very good at math.

CECI: That’s not true, Gina. You’ve always been good at math.

GINA: Yeah, but this year the math is extra hard.

CECI: Just keep working hard and do your best to understand those math problems and you’ll do okay, Gina. I know you will.

GINA: Thanks, Ceci. I’ll keep trying my best.

SCENE 3: At School

PROPS: Answer sheet, school folder for Gustavo

(GUSTAVO and Gina ENTER, center-stage. GUSTAVO is holding the answer sheet inside his school folder.)

GUSTAVO: Are you ready for the big math test, Gina? It’s tomorrow, you know.

GINA: I know. I don’t think I’m quite ready yet, but I’ll work hard and do my best. Don’t even think about trying to copy from me though!

GUSTAVO: I won’t. I don’t need to copy from you, anyway.

GINA: What are you talking about, Gustavo? You always copy my answers! You’re even worse than me at math because you never do your math homework.

GUSTAVO: (mad) Oh yeah? I guarantee I will get an “A” on this test! (GUSTAVO starts to exit, but accidentally lets the answer sheet slip from his school folder and fall to the floor on his way out).

GINA:(she sees the answer sheet fall, so she picks it up.) Hey Gustavo, you dropped something. (she starts to hand it to him, but sees what it is) It’s the answer sheet!

GUSTAVO: (quickly snatches the answer sheet out of GINA’S hand) Uh, thanks.

GINA: How did you get it?

GUSTAVO: I’m not telling you! But don’t worry . . . I’m going to make a bunch of copies of it. I’ll sell you a copy for a dollar.

GINA: (suddenly very hopeful) You will?




BOBBI JO: Hi, Gina! Hey, you look a little confused. What’s the matter?

GINA: Well, maybe I need some advice.

BOBBI JO: Okay. What’s the problem?

GINA: The problem is that I’m not very good at math and I just found out that Gustavo has the answer sheet to the big math test tomorrow. Should I buy a copy from him?

BOBBI JO: No way, Gina! Don’t even think about doing that.

GINA: But I’m not good at math.

BOBBI JO: But that’s cheating, Gina, and cheating goes against God’s will for your life.

GINA: (disappointed) Yeah, I guess.

BOBBI JO: Well, see you later, Gina. Good luck on the big test!

GINA: Thanks.


SCENE 4: At School

PROPS: Answer sheet copies for Gustavo, dollar bill for Anna

(GUSTAVO and GINA are center-stage)

GUSTAVO: Well, today is the big day, Gina. I’ve got a copy of the answer sheet right here for you. Did you bring a dollar?

GINA: Yes, I have a dollar. But I’m not going to buy an answer sheet because that would be cheating and cheating goes against God.

GUSTAVO: It sounds like you’ve been talking to your sister, or maybe Bobbi Jo. Okay then, I’ll just sell them to students who want to get an “A.”

GINA: I should tell Mrs. Thompson that you stole her answer sheet!

GUSTAVO: Go ahead. I’ll just say you’re the one who stole it and you’re just lying to get me in trouble.

GINA: OOOOH! You make me so mad!



GUSTAVO: Hey, Anna, want to buy a copy of the big math test answer sheet? It’s only a dollar.

(MR. SMITH, the principal ENTERS)

ANNA: Okay. (she hands him a dollar bill and gets a copy of the answer sheet)

MR. SMITH: Excuse me, young man. May I see what you just sold this student?

GUSTAVO: (scared to death) Uh-uh-uh . . .Mr. Smith!

MR. SMITH: Hmm . . . a copy of a math test answer sheet. That’s cheating! You both are going to have to come with me to my office at once. Let’s go.


SCENE 5: At Home

(CECI is center-stage. GINA excitedly comes running in.)

GINA: Ceci! Ceci! I got an “A” on the big test!

CECI: I guess hard work pays off after all.

GINA: It sure does! And I guess standing up for God pays off too.