Neither do I!

“NEITHER DO I” by Kirk Henneberry


• Devil

• Spokesman for the group

• Group of people laughing and having a party

• Person to minister at the end


• Group of people laughing and having a party in a generalized area of the stage.

• Devil is at the opposite end of the stage making contortions with his face and wringing hands.

Spokesperson: (quieting others down) "Hey, who are you?"

Devil: "I'm the Devil."

Spokesperson: (with approval from the group) "We don't believe in the Devil."

Devil: "Neither do I." (Group laughs and jeers at the Devil) Then the Devil begins

to play with an imaginary ball of putty, stretching and pulling it.

Spokesperson: (Again quiets others) "Hey, what is that?"

Devil: (Tosses imaginary putty on group) "This is sin."

Spokesperson: (Group grimaces and mutters the word sin) "We don't believe in sin."

Devil: "Neither do I." (Group laughs again making fun of him) Then the Devil grabs an imaginary rope and ties it around the spokesman's hands. He rounds up everyone into one large group and runs around them tying them up.

Group members are turned to face out and interlock their arms to form a complete circle.

The Devil completes his task by tying one last knot.

Spokesperson: "Hey what are you doing?"

Devil: "I'm putting you in bondage."

Others in group: "We're free."

Spokesperson: "We don't believe in bondage."

Devil: "Neither do I." (Group gives a hesitant laugh-not boisterous as in previous times) The Devil lets out a little slack in the rope then pulls on it, at the same time the group makes a small lunge forward as if actually being pulled by a rope.

Spokesperson: "Where are you taking us?"

Devil: "I'm taking you to Hell!"

Spokesperson: (Panic begins to appear on the faces of the group) "Hell, well we don't believe in Hell."

Devil: "Neither do I." (The Devil pulls with one last effort and the whole group

lunges forward with horror stricken faces as they are pulled into Hell -everyone


A person preferably in back of the group is the break character and step out front and share Christ. Perhaps in this way: "Even as the wind blows and we cannot see it Neither can we see God or Satan, The Bible says, 'that Satan comes to steal, kill, and to destroy, but Jesus came to give us life,' You have a decision to make today; whether you will serve God or Satan.”