RENT THE LOFT: All rentals rates are for two hours, with 15 minutes before and after for set-up and cleaning. Longer rentals will be prorated. Rentals are based on availability and are subject to the sole discretion of management. Each rental will include ONE pre-event meeting with the Loft staff at a mutually-agreed-upon time. Additional meetings may result in extra fees.

INSURANCE: All groups renting The Loft Cinema are required to provide a certificate of liability insurance in the amount of no less than $1 Million with The Loft Cinema named as an additional insured.



Screen 1 includes: 500 Seats, 35mm projection, BluRay, DVD and laptops, PA system with 3 microphones, stage lights, follow spotlights

Screen 2 includes: 90 Seats, 35mm projection, BluRay, DVD and laptops, PA system with 1 microphone. Newly renovated, with new seats and sound.

Screen 3 includes: 98 seats, DCP, Blu Ray, DVD and laptops, PA system with 1 microphone. Brand new, with state-of-the-art sound and projection. (Available beginning 11/16/12.)

Anything to be projected needs to be tested at least a week in advance before we can plan on playing it for an audience.

SUBMISSIONS: All rental requests must be submitted on the form below by fax to 520-319-1912, by email to , or by mail or delivery to The Loft, 3233 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85716.

SCHEDULING: We will make every attempt to accommodate your requested date but rentals are subject to availability. No rentals will be confirmed until a signed contract has been received by The Loft.


Cancellation by renter within two weeks of the scheduled date is non-refundable.

FOOD: Outside food is not allowed without special permission and may result in a $100 fee. The concession stand will be open during all events. Special concession packages and catering (including beer, wine and pizza) can be arranged through The Loft. The Loft will keep all concession revenue. NO outside drinks are permitted.

This event is a private booking and is not sponsored or promoted by The Loft Cinema. This must be made clear by the renter in all publicity, advertising and marketing of the event.

Please provide a contact person that can be made public.

Rentals for political events in no way reflect the views of The Loft or The Loft staff, and no political or partisan literature can be distributed in the theatre except during the hours of the actual rental.

Renters will be required to sign a contract that includes a provision for paying for any damage

or for leaving the theatre in a condition that requires additional cleaning resulting from their rental.




Address: ______

Contact Person: ______Phone: ______Alternate Phone: ______Fax ______

Date and time requested: ______Alternate Dates/times: ______

Theater requested: ____ Downstairs ____ Upstairs __ Garage

Event description: ______

____ Private event ____ Public event If public: ___Free tickets OR Ticket price: $______

Equipment required: ______

Concession/Catering special requests: ______

Submitted by: ______Title: ______Date submitted: ______


**Non-profits receive 40% discount on all rates**

All rates below are for 2 hour blocks, with 15 minutes before and after for set-up and clean-up.

Screen One (500 seats)

Monday – Thursday, 6:30AM – 6:00PM: $600

Monday – Thursday, 6:00PM – 9:30PM: $800

Monday – Thursday, 9:30PM – Midnight: $600

Friday – Sunday, 6:30AM – Noon: $600

Friday – Sunday, Noon – 6:00PM: $800

Friday – Sunday, 6:00PM – 9:30PM: $1500

Friday – Sunday, 9:30PM – Midnight: $1000

Screen Two (upper level, 90 seats)

Monday – Thursday, 6:30AM – 6:00PM: $450

Monday – Thursday, 6:00PM – 9:30PM: $600

Monday – Thursday, 9:30PM – Midnight: $450

Friday – Sunday, 6:30AM – Noon: $450

Friday – Sunday, Noon – 6:00PM: $600

Friday – Sunday, 6:00PM – 9:30PM: $800

Friday – Sunday, 9:30PM – Midnight: $700

Screen Three (new space, 98 seats)

Monday – Thursday, 6:30AM – 6:00PM: $500

Monday – Thursday, 6:00PM – 9:30PM: $700

Monday – Thursday, 9:30PM – Midnight: $500

Friday – Sunday, 6:30AM – Noon: $500

Friday – Sunday, Noon – 6:00PM: $700

Friday – Sunday, 6:00PM – 9:30PM: $1000

Friday – Sunday, 9:30PM – Midnight: $800


Patio: Our outdoor screening space is available to rent for two hours

Tickets: Renter can opt to have tickets sold at Loft box office or through The Loft’s website for a fee of 5% of the ticket price PER ticket. An additional $1 fee is charged directly to the customer for every online ticket sale, which The Loft keeps. The Loft can create numbered hard tickets for your event for a $20 fee.

Outside Bar: Renter may have private access to a patio cash bar for an additional $25 per hour fee. The Loft keeps all alcohol and concession sales revenue.

Tech Tests: The Loft will meet ONCE with renters for a technical test; all additional meetings will require a $20 per hour fee, with a one hour minimum fee to be charged. Any meetings require 72 hours notice.

Flyers and Other Marketing: Flyers and slides may be created ahead of time by The Loft, for a $50 fee per item created. Promotion of your event will be included free of charge in The Loft’s monthly calendar and on The Loft’s website, as long as information is provided in a timely manner. Additional underwriting (calendar ads, pre-show slides) may also be purchased at our regular rates.

Security: Renter may choose to book NPPS Security for the duration of the event for a $12.50 per hour fee, with a 4 hour minimum.

Volunteers: If you would like Loft Cinema volunteers to rip tickets or otherwise assist your event, please let us know ASAP and we will try to accommodate your request.

Trailers: The Loft reserves the right to play up to five trailers of upcoming films and events before your rental. Only appropriate titles will be promoted.