/ Request for Proposals (RFP) N° 2012/HSE/SID/0001
IHR Implementation Course
Technical Proposal Template

IHR implementation course - Request for Proposals

Annex III - Technical Proposal Template

The technical component of your proposal should be concisely presented and structured in the following order to include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following information:


Explain the way it understands the objectives of this project.


Include any assumptions as well as comments on the data as indicated in the key requirements, or as you may otherwise believe to be necessary.

2.1 Development, update and improvement of the existing curriculum

Include a detailed description of the manner in which the firm/institution would respond to key requirements.

2.1.1 Review, update and improvement of design and contents of existing learning activities (of both distance learning and face-to-face components)

Provide details on your proposed approach/methodology towards reviewing, updating and improving the design and contents of existing learning activities.

The list and detailed description of learning activities under each topic is included in Annex 1: Course Specifications, recommendations for improvement are included in Annex 3: 3rd IHR Course Evaluation Report).

Details are to be provided by the bidder either for the whole curriculum or for the topics it intends to provide (as stated in RFP_2012-HSE-SID-XXX_RFPCompleteness.doc form).

2.1.2 Review, update and prioritization of resource materials

Provide details on your proposed approach/methodology for reviewing, updating and prioritizing resource materials to be read by participants during the distance learning component of the course.

2.1.3 Development of new contents and associated learning activities

Indicate weather you estimate new contents (and associated learning activities) should be developed or not. In the affirmative, list and briefly describe the new contents (and associated learning activities) needed, including the rationale for any new content proposed.

2.1.4 Design and development of specific evaluation tools

Provide details on your proposed approach/methodology for designing and developing specific evaluation tools.

2.2 Course delivery

2.2.1 Course delivery during distance learning component

Explain how you intend to play your role in delivery (or coordination of delivery) of virtual lectures via "Elluminate" and moderation of discussions between participants through e-discussion forums.

2.2.2 Course delivery at face-to-face

Describe your approach/methodology on facilitation and co-facilitation of sessions, as well as on debriefing of assignments completed by participants during the distance learning component.

In addition, explain how you intend to contribute to the smooth running of the face-to-face component as a whole.

2.3 Tutoring of participants and evaluation of their acquisitions through out the course

2.3.1 Tutoring/support to participants at distance

Describe your approach/methodology on tutoring/support to be provided to participants, individually.

2.3.2 Facilitation/stimulation of group work at distance

Explain how you intend to facilitate group work at distance.

2.3.3 Evaluation of participant's acquisitions through out the course

Explain your approach/methodology regarding evaluation of participants acquisitions through out the course.

2.4 Contribution to the development of a respectful, warm and stimulating learning atmosphere though out the course

Explain how it intends to contribute to the development of a respectful, warm and stimulating learning atmosphere though out the course.

2.5 Contribution to the smooth overall communication and coordination

Explain how you envision your contribution to the smooth overall communication and coordination between various actors involved in this project.


The IHR implementation Course start and end dates having been set by WHO (04 March to 28 July 2013), the bidder shall consider the following project implementation schedules as non modifiable:

Activity / Deadline /
Finalized course material uploaded on the training platform / 18-26 February 2013
1st Distance learning component delivery / 4 March - 26 May 2013
Break period / 27 May - 30 July 2013
Face-to-face session delivery / 1-12 July 2013
End of course / 28 July 2013
Grading of participant's final work / 11 August 2013

Based on the above timeline, propose remaining/additional project and implementation schedules indicating start and completion along with key deliverables and milestones.


Describe the composition of the team which you propose to provide, with their qualifications, experience - to be accompanied by their curriculum vitae.

Specify the role each team member is expected to play in the project, in particular Project Manager, as well as the approximate percentage of time each team member is expected to dedicate to the project.

Entity Name:
Mailing Address:
Name and Title of Authorizing Officer:
Signature: Date:
Stamp or Seal (if relevant):

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